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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. it looks like a fender/curbow b*stard child, hows it play?
  2. McCormacks have one in Glasgow but it has been there for yonks, I played it and had to say it was a massive dissappointment, poorly built and poor sounding.
  3. I noted your love of EMGs and as i like your playing style and sound (metalish without orrible clanckyness) i thought they were definately worth my xmas cash. Dan (another one)
  4. I may be wrong bout the setup, was my Dad who ordered it, I will drop Peavey an email but as i say prob solved by me wielding a soldering iron and I plan to put EMGs or Wizards in it soon
  5. I have looked through stuff in the past i was just curious as to any reason i shouldnt combine the DC or CS with the P, thanks CtB
  6. [quote name='finnbass' post='132146' date='Feb 1 2008, 07:23 PM']The fault lies with Peavey. Thomann don't even unpack them, nor should they be expected to at the price they sell them for. They are very good at replacing duff gear though in my experience. It's cheaper for them to replace, than check before sending.[/quote] they claim to set up all instruments before sending, but it wasnt the most obvious fault without prying so I didnt expect them to have found it. I guessed the fault lay with Peavey, I am not hugely fussed, was cheap as chips and I always planned to upgrade the pickups
  7. Hello folks, Looking in to pups for my Peavey 6er, the current ones seem to be EMG 40 casing size. I am looking for some thing to give a rock/metal sound mainly so was interested in a 40DC at the bridge if i go down the EMG route. I was curious to know if anyone had combined one of these with a 40P at the neck? good plan or bad? I do like a Pish sound but i think one at the bridge wont have enough of an edge for metal. thoughts? Any other suggestions would be good, thinking about combining these with an ACG01 preamp, birthday money is burning a hole in my pocket
  8. I thought i was going mad, couldnt work out the controls on my Peavey Grind 6. Apparently two volumes and two tones but it sounded like i wasnt getting anything from the neck pup. Got a wiring diag from Peavey (quick and helpful) but all seemed ok. Though must be a bust pot but not fussed cause i want to upgrade the electronics soon anyhow. Took the pup out today to have a look see if it could be rewound by wizard...well lets say it came out further than expected: [attachment=5336:DSC00921.JPG] [attachment=5337:DSC00923.JPG] yup thats right wire severed clean through by the pickup. I have bodged this up with an amateur solder job and all is well but I am shocked this happened either at the Peavey factory or with Thomann and that it was never picked up.
  9. how cheap is cheap? the overwater padded leather ones are bout £27 i think and very comfy
  10. needing anyone killed for this?
  11. Dr Bass cabs can handle a fair oomf of wattage i believe, 1000W ish on the bigger cabs
  12. think i am going to look to Wizard when upgrading the pups in my peavey 6er
  13. [quote name='Muppet' post='123701' date='Jan 20 2008, 10:54 AM']I have Sennheiser HD205s and have no problem with the bass. I'm wondering if it is the setup that you have on your Tascam. You can change the 'mix' level between the original source and your bass sound in the menus without having to resort to increasing or decreasing the input or output levels. I'd be surprised if any standard set of headphones couldn't handle the output from a Tascam.[/quote] As i say i fixed it and they cope fine, fiddling with levels and all is well. so i will wait to upgrade, there's no longer rush
  14. [quote name='dood' post='92983' date='Nov 22 2007, 08:32 PM']ok try this... go to your mate's computer whilst he is away.. and whilst on their desktop hit the "print screen" key on the keyboard.Now, run paint and select edit > paste - yeah you know that bit..easy. Save the picture somewhere safe that you now have.Don't close paint just yet Ok here's the fun bit.. go back and cut all the icons from the desktop.. dump em somewhere hidden.. you could even delete them. Next bit... set the picture you have just saved as the desktop background. (you can do this from within paint) YOu should have a desktop that now looks exactly like it did before you started messing about.. (close paint, obviously) just watch your mate try to open his icons though.. hawww hawww hawww...[/quote] do the same with a program window and watch them try to close the window down for a good five minutes
  15. i may try the bose at some point but as i sy i cant wear in ear phones cause i got my tragus pierced
  16. cant decide black or white...it'll just have to be checks wont it, or half an half.
  17. Panic is over for the mo, fiddling with it yesterday I can make it work fine with my HD202s by cutting the input pretty low (for some unknown reason i hadnt tried this...doh) The sound aint great but is good so will do me till i can save up get some nice new ones. I may look at the shure or bose ones but my tragus piercing has to heal first as i cant wear in ear phones at the mo
  18. old news but always awesome
  19. I got a lovely '88, heavly modded with 27 piercings. Keeps refinishing her hair in new paintjobs purple to blue recently lovely bottom end and plays like some kinda insane dream
  20. Aint gigged in a bit but i do like a bit o kilt wear, I have two now as well a tartan one and a plain black one (no that aint a skirt....do you want a steely in the teeth) As I am in metal bands now i think i we gig the black kilt will be out but for Ankou my black metal band the clobber may have to be leather studs and face paint ala immortal, emperor, dimmu etc
  21. count me in for a fiver of my student overdraft PM me if and when you want this paypal'd
  22. Delano wont fit a grind, grind sixer pickups are the same dimensions as the EMG 5 string 40s
  23. Those Sennheisers look good for the money, Beyers seem nice but they are pushing my price range (though I did see DT250s for £69) Do the eH350 really handle bass well, I dont want to waste 40quid, have you ever found them lacking or farting out on you?
  24. great stuf, saw some vids of her months back but I am now more impressed Never realised she was only 2ft tall tho
  25. see if i A) wasnt poor and B ) didnt already have a six
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