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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. no one else, come on I know alot of you use these or similar
  2. Having received a lovely tascam bass trainer for my christmas i need a better set of headphones. my sennheiser HD202s cant handle the bass, they fart at an usable volume. recommendations? i dont want to spend a fortune so cheaper the better if they will work well. should i get a set of the cheaper sennheiser closed headphones? are shure e2s gonna be any good? advice appreciated Dan
  3. depends on the type of metal, I am really into my black metal at the mo for which the moves are either a menacing dour stoic look or hand out holding the invisible heart of your foe, tongue out and manic eyes ala Immortal or similar. other than the headband like f*ck. though careful when i saw 1349 their bassist got his hair caught in his tunning pegs and ripped a huge chunk out mid set, kept going without flinching thought...now thats true metal.
  4. look around you was a f*ckin hilarious program, series one was like all the science vids you get but surreal bollocks and series two was all tomorrows world spoofy
  5. oh dear...
  6. where did you buy them from , sound like what i might need for my 6er
  7. tell her to sit on the corner of ur cab next time
  8. GuitarGuitar used to stock alot of Nemesis, might have some left
  9. apologise for a bit of necro-thread-mancy but thought this was the best place to say: hey Lisa just checked out your band, awesome, hope you come to Scotland some point
  10. two words for teh Bacchus...me...want...
  11. Peaveys are nice and compact, small body and thin neck. also not to heavy. I am 5'8'' but only 7 and a half stone and i have really really small hands and i get on fine with my peavey six string (35" scale)
  12. hmm BCs i almost like, noice
  13. Looking at that bass and not owning it makes me cry a little inside. I want something, then I want bigger hands lol (I have midget hands!)
  14. the youtube guy essentially built a pile of crap that happened to have strings, apparently it didnt even work
  15. Damn you I had just decided i wasnt going!!!! If i had known earlier wudda got the days off work
  16. yummy, thats a beast!
  17. if you could get upto Scotland you can have my old trace AH150 and peavey 115 BW for £300
  18. why, because you can... it gives a wide range of notes for composition, allows more/different chords to be formed etc
  19. it took me a couple of combos to get one that worked, but the second had got beaten up in the shop. the first though just cut out on me
  20. definately the burlesque of bass porn
  21. balls, i'd love a go, but i have a party to be at back in Stirling, ah weel, next time. Have a good one
  22. if i hadnt already splashed out to much cash
  23. Just received my loopstation from Alex, great guy to deal with, pedal is in great condition and was very well packed,
  24. I'll try be there, not my kinda music really but i wanna perv the s-cut
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