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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. and now you get airlifted into gigs? id dont see the muckle helecopter listed there
  2. cant wait to see the final result of this, gonna be purty
  3. not at all hard but I have been mucking around with bits of Amon Amarth to use the low B on my 6er: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJF9yfuExCU"]Amon Amarth - Fate Of Norns[/url]
  4. usually two (index middle), three if i want speed or am playing around (3-2-1-3 type pattern), thumb and three fingers for chordal stuff, thumb index and middle the odd occassion i slap and some times just thumb or just index for slow stuff like reggae
  5. wer are you based, i might consider letting my trace half stack go for £300
  6. hmm will definatley consider when i find out what my bills are this month and how many text books i need to buy for uni.
  7. on my 35" string thru sixer I have just dropped from a .135 to a .130 cause overall the set was to tight, the .135 was a seriously tight B
  8. GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS if i get back to gigging i can see me blowing my overdraft on one of these
  9. just put a dog lead on it and take it for a walk down the street
  10. just to say i get lessons from Mark, he is a great bloke friendly and a really good teacher. (whats that Mark, 10% of my next lesson, thanks very much )
  11. shame the music on Kerrang is balls used to buy the mag but now if i want my dose of metal I bu metal hammer or terrorizer to avoide the avalanche of emo scene shoite. oh yeah...bass related...I like warwicks
  12. looks, attempts to take in, contemplates...head explodes lurvly stuff
  13. bass is looking awesome, cant imagine how you feel alex...i cant wait for this to be finished never mind you lol liking the car to, that thing is more than twice as old as me!
  14. that warwick looks a damn beast
  15. arg, they are too narrow for my bass unfortunatelly, i ideally nead 102-4 x 38-40mm (sorry for the 2mm tolerance, i am drunk) ah well these wudda been a great purchase at that price if they fitted.
  16. hmm may well fit my sixer, I dont have it here so cant check till 2moro but i could well be interested. are they really as curved as they look in the pic? my current pups arent radiused.
  17. my peavey microbass has no real trouble with a low B unless you really wallop it
  18. what are the dimensions of the Barts? thanks
  19. offers anyone, decided the tone aint for me, and until i get back to gigging this is surplus to requirement
  20. what a load of crap, just give them to me now and we will say nothing about it
  21. the new iceman guitar i saw in a mag looked awesome, almost and curved top type thing going on
  22. the only thing that 13string monstrocity is good for is hitting the arse of a maker with
  23. remember when combining fretted and harmonics that you need to arch oyur fingers so they arent damping the strings, harmonics need to ring both between you finger and the bridge and finger and nut. mid boost, strong fingers, playing nearer the bridge and a load of practice are all you need other than that also, correct me if I am wrong, but was Amazing grace not played on a tenor (ADGC)???
  24. like it, noice stuff, I need to get back into a band
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