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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. holy sh*t sweet bejebus, that is luverly
  2. ok well that is my student loan for 4 years spent, i must have a 6er of that, it looks fan-blooody-tastic
  3. think this is the wrong section mate anyhoo I am 5'8''/9'' ish Look for something smallish body (ie not fender) I like Peavey. Shorter scale may also help though I play 34" and 35". Adjust strap/ posture, the positioning could bet he problem rather than the bass. I found raising the bass quite high helped (so when i stood it was the same as sitting) hope this helps, you need to specify the discomfort really
  4. If they sound nearly as good as they look they must be great
  5. [quote name='douglas81' post='44945' date='Aug 13 2007, 06:50 PM']Really no one interested in buying this bass? No one even want to make me an offer?[/quote] £5, a pair of socks and some chewing gum (flavour can be negotiated) ... it is all i can afford
  6. are you needing any organs at the moment, take your pic as a trade
  7. that beast is so beautiful it makes me hate you...lol
  8. I will post some piccies soon, my current bugetish setup is: Peavey Grind BXP NTB 6, Peavey G-bass, Peavey Grind BXP (not NTB) 4, late 80s Trace AH150 GP11 MkV, Peavey 1x15 BW.
  9. PEAVEY, the milestones are worth the money and a bit more. If you are wanting even cheaper Albas seem ok, my dad has one of the dirt cheap tele guitars and it is atleast as good as a low end squier and better than stagg or similar imo. Well worth £50ish
  10. [quote name='The Funk' post='34849' date='Jul 20 2007, 06:37 PM'] These guys crack me up. Are they [i]never[/i] sued?[/quote] i am pretty sure there have been law suits in the past regarding either their pedals or their amp heads...or both
  11. ^Damn you dude, i dont need a bass and a i didnt want a fender but [url="http://craftedinjapan.co.uk/photo_992594.html"]this[/url] and [url="http://craftedinjapan.co.uk/photo_995848.html"]this[/url] are be-a-utiful!
  12. so would a set of Villex pups with their mid control and my current passive treble cut be better than say some Barts and a John East pre? in you opinion obviously as no-one could catagorically(*sp) say what is better.
  13. I saw this a few months back, seems an interesting but very expensive instrument
  14. damn i wish i had the money...or any money...or a justifiable need
  15. [quote name='Geddys nose' post='31612' date='Jul 13 2007, 11:08 PM']Well to be honest its a business practice everyone uses from cars to basses,[/quote] many companies have products "influenced" by previous or opposing products but behringer where supposedly completely nicking designs and technology
  16. Aparently Isaac Newton played upright bass!!! Jonny Depp plays some bass to, rumor had it he was going to play Jaco Pastorius in a biog type film but i think that was all bull
  17. hmm thanks for the move, i was unsure as i said, and thanks for the suggestion will consider villex when i have some money saved, would you recommend installing villex pups and one of those twiddly tone knobs that was reviewed here? the bass has two tone knobs already for some unbeknown reason as it doesnt seem to need more than one. More suggestions appreciated -Dan
  18. Dunno if this is the right part of the forum, please move if not I am thinking of saving for some new pickups for my Peavey Grind NTB 6 I got the bass cause it was really cheap for a sixer (from Thomann). It is pretty well built and i like the woods and dimension etc. but the electronics are a bit guff. I am thinking about saving for a John East pre but i want new pups to. Only thing is they seem to be awkward size. I think they are the same width as normal soap bars but they are 105mm long. All 6 string soapbars are 115mm long. I could always get some and get the bass routed but i like to rest my thumb on the pickups some times and i dont know if the reach would be comfy. Any suggestions? I would be willing to get it routed but if some one knows of smaller soapbars or affordable custom sized pups i would be grateful.
  19. Thats crap man, seriously balls, it is that kinda stunt that gives Glasgow such a bad name, that and the stabbing. I will keep an eye out next I am in Glas, see if the appear in a pawn shop or second hand. Even worse though they may end up bodged into a ned car pumping out dance music
  20. what rig you gonna be using to handle that frequency range, particularly all the way down to a C#???
  21. I aint sure if i want to part with this but then again i also aint sure i like the tone as much as i originally thought. It is a Trace Elliot AH150 GP11 MkV, late 80s i believe few marks to the vinyl and marks to the corners but no more than you would expect from an amp that is almost 20yrs old. I paid £300 for it I also have a Peavey BW cab, 1x15" 8ohm. similarly bit battered. paid £90 for it. prob be looking for £350ish pick up Glasgow or Dunblane or may persuade my dad to help me deliver within reason (central Scotland) any interest?
  22. double check (particulary if you are poking around with speakers etc) that there aint any loose solder joints, I had distortion problems with my Peavey BW cab and i thought it was everything from a bust speaker to a bust amp but in the end it was a simple as a rusted joint on the input jack of the cab.
  23. man i want a see through amp now
  24. holy sweet bejebus of funky punky rock that thing is so lurvly. If you ever sell it i will happily give you any organ you want (i mean any organ!)
  25. All you need now Dave is Victorinox sponsorship and you can call it a swiss army tool seriously though sounds like you have crafted a fine piece of kit.
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