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Posts posted by d-basser

  1. If these are good i would be interested (when i have cash) I am sick of my 15" and want to try some 12s.

    If anyone gets/tries Dr Bass cabs a review would be appreciated

  2. This sounds like an awesome idea, believe it or not a wee while back i was wondering to my self, with all these colourful DHA pedal will a pre amp surface and sure enough.

    BTW MoJ, i am having a listen to your band, nice stuff, bit otep/arch enemy with the female growl but the cleaner vocal sections lift it nicely, love growl but cant have it all the time.

  3. I aquired an early copy, bout a month ago. I think it is good but you can hear the road runner influence. Sounds a little more like modern metal which i am not sure is a good thing. It is a dirtier mix IMO, individual instruments dont stand out with the usual DT clarity. Still a very good album

  4. If you arent wanting to profit, just to see them reused find you local games workshop or similar geeky hobby store, they make great pieces in model and scenery building for tabletop gaming. man this is my sad side coming out again

  5. Looks good, I am considering (if i can muster the cash) getting one made but with a compression driver added for those highs, i PM'd JPJ and his prices are very reasonable.

    quick Q, how does the 12" handle lows? i will be playing a 6 string through it.

  6. I read somewhere (but damned if i can find it) that you could change the value of the input capacitor on a Boss CS-3 to make it more suitable for bass, at the moment i like what it does for the upper end but it saps the low end right out.
    I was wondering if anyone had the details of this mod? I wont be attempting it myself but i need to know what it is that needs changed and what it should be changed to.



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