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Everything posted by rodl2005

  1. Sounds plausible..............................................................................possible...????
  2. Is this Lakland DD P bass a Skyline or a USA made one? I'm just wondering whether to go 4 a DD skyline or not??????? Differences?
  3. I use my LMII(300w @ 8 ohms) into the 8 ohm Ag GS112 & it works fine & cuts thru a drummer fine. BUT no way would it compare to a 4x10 cab simply due to it being ONE 12" driver!!!! I've found it CAN be a bit small for a LOUD band, but generally, at rehearsals, the GS112 is fine & handles the volume easily. 2x GS112's IS 4 x as good tho! :-)
  4. has the '89 in the pics got piezo's in the bridge or sumthin'? What're the small round 'knobs' on the front of the bridge?
  5. I tred both US & Russ.(silver & Green) models... I found the Russ-Green-one to be more bassy sounding & def. sounded better for bass IMHO. ymmv tho!
  6. Sans amp BDI21 is a beauty-as is the Behringer copy-@ 1/8th the price!! The Boss ODB-3 is OK if U like it & IT CAN add more bass due to its EQ section-LOTSA BASS!!!!!!!!! Blend is the key. I find the Green Russian Big Muff works fine for me & I lose minimal-if any - bottom end, when adjusted right!
  7. I use my Green Russian Big Muff with both Active Stingray5 & passive P-bass....seems to be fine for both to me!
  8. I HAD the EXACT same prob with my Tribby L2000. As said above- I adjusted the P/ups & all's well- incredibly versatile bass that sounds great in all it's variations-but IT IS up to you alone. But if I were U I'd adjust the bass side of the pups down-the whole units & the individual pole pieces. I did-it worked!
  9. what about EDEN Nemesis amps? They're good & what do they go 4 in the UK?
  10. May've been the poor electrics of the venue. Pre amp tubes almost never need replacing-unless U wanna change em for a different tone or the like
  11. NIIIICE!!!!!!!!!!!! like to see the specs when available.
  12. Dunno wot happened to my 1st reply.... EBS... has a good point. unless U want the All tube Ampeg beauty to be there while U record all!!! ;-) I know I would. I'm in Aus. so no go there. Maybe [url="http://watfordvalves.co.uk"]watford valves[/url] could help point you in a helpful direction. link supplied
  13. EBS freak has a good idea there. Unless of course U want the Ampeg all tube beauty sound to be with U while U R recording all yr trax. BTW I'm in Aus. so can't help U re hiring Poss. Watford valves might help U locate someone??? [url="http://watfordvalves.co.uk"]W.V[/url] www.watfordvalves.co.uk is it I think---click on the W.V link???????
  14. The SVT2 I have & I s'pose the newer SVT2PRO-both 'rack mountable' have a smallish 'footprint' & IMO are EASY to pick up & move. I find my V4BH-even tho almost 1/2 the weight- just as hard to move, simply due to its shape(it's the exact same shape,size & design as the SVT-CL-but 40lbs instead of nearly 80lbs) I'm still debating whether to 'rack mount' my SVT2 due to it neing SO easy to move atm...& adding the rack case would add lbs & size. BUT would of course protect! hmmmmmmm. ???????? I'm the only one to load/move my amps so I don't have to worry there, but a stray mic stand etc could easily break off a knob, scratch etc... Hopefully I can find a small, light rack case that can handle the SVT2's 75lbs. BTW I'm 45 y.o. & NOT a big guy at all - 5'8" & i don't find handling the SVT2 hard at all, & the NV610 cab is easier to move than all the 410's I'd had B4.
  15. I got a SVT2 recently & it certainly has more GROWL than any amp I've ever had. I think it's punchier & cleaner-if U want it to be than the SVT-CL. apparently it's very similar in design circuit to the SVT-VR, The SVT2PRO is similar to the SVT-CL but with a graphic EQ & drive control...again I find my SVT2(non-pro) punchier. ALL are 300w all tube. The VR & MY SVT2 do not have a gain & master volume. Just a volume. The SVT-CL & SVT2PRO both have a gain/master vol. set up. +1......need to try as many as poss.
  16. +1 i've spoken to him-email- & he's great & definately knows his tube stuff!!!! Tube amps- make sure to let warm up for at LEAST 2 mins before turning standby on. Same when turning off-some say not to worry when turning off, but I ALWAYS do & never've had a problem. - change POWER tubes every 10+ yrs not every year or so as some say. USUALLY only when YOU notice the sound deteriorating. My last tube amp-they lasted 15yrs+-being used at about 1/2-2/3 volume about 2x/week. with a SVT2 I don't imagine you'll EVER be pushing the volume so the tubes should last YEARS. PRE amp tubes last 20+ yrs!!!I've NEVER had to change mine EVER!!!! - as with ANY amp thats being used regularly & U want it to stay in top condition...get it serviced & the bias on the tubes checked every year or two. - MAKE SURE you have a load(speaker plugged in-correct impedance ;-) ) on amp whenever it's turned ON ALWAYS-or output transformer can be toast!!!!! Make sure your speaker leads are good quality & in GOOD CONDITION!! if one goes while playing it's the same as having NO load!!!!!!!!! - don't throw 'em round!!! :-) just handle them a little bit more carefully than S.State amps. Do these SIMPLE steps & a BEAUTIFUL thick valve tone willbe yours forever!!!!!!!! ENJOY!
  17. Oh OK good to know....if U hear anything else, please let me know! I specifically don't use mine with my 8ohm EV 1x15" due to the 4/2 ohm only, but if that's the case......bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know!!!!!
  18. PRICE??????????? IMO..................................................LOTS!!!!!!!!!
  19. bASSJAM - Not s'posed to run 'em at 8 ohms. Don't do that too often. I ran mine at 4ohms when the 2 ohm botton was on & the sound was just "not right" I dunno - my very experienced tube tech has said that SOME amps are OK to do this with, but NOT a good idea if U want the amp to last!! Congrats on yr amp tho!!! U R right a great amp!!!!!
  20. I dunno whether ANY tube pre/s.s.power amp can "accurately replicate the original" sound of SVT's U need a tube power amp. BUT back to OT. PAiring up a B2RE & an Aggie DB cab would be AWESOME go 4 it!!!
  21. The SVT2PRO -as stated by DOOD had the 9 band graphic & drive & a few other more "modern' touches -like a GAIN knob & master vol. & most importantly has apparently a VERY different circuit...Not as simple- I'm NO tech BTW- So I could be wrong here... but I've heard..... it's a far simpler circuit, more similar to original SVT's of early '70's & similar to the NEW SVT-VR. I have compared the two-SVT2 & SVT2PRO..tho NOT in an A/B test at the same time. I played a SVT2PRO thru my BErgantino NV610 one afternoon & played MY SVT2 thru the NV610 later that night-BOTH in the same room, with the same bass. Just P.Bass into SVT2/SVT2PRO into Berg. NV610. MY results/findings were....... SVT2PRO was not as punchy as non pro SVT2 , was also- less clarity & less -hard to describe....but the SVT2 non pro seemed to be cleaner-showed more of the true colours of the P bass I was using. The SVT2PRO was a bit muddier(all controls flat) & seemed to be more "cluttered" I dunno how to describe it- As I say- PRO showed less of the personality ofthe bass. The SVT2- was/is.... superb-I liked it a LOT better than the 2PRO-MY opinion ONLY here tho- the controls work well, I admit tho in the 5 or so gigs I've done with it so far-I've not even used the Graphic EQ, OR the ultra Hi/LOW buttons. One LOUD gig we did, with NO F.O.H. PA support, I had the vol. on 4/10 & it was VERY loud So I won't be worrying about headroom. It sounds similar to my V4BH, only BIGGER & thicker!! THICK is actually a good word to describe it's tone..& it SITS perfectly in the mix-right where the bass should be! If U wanna cut thru-EASY either just hit the mids up a bit, or dig in more. It makes our band sound REAL powerful & sounds SUPERB thru the NV610. I'll do a more comprehensive review after I've used the amp a bit more & played with the controls. At most so far the controls have ended up at the following after a gig:- VOL- 4/10, Bass 5/10, Mid 6/10 Mid Freq 4/5( 800Hz IIRC), Treb.-5/10...... so U see I've gotten a GREAT sound by not doin much at all!!!!!!
  22. Here's a couple of pics of her!!! BODY [attachment=4227:DSC02505.JPG] & head [attachment=4228:DSC02500.JPG] &............Geeee I'm a CR@P photographer!!! [attachment=4229:DSC02502.JPG]Will try & get better whole shots later
  23. [attachment=4219:DSC02428.JPG] a close up
  24. I sold the BAssman 300PRO SAD to see it go!! Miss the 2 channel overdrive blend already!! The SVT2is superb tho. Not quite as much headroom tho, but still PLENTY!!!! Done about 5 gigs with it so far & still haven't really "twiddled" any knobs!! ;-) As I said-I'm a plug n play bassist really. Usually have Volume on 3/4 outta 10, bass flat-5/10, mids 6/10-mid freq 4/5(800hz I think), Treb. 5 & 1/2 outta 10. ulta hi & Lo off, haven't even used the 6 band graphic EQ yet. & the Pre/post D.I. works great- getting the SVT2 sound into the PA = GREAT!!!!!! [attachment=4218:DSC02427.JPG] here's a pic of it on the NV610!! Sounds SO good with this cab, I haven't tried it with the 1x15 & 4x10 or 1x12 yet!! :-( It's GREAt having to choose between using the Ampeg V4BH or the SVT2-BOTH sound very similar & I find myself taking the V4BH to gigs where we don't need HEAPS of vol. (have PA support) as then I can run the V4BH at JUST at break up point- where if I dig in it overdrives a bit, & if I play softer, it stays CLEAN!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then for li'l gig or for my jazz band- using my EUB, I use the LMII. Lovely amp too, but IMHO cannot compete with an ALL TUBE power amp!!!!
  25. +1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BASIC STUFF!!! Take it elsewhere
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