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Everything posted by rodl2005
Cost= $130 or so- labour-for my Tube tech!! NO parts. Just had to have the Schematics incl. wiring Diagram. Then work out where the 'spiderweb' of leads(the damn amp has 2 O.Trannies!!!!!) from the O.T.s went & where to attach 'em. Luckily we had the schem/wiring Dia. on PC so we could enlarge the pics & try & make sense of it. It took the both of us-admittedly me doing the 'labourer's jobs' - a couple of hours. Then the fan-which wasn't connected to the O.T. blew!!! So off to the elec store for a replacement! All in all, didn't cost much.( I s'pose about $190), took a while & a LOTTA worry, as SOME SVT2's cannot be converted & U have to buy a completely new/differrent O.T.!!!!! I was dreading this. But was 80% sure I had a model that COULD be converted!!! SEE thred on SVT2 arrives...... for more in gear-amps....
Neck feels SUPERB!! Feels similar to my EB stingray5 But a bit thinner of course. But feels nice & solid, smooth, fast & well just "quality". Has real EVEN vol. on all 4 strings, & the tones available are staggering. Will report after I've done a couple of gigs!
My L-2000 arrived yesterday!! What a tone machine!!!!! Unlimited different tones!! Pics to come
obvious answer - check ebay... See 'em regularly on US ebay....convert $$$$US to UK & add about 40% IMO!!!!!!
I'd definately go for the B2RE.... I don't think you'd find the B1RE to be much different-in fact it'd probly be quieter than the Hartke. I dunno? IMHO the Hartke's are Damn good amps-especially for the $$$$$ Sure you'll get a bit more volume & a different tone w/ the B2RE-should really be enough volume if U use efficient cabs( sorry I dunno much re the DR bass cabs) BUT if U REALLY want a new amp & the Ampeg B series is what U want-then go 4 it! I'd probly go for a new cab-with as much efficiency as poss. ( 100dB@1w/1m at least) most likely a 4x10" or a 2x12" & try that thru the HArtke amp-HA2500 1st....then if still more vol/better tone is required-then look at the new amp! I made the actual same move as you a cuppla yrs ago. Was sick of my tone & volume... got a B2R & a 4 x 10" SVT410HLF.. Great cab... But found I needed some tube sound-as that's what I'd been using all my life- so swapped the B2R on a SVT3PRO..... needed TUBE tone-IMHO Hybrid amps don't "do it for me" so I sold the 3PRO & now have an Ampeg V4BH(100w all tube) which is as loud as the B2R...maybe B2RE too, but only with an efficient cab) & also an SVT2-300w ALL tube-LOUD as F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway- which DR Bass cab are You lookin at? 4x10, 2x10, 2x12??????????????? Please tell & I'll advise U to the best of MY ability anyway! Good luck!!! Rod
I got a L-2000 Tribby coming this week!!!! Can hardly contain myself!!!!
I'm with many others here.... more cone area will give U FAR more volume than getting the bigger Mark bass amp! IME you'd need a 3-4000w amp to give U a lot more vol. I use the LMII into a BErgantino NV610 & I was amazed at how much LOUDER it is thru that cab compared to the 4 x 10 I was using!!! I also tried the LMII thru 2 LOUD (very efficient) 4 x 10 cabs & again = VERY loud!!! Get either more cone area or simply more efficient cabs to get more volume. Schroeder cabs are LOUD & efficient cabs.
Right! The B series amps are good IMHO! Which one are U thinking of- as I said I had the B2R & it was a NICE amp - had a GREAT tone & was nice & versatile!! I just needed an ALL tube tone-which I now have-again- I had that originally-just not an Ampeg SVT2!!! Tell me which B series amp it is & I can help U more if U like
4.5XL cab is a BEAST!! Probly thge best cab Hartke ever made IMHO!!!! The HA3500 is a nice amp too. Going at GREAT prices now too!!!
I own a '91 SVT2 (non-pro) similar in wiring to a VR. AFAIK the only real diff. I can tell comparing IT to a SVT-CL- ONE mine don't have a Master vol/gain set up- Just a Volume. Two- Mine seems a bit punchier than the CL's I've tried.... BUT that could've been t\due to the tubes in any of 'em. Haven't tried any '70's SVT's so No help there - sorry! Bump!! ;-)
Hi I used to own a B2R which has now been upgraded to a B2RE(350w now 450w @ 4 ohms) They're good amps & DO have tha AMPEG sound/tone.....but NOT the Ampeg TUBE tone. Your Hartke is 250w @ 4ohm ??? is that right? So IMHO you'd need to get at least double that to really notice much of a volume upgrade! More speakers/speaker area will give you a more noticeable vol increase. Are U using the Hartke AT 250W / at 4 ohms coz if U can adding another cab will add more volume than getting an amp thats only a cuppla 100 w more. old rule is:- U need 10x the wattage to get a double increase in volume!!!!! So if U can add a 4 10 cab to your existing rig you'll get a BIG increase in vol. On the other hand TUBE watts are a different matter. An Ampeg 300w ALL tube amp(not hybrid) will be a fair bit louder than what U got!!! Tell us what your rig is-cabs, bass etc-type of music played or going to be played & we can help U more. Rod
I'd add either a 1 x 15-as this adds big bottom-ask Spinal Tap. To the 2x10's crisp tops. Or a 1x12'' or a 2x12" I usually use a 1x12" with a 2x10 & they compliment eaCH OTHER NICELY -whoops- adding another 210 is OK also-just depends on what YOU like best. I'd go 12's & 2 of 'em if $$$ wasn't a problem! They give a nice bottom end, while not being too boomy as 15's can sometimes be-they sometimes get 'in the way' of a F.O.H. mix. In saying thAT I DO really like using my 1x15" & with the 2x10 equally so! Yhey're just different-not better/worse-up to each & every one of us!-Go out & try as many different combinations as possible.
AUSTRALIA-Selling my Fender Bassman 300PRO 300w. 8/4/2 ohms switchable. 6 x Svetlana 6550C, 3 x 12AX7 1x12AT7. This amp is 1 yr old so still has 4 yrs warranty left!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BARGAIN- $1900AU [url="http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0213302010"]http://www.fender.com/products//search.php?partno=0213302010[/url]
[quote name='bass_ferret' post='85201' date='Nov 8 2007, 12:25 AM']Donno! Ask again in english and you may get more helpful replies [/quote] I unnastood it purrfectly. 'n I'm from Awstraya. back 2 OT... the ebay links supplied by Gilmour sound like a good go... & if you wanna 'upgrade'/change etc later you can trade/sell & not lose!!!
rodl2005 replied to man_at_arms84's topic in Amps and Cabs
+1 to above post!!!! Sealed cabs sound like your bag! OR the Schroeder cabs- BIG 'uns like the 410 or 310212, or 412 even- the old 310212 handled 2400wRMS IIRC. I've the Fender 300PRO Bassman - which is a all tube version of your amp. YEAH It's LOUD too!!!! it made my old cab- a loud AMPEG SVT410HLF fart out at 1/3 volume. My Bergantino NV610 seems to 'handle' it far better-not that I've had it much PAST 1/3 volume ;-) The Ampeg 810 will be good, MArshall make a sealed 4x12" & a sealed 810 which are both s'posed to be GREAT cabs! I $$$$$ were no problem- EASY ONE Bergantino NV610 & ONE Bergantino NV215!!! ;-) -
[attachment=3365:SVT2.jpg]WOW what a beast!!!! I've got a Fender Bassman 300PRO(300w all tube) amp, but after having my Ampeg V4BH, THE TONE outta this just made me hanker for the Ampeg sound. So I watched Ebay USA & AUS. found a good [b]SVT2[/b] in USA, got it FED-EX'd out to Tasmania, converted the 110V to 240V(thanx to my FANTASTIC tube tech-Hutch) & she's good to go!!! I've only tried it at home-& not at any volume yet But this weekend I've 2 gigs where I'll be able to crank it!!! Will give a full review after this!!!! ps... the pic is the one the seller placed on ebay- I can't get my camera going until after the weekend. Will post pics of my own then too!
I don't really think picking up taxi's etc... is just low end gear- Our old rehearsal room was right in the centre of the city, & we used to get all the 'lads' chatting on their CB radio's- oh that was often VERY SAD!!!! This would come thru out Fender Twin, Marshall fjfiuf ??? can't remember-this was 1991 !!!!! Doesn't it have something to do with ppl acting as ariels -via the guitars if not earthed properly....sumink like that! OT- GLAD to hear the Laney 400w is a good one. I'll be pushing my local into getting one in.....I, too, won't be buying it tho
[quote name='gypsymoth' post='84008' date='Nov 5 2007, 03:18 PM']twenty british ponds to replace two fuses ?[/quote] GLAD SOMEONE finally pointed this out!!!!! Ye gad!!!! 5 pounds more like it! while you wait too! Glad U got it sorted for little $$$$ AND that the fuses saved the amps & yr ass!! But I always keep a few spare fuses with me, just in case a "knowledgeable" roadie turns, plugs or prods something he/she doesn't understand!
I LOVE AMPEG here too- I've a V4BH 100w all tube! Used to have a SVT3PRO, but had to get "back to my roots" all valve! Loved the 3PRO when I had it tho! & -again- you'll be fine with 2 8 ohm cabs or one 4 ohm cab. I had the 410HLF when I had my 3PRO- a great rig!
Good on you. There are plenty of options to buy when U R ready- & 2nd hand IS the way to go! IMHO
I dunno whether the M.BASS tube amp WOULD in fact sound "CLASS" it only weighs 21kg or summink, & AFAIK a LOTTA the tone of a good ol' tube amp cames outta the transformer..... I'd MUCH rather spend the same amount of $$$$ on a AMPEG SVT-VR or an old SVT !!! Dunno re the LANEY... dunno at all! I DO know the LMII is a nice sounding amp for an ALL solid state amp, but I'd FAR rather play my V4BH ANYDAY!!!!!! &, as stated above , I'm another one who's had all valve amps & heve used 'em regularly & while I've had 'em checked over/serviced every so-often- they've NEVER needed ANYTHING doing to 'em in 10yrs+!!!!!!!! After 15yrs the power tubes needed replacing-but this was after 2-3 gigs per week +1 rehearsal/week for 15 yrs!!! If my LMII does this too, then I'll be MIGHTAY IMPRESSED!!!!! & yes U R right - U can stick a valve in a turd & still get a turd- but at least it'd be a warm turd!! ;-)
[quote name='Toasted' post='78094' date='Oct 23 2007, 09:47 AM']I'm going to make a Berg cab one of my next purchases, I just need to decide on either the NV610 and the NV215. Argh.[/quote] If U want punch & clarity that sounds old school as well as modern???!?!?!?!?!? handles overdrive really well & is just plain AWESOME -go the NV610!!! If U want the big round less punchy but more 'bassy' effect of 15"s -still sounding awesome & able to sound modern-ish-due to the 6" driver in it-go the NV215!!! Or to settle it once & for all- GET BOTH!!!!! Thats what I'd do-if I could!! I'm SUPER happy with my NV610! Such a GREAT cab-makes ANY other cab I've had seem not as defined, too crisp, not as punchy, boomy, AND awkward to manouver! This is easy - just tilt roll, tilt & push into the car/van! I virtually NEVER have to lift it!
The Fender valve pre Fender TBP-1 is a nice one! I know of a few ppl who are VERY impressed with theirs. I tried on myself a while back & I was super impressed with it. Nice tubey tones, & will overdrive if U want it to, & won't if U don't want. :-)
U got GAS!!! Thats a given! I can't tell U whether or not U like the sound of a particular amp etc..... But, YES U R going MAD!! ;-) ANYONE with GAS IS! I know I am!