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Everything posted by rodl2005
also see if it's a SVT410HLF - they're a great cab. SVT15E is a good 'un too! Really need to know which. The 410HLF IS 500w so it might be that one! I know from personal experience That cab is 500w & is GREAT BUT it's 4 ohms & the SVT3PRO only goes down to 4 ohms.....so U wanna hope it aint that cab & is an 8 ohm cab, & so is the 15"-so U can run 'em both for full power!!! One thing-with the 3pro-many say it's a quiet sounding 450w amp & it can be(I found it plenty tho) BUT if U find U need more volume-(headroom)- engage the Graphic EQ-keep all the EQ sliders flat if U dont wanna change the tone- but slide the graphic EQ LEVEL slider-far right side one- all the way up!!!!! This Makes the 3PRO SOUND like the 450w amp that it is! Doesn't hurt it at all either! I did this w/ mine anytime I needed more headroom-which wasn't often! Good luck.
rodl2005 replied to BargyBass's topic in Hardware & Accessories
Great review Bargy.... I'm currently thinkin of getting either these or the alnico ones with the 4 polepices-BL ones from Dusty's too. Thanx. Any more info to offer??? Rod. -
They have-as I mentioned on previous post in this thread- a "take'" on the SVT2PRO called the NUKE or summink- Its 2500w not 1000w as I stated---so I assume its the Europower pwr amp inside a SVT2 'mimicked' front! Heh!
[quote name='alexclaber' post='40155' date='Aug 1 2007, 06:26 PM']rodl2005, maybe you could put that stuff about valve amps in your signature, save you retyping it so often. Alex[/quote] Yeah I could.... but then I wouldn't get the enjoyment of stating the 'obvious(to me) so often!!!! So many bassists I meest can't believe that a 300w tube amp can be as loud as a 1200w s.s. amp! & SO many bassists , vocalists etc can understand how I can be quieter onstage with my all tube amp yet still be punchy & 'loud'& sounding greaT out front. But thats how it be!
Thought I'd add my 2c. My Bergantino NV610 IS a sealed cab-weighs 98lbs, sounds IMHO FAR better than the SVT810-check out TB & threads re the Berg NV series-especially the 610- they call it the 810 Frij killer. For good reason too-it goes lower, is FAR more articulate but still sounds "vintage" & sounds AWESOME with MY V4BH driving it!!! Has NO TWEETER/HORN etc... but spkrs are voiced to handle this. Sounds great with a bit of Overdrive-either the V4BH being 'pushed' or with the Big Muff pedal giving it the fuzz of old sly stone-Larry Graham-style. IMHO & for me Its the best cab I could ask for-easy to move -lighter than my old SVT410HLF- sounds better than an SVT810 I A/B'd it with, & is unassuming in looks- it looks like a nice bass cab, but acts like a HUGE -frij killer!!!!!!!!! EDIT......... just re-read yr o.p. U R running a V4 ampeg now- the Bergantino NV610 suits this amp LIKE a GLOVE- it's awesome!!!!!!! it's a 4 ohm cab & IME i get MY modern V4(BH) to be plenty loud-IMO as loud as my old SVT3PRO(450w) Check out Anderbass @ talkbass-he has an old V4 & a NV610!!!! I reckon-not only will U find it easier to transport, but the sound will surpass ANYTHING u've previously heard- it's SUCH a great cab. ppl in my bands-have said-they've NEVER heard my bass so clear B4-not modern harsh clear-just lovely pronounced BASS!!!! While not being overly loud for them ... they just say it's the best bass sound they've heard. So do many Audience members!!!
a 300w all tube amp .... U WILL hear yourself. Especially thru 2 4x10's! SVT-CL/VR/ IIPRO. Fendeer Bassman 300PRO, Marshall VBA400. Any of these thru 2 4x10's will KILL ANY(IMHO) solid state amps-for abilityto hear & FEEL yourself! Just cant be done the same without power tubes! oh yeah- & as already mentioned Trace Elliot V4, V6 or V8. All these amps are reliable IME. I've known SVT's that work fine for yrs with NO servicing. MY Fender Bassman 300PRO has been workin fine-about 40 gigs so far with NO probs at all. I've heard the V8/6/4 TE's are superb too1 I'm sure the Marshall VBA is reliable too! I've not heard different anyway!
U can simply repair the hole! I had a tear in a Spkr a while ago... used some contact glue & a old pair of pantyhose-not mine- cuppla layers of 'hose on each side of the cone's hole, glue over it ALL...leave to dry-properly. Mine was good 2 go for another 10 yrs with NO percievable change in tone! Or U can replace just the cone-cheaper than a new spkr. Up 2 U!
U can work out the impedance-ohms- of the cab with a speaker lead & a didi. multimeter/voltmeter. Plug in the lead to the cab-setting the meter to 20 ohms or closest to that, touch the pins together to make sure they measure 0.00001 or O!! Then touch one pin to the tip of the lead, the other to the shaft of the lead-hold 'em firmly- the meter should then give U the 'pretty close' ohms reading/rating of the cab. eg. if its s'posed to be an 8 ohms cab it may read 8.74 or 7.23.....etc if its 4 ohm cab- 4.876/3.676, 5.00 etc.. Gives U the cabs impedance anyway. re amps....if U can get a LMII for a good price-they are a great li'l amp! So is an SVT3PRO, but -even tho I'm a valve amp man fron WAYYYYY back.... I'd go the Little Mark II (LMII)over it! More power, more range of tones, lighter & smaller! It would rock with that cAB - IF the cab IS 8 ohms you would get 300w outta the LMII & it's a MUCH louder 300w than the 300w you'd get outta the SVT3PRO @ 8 ohms IME! I've owned both!
What Covering do you prefer on your cabs?
rodl2005 replied to Jean-Luc Pickguard's topic in Amps and Cabs
We're smole free here too! Even tho I smoke-about 5/day- I didn't appreciate all the gear stinkin of beer AND smoke-toxic mix!!!! Also we're up onstage-2' above everyone else-so we were in the THICK of it re smoke etc... I DO like good quality carpet covering. I made a few cabs & stuck indoor/outdoor 'charcoal' coloured carpet to 'em- has lasted 13 yrs so far-NO niks etc- gigging 1/2 x per week. But what ever is the rhino-LIKE-dunno whether it IS RHINO covering-doesn't look like it from the photos I've seen of Joeg's schro's- stuff thats covering my Fender Bassman 300PRO-THATS the GO- SO tough, durable, looks cool feels good..... ;-) Anyoneknow what that stuff's called- or if, in fact it IS rhino hide- Please let me know! -
congrats.....as I was reading the thread I was gonna suggest a 2nd hand Hartke head & 4x10!!! Well done... Every one usedthese back 15 yrs ago- now not in "vogue" BUT GUESS WHAT???They still work= reliable... They STILL SOUND GOOD- or Will Lee, Jack Bruce et al wouldn't have used em at all! That rig'll do U for years! WELL DONE!
Exactly as OBBM said.... the 4ohm cab WILL get like 2 x the power of the 8ohm cab. Will work, Ive only done it with an ALL TUBE amp that was OK at 4 or 2 ohms & ran it on 2 ohm setting-as it equalled 2.67ohms.
I'm with u Paul.....I mean -I got a behr. BDDI21 also- hardly ever use it now coz I got a big muf & the Fender 300PRO has a LOVELY OD on IT!!!!! :-) But SOME of their stuff IS OK!!! -I know this BDDI21 I've got has served me well-done loads of gigs, sounds good, works wellas a DI also-so it stays in my gig bag in case I need one! But BVT!!!!!!!??????????? I see they've also made a "nuke 'em" or summink thats a SVT2PRO "look-a-like" 1000w(BEHR watts that is!!;-) with front panel a bit like the 2 pro & rack mountable!! Ha ha!!! Oh those crazy Bellringers!
Get Either a SVT-CL 2nd hand-thats what they used on ST ANGER(old ones tho-'70's) & BOB ROCK played bass on the album, didn't he? Trujillo wasn't there yet-joined just after- Tho I haven't seen the DVD. Hard 2 go wrong with either a SVT-CL/VR or a Marshall VBA400 or a Fender Bassman 300PRO or at 100w-the Ampeg V4BH is an AWESOME amp! & LOUD enough thru a good cab or two.
Anyone had experience of playing with Bose L1 or L2's
rodl2005 replied to walbassuk's topic in Amps and Cabs
[quote name='Mr Bassman' post='33875' date='Jul 18 2007, 09:20 PM']. Ideally each band member should have their own tower. .[/quote] Says it ALL really!!!!! Why bother!!! just get/keep yr bass amp & cab! Sheesh! Bose always gotta try re-invent the wheel!! & usually do with VERY clear MIDRANGE!!!!! -
Back 2 OT. Valves ARE better than S.S. eh????
YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Don't go There!!! Not 4 bass gtr!
I just put skid rails on the bgack of my Bergantino NV610-makes it SO easy to load in/out now-Just tilt & push-NO LIFTING! I went to a Hardware chain. & bought two 1m long recycled plastic Garden stakes-BLACK!!!!! They're about 3/4" thick square. I just screwed em in with plenty of wood screws & = GREAT!-cost- $5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure it'd be fine for a while. Not the best sound 4 bass obviously-bit much tweeter IMHO- but would work fine!!!!! Even if it IS a MACKIE!!!!!!! :wacko:
playing on wooden stages. how to get the best tone.
rodl2005 replied to dave_bass5's topic in Amps and Cabs
I know a simple way to get a puncy, bassy & clear sound out there. Get an ALL VALVE AMP ;-) IME it makes ALL the difference to out front sound- our soun d guy couldn't believe it when I went from using an SVT3PRO to a Fender Bassman 300PRO- said" WOW it's just SO much clearer & punchier& SOLID!!!" He was talking with AND without FOH reinforcement! - Just my 2c. -
Yep the 4.5XL IS a good cab.... BUT IMHO I'd reccommend a SCHROEDER cab- 21012L - IME it Kills most 4 10's I've tried. & with the V4BH U need an efficient(loud) cab!
Hi BANANA, yeah a 4x10 would be louder & more punchy than the single 15, But IMHO the V4 LOVES 15"'s why dontcha try taking just the 1x15 instead of the 2x10 B4 getting any different cabs. But in answer to yr question-yeas a 4x10 will push more air than a single 15 & therefore be louder -if it's an efficient spkr & cab design. What I'd do- keep the 15 & 2x10 & either put removeable casters-wheels- on bottom of em, &/or buy a -not very expensive- trolley with the 3 wheels in a triangle set up-for going up & down stairs. I'm tempted 2 get one meself & I don't have ANY stairs I regularly have to go up. But when I do come to some - I know I'm set! They're NOT expensive either-would be less than 40 british lbs IME. Good luck with it...keep me posted. Regards, Rod.
[quote name='Oxblood' post='26412' date='Jul 3 2007, 10:11 AM']Y'know, Ped, the more I think about it, the more your impending surgery starts to look like a golden opportunity. In addition to the aforementioned truss rod modification, while you're under they might as well do a couple of cochlear implants. Fit an XLR socket into a suitable orifice and you're sorted! [/quote] lol Ha ha I'd love 2 see an XLR in a strategic orifice- well see might be too strong a word.... from a distance may be OK... I'd love to 'hear about the results anyway!!!! Then, of course, sticking to the OP- we could always have a cuppla 12AX7's mounted also- keep ya warm!!!!! :-)
[quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='24171' date='Jun 27 2007, 09:08 PM']Maybe I should go "rigless" and use in-ear monitoring...[/quote] Nah, as an audience member(read - Know it all would be sound engineer,guitarist,bassist,vocalist-U name it.....;=( ) said to me last week " wouldn't you hear the feedback better with in ear monitors?? Obviously meant foldback...but..................................coh!!!!!!! SO going rigless is just asking for in ear feedback!!!!!!! -just ask the 'experts"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My LMII fits SO snugly in my all sides padded laptop bag You'd have to hit it very sharply & firmly with a hammer type thing for it to get a knob off!!! As for drunks & getting run over- I generally carry it over my shoulder & don't leave it anywhere 4 this to happen. Would be more likely for it to either happen while being used OR ME doimg it meself! :-)