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Everything posted by rodl2005

  1. Nice rig Argh!!!!!! I'm sure too 300w thru a 4x10 AND a 1x15 would be HEAPS!!!!
  2. rodl2005


    My LMII fits beautifully in a padded laptop bag I got free from the school where I work. Has a pocket on the inside where I fit 2 guitar leads & one on the outside where the power lead & spkr lead go! Cost- $0.00! ;-)
  3. I used a all tube PA amp(Eminar-Aus brand) from 1976 for 15+yrs with bass into a EV TL 1x15" cab. Sounded great. I don't think it matters what the amp is, just the EQ section will be voiced for guitar not bass. As long as U match the impedance U should be good to go!
  4. Jeeeees thats BAD OX. Get a V4BH, SVT-VR, ... Ahhh I dunno what are the one's You've smoked?
  5. rodl2005


    yeah I see how they seem 2 be 'fad-ish' but often fads start coz the gear IS good! Look at Hartke( I know alotta ppl bag em now--but inlate 80's or early '90's EVERY ONE was playin 'em!!!! I DIDn't like em then, but after a number of times using them I've found they make solid amps, that can get a nice sound out of 'em( & I don't like ALMOST any solid state/hybrid gear much) Hartke today IMHO are a BARGAIN! The Mark BASS LMII- I got -as it was at agreat price, had plenty of power & was EASY to move/transport! Now I find I'm liking it more as I use it- U DO have to have the gain UP -just backed off from clipping tho- amp seems to throw out more, open up & be more punchy like this!
  6. +2 - But I'd still like an all tube rig for this style-Tho those li'l Walkabouts DO sound good-espesh 4 such a small package!
  7. Get an AMPEG B15R(I think it's 'R') FLIPTOP UNBEATABLE IMHO... able to switch between 60/100w-all tube....... warm....bluesy..... OR (I dunno prices in UK) as I did & I'm LOVING mine- a AMPEG V4BH 100w tube head- I use mine with my Bergantino NV610 cab OR with my EV 1x15" cab. The EV has NO tweeter(neither does the Berg ) & gives a GREAT blues tone. I WASN'T THAT impressed with the amp until I played it with the band at a gig-WOW!!!!!!! It just SITS in the mix PERFECTLY!!!! Sounds AWESOME in my JAzz/blues band.IMHO-unbeatable - 40lbs-not TOO heavy & has PLENTY of power(don't let the 100w fool U) IMHO/IME it seems to be as loud as my old SVT3PRO(450w Solid state)!!!!!!!! DO IT!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. try it flat out for a little while & see what happpens. Then tell us here. Please BTW I put my FEnder 300pro at 1/2 volume thru my SVT410HLF & the cab nearly farted it's arse out! But that amp is renown for being VERY LOUD. Still the cab was 500wRMS. Now I've tried the same volume(not more) thru my Berg NV610 & IS all clean as a whistle! Am too scared to turn up more-it's SO loud that way anyway-have to be in a stadium(or outside) to try it!
  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='19800' date='Jun 18 2007, 05:30 PM']This is a minor obsession of mine. There are two main issues to deal with: I've found that if someone cannot hear themselves that bit louder than the rest of the mix then they'll end up playing too loud in response - which is why all guitarists should learn to point their cabs at their ears, then they'll stop turning up! Alex[/quote] +1 ALL guitarists SHOULD KNOW this!!!!! If not going thru PA then it's different of course. I usually set up next 2 drummer-either side doesn't worry me(we got a pedantic & anal keyboardist - so we ALL gotta set up basically to 'please' him!!!!!) I like keeping in next to drums-for obvious reasons...hearing kick etc.... but also-if not whole band thru PA- to keep the bas & drums as a "tight unit" together. Sure having a wall behind is better, in a corner-wall on 2 sides=better still! Often we have to play where there is only glass behind us-in which case we definately try & close any thick curtains-if any. Then I try & stack as many bass, keyboard,guitar, lead, etc , cases behind my rig.
  10. It's a beauty!!!!! Pure & simple!
  11. Yep-LOVELY AMP Hamster.... But IMHO these days-apart from the "cool" factor of having a B15- U R probly better off with a V4BH(the 100w tube amp from the B15 IS pretty similar apparently- some've said virtually the same) & a SVT15 cab-or a cuppla cabs...= FAR more conveniant-THAT B15 is not only EXPENSIVE but it weighs 117lbs & is hard to lift- & it's a tube amp-so U don't wanna go thumpin it round too much! IMHO-V4BH @ about 40lbs & a good cab(I use my EV 1x15" when I want the B15 vibe....& the NV610 when I want the SVT 810 vibe!!!!!!!!!! ;-) = a much better option.
  12. Nah Nah--- It's Ibanez-pronounced EEE - Bon - Ay - BUT I say Eye bun EZZ! & 2 10, 6 10, 1 15 , Out in OZ we all say fings diffrent. Like sitting on a lounge chair- we call the whole room a lounge room-pronounced...Lay- unj. But Epic fanny IS still epic phany!
  13. What BUZZ said......... But Ampeg combo's I've heard sounded great with the ray! try a few out!
  14. OOOOHHH NNASTY!!!!!!!!! 1000w RMS means it should take 2000w for short times! I hate it when cab makers fob the rms ratings. I unnerstand it may be hard to get the ratings exact- & different amps put out differing power amounts, BUT.....................
  15. [quote name='paul, the' post='19433' date='Jun 18 2007, 04:45 AM']How long do you guys leave the valves to warm up, if at all?[/quote] How ever long's conveniant. Usually- I set up the bass rig & turn amp on to standby, then after doing other things-finalising set list, tuning, get a drink etc.. I turn ON. Sometimes it's just set up turn on standby, a cuppla mins then turn on for a soundcheck. But 4 me-never less than a cuppla mins. ANDY67- there's a pic of my Fender 300PRO on top of my Bergantino NV610 in the show yr rigs thread. & (hopefully) here is the same pic-all I have 4 now.
  16. ANDY67- GREAT 2 hear- MAN that sounds like an AWESOME set up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with U re the KT88's -my Fender 300pro has 6 x 6550's -not quite KT88's.... but in the not too distant future I'll be ordering a sextet of JJ KT88's for her from EUROTUBES.COM- best prices for GREAT valves I've found. ( I bought a sextet of JJ KT77's for an amp I've now sold, but man they were/are nice tubes & were $100(I s'pose about 42 Brit.lbs) cheaper than if I bought the same thing in Australia-GREAT government & its even GREATER TAXES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) U MUST get an amazing sound with yr bass bi-amped(right word???) like U say. I Think I get an amazing sound simply with my V4BH into my Berg NV610... Last nite was an AWESOME gig at a club where we play pretty regularly-full FOH support- but onstage sound was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Out front was reportedly great too! So the V4BH's lineout must sound OK!!!!! :-) Now I just gotta FIND an excuse to use the Fender 300 Pro sometimes instead of simply the Ampeg!!! LOVELY choice to have But.......- the 2 channels & overdrive on the 300PRO...yes... next gig!!!
  17. Each 2 his own.... I LOVE the NV610 (as a 8x10-but EZ'er) is EZ to move, just tilt & roll. tilt into back of car-wagon, & push in-EZ. Stairs - I LIKE to have someone carrying one end(even tho U can just drag it up using the rails & casters)-then is Easier than a 4x10-esp. the SVT410HLF-IMHO- But comin down stairs IS easier than MOST smaller cabs I've had-just let the wheels do their stuff! & IS AWESOME havin that punch behind U!
  18. as far as SS vs tube- I cant Imagine EVER goin back either!- even tho I do sometimes with my LMII- when I'm LAZY- good li'l amp too-but NO tube babe!
  19. Good to hear Bananaman.Glad 2 hear U got the 15 & 2x10- gives U plenty of options-just make sure U set the impedance selector correctly!!!!! Should sound WICKED with the V4BH. Let us know how U go after the gig SAT. This Fri I'll be gigging the V4BH at a club we regularly play at-I've not used the V4BH there tho. We have P.A. support there-so be interesting to see what the DI'd sound is like out front!! Will ALSO get back 2 U here re my impressions of the rig(Ampeg V4BH/NV610) after gig. Rod.
  20. Glad U like it- seriously- U cant really go wrong with an Ampeg tube(hybrid anyway) amp & Ampegt Speaker cab! All my bands were seriously impressed with My 3PRO & SVT410HLF rig. I just needed an All Valve amp & this seemed to work better with a sealed cab- & a Berg NV610 just came at the right time & price! Lucky me- I LOVE it!
  21. Good on U ANDY 67. I couldn't get the 3PRO to get a GREAT sound. Just me I s'pose-I mean its a LOVELY amp & IS plenty powerful-when run properly- but I just seem to like the tube power section as well as pre amp. Glad U CAN get a GREAT sound for yrself.
  22. Gotta cab yet Banana?
  23. Nice! But I'd rather the SVT810 or the BErg NV610. Tho the Fender 810 did sound good at a JET concert Last year.
  24. Good Idea Wooly.... Best use I can think of for 'em.
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