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Everything posted by rodl2005

  1. wonder what they're like? Probly like the cheap ones we get on Aus. ebay-not great!!!!!
  2. Good review OX!!!! & LOVELY BASS!!!! I'm Envious!!!!
  3. rodl2005


    I've left my line out POST D/I as it came. seems to work fine at all the gigs Ive done going thru F.O.H. The more of MY SOUND i can give the sound guy the better IMHO! The more he just has to get the level for the bass! IME this is.
  4. Should be A LOOOOOOONG time B4 u need to replace ANY valves inthe preamp.... Heck under normal use- say 1 rehearsal & 2 gigs/week my quality tubes last at least 5-10 yrs-thats power amp valves- pre's I've never changed. I'm pretty sure my ol '70's amp still has the same pre amp valves & still sounds superb!
  5. They're good reliable , well priced gear that would serv U well. IMHO
  6. That was why I threw mine & not cradled it lovingly & protectingly as I fell ! -almost as..
  7. well said Burp.... Different IS a better word than er..better!
  8. U want loud-go Schroeder cabs or Bergantino(my Fave)!! both make very efficient loud cabs that sound GREAT IMHO.
  9. I can tell U that even an old EV TL115 can be a heavy MF at 4am-after a 3hr gig- when U got 3 flights of stairs to go DOWN!!!! One night by the last flight I was gettin a bit 'hazy' & light headed, missed a step(lucky I was only 5 or 6 from the bottom!!), realized in an instant that if I didn't THROW the cab in front of me I'd be in a NASTY situation(i.e. broken legs/arms etc.)so I threw it to the bottom, sort of tried to JUMP the last stairs & made it to the bottom, JUST managing to stay on my feet. The EV TL115 cab....got a bit dinged up-but I took it all apart later & reinforced it so it is NOW STILL a great cab! THAT was a close one!
  10. rodl2005


    Yep a laptop bag is the go IMHO. Fits snug & has room for leads!!!!!! I didn't mean it had MORE EQ options than the SA450.... I thought it was same- My mistake- I get muddled up & hadn't even seen a SA450 for a while-lead a pretty 'sheltered life down here!!!!!;-) Didn't realize the SA450 had semi-para.mids!!!! tch tch-sorry!
  11. Welcome METAL-MARIACHI!!!!!!! Agree with U re the valve amps-we call 'em valve amps here in Aus. too!!! Have to say toob for the US forums tho! Agree tho- I've used valves AL my playing life-since 1975-& to cut a LOOOONG story... a few yrs ago I was given a fairly modern S.S. amp- liked it, tried a few 'big name' S.S. amps-bought a AMPEG B2R, started 'hankerin' for 'tubes', traded it for a SVT3PRO(hybrid-tube pre/s.s. power amps),( I DID try lots of other "name brand" amps) started realizing valves were where it's at-4 me anyways- traded it on a Fender 300PRO-ALL VALVE & now traded all my older not so good gear-some valve some S.S. for a AMPEG V4BH-100w all valve! So at least now I can honestly say 'Ive tried S.S. AND hybrid amps & I like valve amps best! B4 I used to just say I like valve amps best! The singers in our band-B4 my solid state sojourn(?????) never had cause to ask me to turn down. When I had S.S. AND hybrid amps-they were often saying 'turn down'. Now I've got all valve again-they don't say 'turn down'!!!!(all this time the Audience says the bass was OK) Conclusion- valve amps seem to "carry" the bass better, seems I can be louder(according to audience & me) without seeming to be louder !!!! My case anyway!
  12. rodl2005


    cuppla points- IIRC the LMII has bass, low mid, hi mid, treb. EQ controlsthen the 2 filters. FWIW-I USUALLY leave the EQ flat, have the 1st(left)filter-VLE- on 1/4 or a bit either side of that & the (right)VPF filter on 1/3- 2/3 THO I have tried it on a cuppla gigs - with NOT using the filters at all & using the EQ-IIRC I used bass-1 oclock, low mid-12oclock, hi mid-1.30, treb-12oclock. I-also- use an old LAPTOP bag-its padded, has a zipper pocket-fits 2 gtr leads,spkr & power leads, & a pocket inside-xlr lead. I DO use the XLR input on the front- I play in a jazz style band & have my P/J elec.bass plugged into jack input & my elec. uprite plugged into the XLR= VERY handy for me!!!!!! Also IMHO I like the LMII better than ALL the other MB gear I tried & I DID try the SA450 & one I can't remember the model-Silver front, "tube inside" written on front panel & I think it had a Semi parametric EQ.......Nah-cant remember the model No. But I find the LMII to be a bit "livelier" & more adjustable & therefore =versatile! JUST IMHO-of course
  13. With the 300T-as its an ALL VALVE amp-POWER & PRE amps... wouldn't it NOT matter too much if EITHER was clipping- I mean thats what guitarists do ALL the time aint it???????? Even says in some manuals to "turn it way up for that lovely power amp saturation" I know I like it & haven't had ANY issues with MY valve amps... Anyone know more PLEASE chime in!!!!!!!
  14. rodl2005


    But I'd still reccomend U get a all tube amp ;-) either a V4BH or if U NEED CRUSHING volume - an SVT-CL/VR/II/IIPRO-NOT SVT350H/450H/1000H which are all S.State!!!!! OR a Fender/SUNN 300PRO. Orange AD200, MArshall VBA400!!!!!! CANNOT BEAT the sound of ALL tube-power amp tubes give the amp a sound U feel more than S.State amps do IMHO
  15. rodl2005


    Yeah they ARE getting 'fad-ish' BUT IMHO it's because they're a DAMN good product at a good price- & of course- the size/weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried one out a cuppla yrs ago & wasn't impressed BUT when i tried the LMII I was blown away immediately. Power to weight ratio is OUTTA this world. & has a WIDE range of tones available.....sure it aint gonna sound like a '60's B15(what does-apart from a '60's B15) ;-) but U can coax a vintage tone, punchy rock, modern slap-virtually ANY tone U like. Remember- I'm a ALL valve amp guy myself- had 'em all my life-since I started gigging in 1976-at 13 yrs old!- til a cuppla yrs ago I though I'd try some of the "new" gear. Tried AMpeg, MarkBass, Hartke, GK,Fender, Ashdown........ Outta which I liked the Ampeg SVT3PRO the best- MarkBass the least(this was the light YELLOW one). I bought the 3PRO & was fine til' I realized I needed 2 get back to ALL TUBE-not just a tube preamp!!!!!!!! To cut a long story... I swapped the 3 PRO for My Fender 300PRO- EXCELLENT! Now... I still had my old '70's Eminar(Aus made) valve amp & used this for my jazz band with my Elec. uprite bass. Then after seeing ALL the hype re the LMII on Talkbass I thought I'd give one a try(size/weight etc) I was BLOWN away with it straight away!!! TOTAL opposite of what I thought of the older one(bright yellow) I tried earlier. This one had variable tones, lotsa versatility-the older one I tried seemed(2 me) 2 be limited in tones & NOT very versatile( & I took this[& all amps I tried, mentioned above] amp home to try) it seemed to not change much from the one tone it COULD do- & I didn't like that tone!!!!!! The LMII seems to be almost TOTALLY opposite of this-very versatile. And powerful- I'd be totally happy 2 use this instead of either of my all valve amps at a gig-knowing i could get a great sound, have plenny of power, & be sounding good out front(with PA support-if any)
  16. I've seen the ALU ones blow to pieces!!!! IME- there's a guy around my town that has a Behr. 300w head & 4x10cab seems OK. BUT I've heard of SO MANY that have broken pretty soon after warranty runs out. THAT seems 2 be the problem- I think they build 'em NOT to last. IMHO- better off buying a 2nd hand Hartke amp- if poss. one with tube & s.s. pre amp- These seem pretty good & ARE RELIABLE!!!!!!! VERY!!!!! & also a Hartke cab- the one above-4.5XL- I've heard GOOD things about! With Hartke U R pretty much guaranteed to have a rig that'll LAST AND SOUND GOOD. Behr.- may sound OK But AFAIK will NOT last!!!!!
  17. Nice- I like the light blue jazz!
  18. rodl2005


    Just like a Budgie Pooh!
  19. I recently got a V4BH & yes U can get the 'dirt' outta it! Well too!!!!! & at a good volume!! Don't have to be blasting the house down to get it! But IMHO this amp IS loud enough & has a line out on rear for PA support. But-yes U can get LUVLY power amp OD with the V4BH- they've been discontinued tho - so grab one quick or look 2nd hand!
  20. DITTO/+1 or - I agree!!! Sure I've got a NV610, but I also have a Aggie GS112 & a EV1x15" So depending on access & needs etc sometimes I just take the GS112, Or just the EV115, or both! OR just the NV610, OR the NV610, the GS112 AND the EV115}=2ohms & all these cabs with the Fender 300PRO = SONIC SLAUGHTER!!!!!! 8)
  21. Isn't the signal light only showing the signal above the threshold of the compressor & glows red when this is clipped- or summink. I'm just referring to what it says in the manual. But - I'm in same boat here.... if I play lightly-light doesn't come on at all. Play normal- light -green. Whack strings HARD & light sometimes goes RED! ????!!!!!???????? I'd be interested to know more here also! Will do some enquiring this end & see what I can find. Get back 2 U. Rod.
  22. My Fender 300PRO on top of M\my Bergantino NV610=KILLER SET UP!!!!!!!!!!!Love it!!! NV610 sounds great with My new Ampeg V4BH also-pics soon. [attachment=359:DSC02345.JPG]
  23. Ta.
  24. Gee thats cheap for a 8x10" Whats the Wattage capability-RMS rating??? Are they neo spkrs? weight, size etc.... That works out to be about $1000 AUD which is cheaper than I paid 2nd hand for my Berg NV610 & an Ampeg 810 casts at least $2000AUD here. What gives???????????????????
  25. rodl2005


    I'll say again- I'm a tube amp NUT- have been ever since Dad bought me my 1st amp when I was 13. in 1976! But I recently bought a MB LMIIfor these reasons.... 1.Great price 2. Great sound & range of sounds 3. Great power 4. Well made 5. light & small 6. matches up with my Aguilar GS112 perfectly(300w @ 8ohms) & sounds AWESOME with my EUB. 7. as its SO well made, so powerful & small size & weight-it can be a FANTASTIC back up amp if ever needed. 8. I can carry AMP/Spkr cab/leads/ EUB-all in ONE trip from car! 9. SOUNDS GREAT- OK this is a repeat od No.2 BUT as an old Valve guy-this amp IMPRESSES!
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