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Everything posted by rodl2005

  1. All rounder & U like 15's...... try a Mark Bass 1x12" combo????
  2. I got one- YBA200 the YBA200-2 is the 'newer' version with adjustable BIAS- mine has fixed bias- [u]but I've had NO issues.[/u] [b]Great tubey tone, OD nicely[/b], [i]4get about the resonance, scoop & range knobs- leave 'em all OFF[/i]!!!!! They're all justy 'tone-suck controls' IMO. I got mine 2nd hand for near 1/2 that $$ But as stated-seem very well made. I got a manual if needed. See if U can get the PEAVEY VB-2 for a similar price- thats meant to be good. But I have no hesitation using mine for ANY gig.
  3. 4 heads(one is a removeable combo) too many cabs..... 5 if ya don't count my old DIY ones... Amps- [b]Ampeg SVTII[/b] '91 model - [b]Traynor YBA200[/b] - [b]Mesa Walkabout[/b] (SCOUT combo) - [b]Mark Bass LMII[/b] Cabs- [b]Bergantino NV215, HS410, AE212, AE112[/b] - [b]Mesa Walkabout Scout 1x12[/b] cab(combo) - [b]Mark Bass HR115STD[/b] Retired cabs- MUST SELL but Heck I built 'em so they hold a special place.... EV TL606 (1x15") 4x10 sealed- based on a SVT410E
  4. So is this li'l amp gonna be called the 'Little Flippin' Bastard' ????
  5. There's a web site called Send it on.com or sumthin' which enabled U to buy something in the USA- have the seller send it there & THEY send it to you- for the SHIPPING price- & coz their a large Co. (or handling large amounts of freight) they can offer the similar shipping costs of the larger retails stores that DO ship internationally. I think you JOIN up with them - for somethin' like $8 US All this is AFAIK.
  6. [size=2]Well I dunno much about 'em Have heard the following:- AWESOME amps!! Solid state Pre amp/tube power amp. Solid state & tube Pre/tube power amp. ????????? One 12AX7/ECC83 in the pre, 4 x 6550's -power amp. 8/4 ohm. Thats ALL I know. [/size] [b]H E L P ! ! ! ! ! ! ![/b] [size=1]please[/size]
  7. rodl2005

    Berg AE212

    I got an AE212 a month or so ago now. LOVE it. I already had an AE112 & loved that SO much I thought...... well U know. It's very well balanced & E-Z to shift- even with the thick Berg cover on. & I-like someone previously mentioned- ALSO would like to sit my AE112 on top of it & use with my SVT or Mesa Walkabout. But by itself- I HAVEN'T really pushed it yet-I'm sorta 'easing' it in.... - it sounds just as you'd imagine- supremely articulate, but not in anyway 'sterile' & roll off the HF horn & it actually reminds me of my NV215!!! In both looks & sound. That can only be a good thing. I LOVE my NV215. Maybe the NV215 & AE212 one day together. :-)
  8. I've got a chance to grab a Quatra Valve at a good $$$ - just wondering if they're as good as the V4/ Vtype 200w all valve Traces etc... I've NEVER heard one let alone played one.... so any info'd be a great help. Thanx guys Rod
  9. [quote name='doctorbass' post='993107' date='Oct 19 2010, 07:04 AM']Did you ever try the V4BH with an Ampeg 610HLF? Just interested.....[/quote] No I didn't- DID try it with a SVT410HLF, but I didn't like that, too 'woofy' - but the 610HLF has a sealed upper box & the lower portion is the ported section (If I'm right here???) so might be 'tighter' as well as goin [b]L O W[/b] for that 410HLF did go LOW as can be...
  10. I had an AMPEG V4BH-LOVELY amp but unless I was running it thru a very efficient cab with a lotta drivers- I wasn't getting the sort of volume U say U R After. If I ran it thru a SVT810 cab- LOUD enough. Thru MY Berg NV610 cab loud enough. But ANYTHING Less-nope!!!!! Sure a watt IS a watt. But SOME amp makers seem to ssay their amps are higher wattages than they seem to actually be. I KNOW for a fact that MY MESA Walkabout @ 300w is at LEAST as loud(same cabs etc) as my 500w LMII ????? & while the 100 TUBE watts of the V4BH was louder than ANY 100w S.S. amp I've used, again- the Walkabout @8ohms - 165w - is a LOT louder. I dunno why... but thems what I found.
  11. Exactly-for CLEAN -[b] lower the gain[/b], [b]max the master[/b], [u]& use the GAIN as a level[/u] - IF U STILL can't get enough CLEAN volume - [u]engage the Graphic EQ [/u](unless U wanna change yr EQ) leaving all freq sliders flat, but INCREASE the GRAPHIC EQ [u]LEVEL[/u] slider!! This gives the 3PRO a heap more headroom
  12. I wouldn't swap out ANY tubes. They're pre amp tubes & will virtually last forever. IF, tho, you've totally exhausted ALL possibilities of EQ & STILL don't like the tone THEN maybe try swapping a 12AX7 or 2. I had the exact same rig as you- SVT3PRO > SVT410HLF cab. It's a darn fine rig. As the cab is 4 ohms you cannot ADD another cab to it with that amp- as it goes to 4 ohms minimum. But that shouldn't be a prob- as they go together very well. 1st- you GOTTA realise the "CLIP LIGHT" on the 3PRO is really NOT a clip light... IME the BEST way to run this amp is to run the gain HIGH- not worrying IF the clip light is on nearly all the time. It's a tube pre amp anyway so you'll only overdrive the tubes & wont hurt anything. Well I DIDN'T anyway. I ONLY used the Graphic EQ really when I needed a real extra BOOST. & really the LEVEL control on this can add another 1/4 overall volume to the amp. Sure the 410HLF is a LOW tuned cab- but it goes plenty HIGH also & really you SHOULD be able to get a fine tone simply using the 3 rotary EQ's Bass, Mid & treb. Set the MID FREQ switch on 3 -or 4 if U need a high boost, then dime the mid level control. IF you can't get a decent tone outta it like this- then sure- try the Graphic EQ- start with it all flat, then in small increments raise/lower the freqs relevant. Tho as stated- SHOULD be fine without using this, & just using it as a boost/feature for solo's, etc... As stated also- make sure the buttons are ALL OFF- EVEN IF YOUR BASS IS ACTIVE - dont use the 12dB pad, dont use the ultra high/low buttons- etc I found they all were basically "TONE-SUCK controls" As general measure- TRY- BASS- 11 oclock. MID- 2 oclock (mid freq select- pos 3 ) Treble - 1 or 2 oclock & see how U go. Let me know how U go. Oh & BTW- If U really wanna get a screaming Overdrive outta it. Engage the Graphic EQ, push IT'S level slider to it's MAX, (leave all the other Graphich EQ levels alone-unless U WANT to change your tone) Push the GAIN up high(past 12 or 1 oclock) & adjust volume for your level. FUN FUN FUN!!! Goodluck- hope this helps! Rod
  13. [quote name='basskit_case' post='963097' date='Sep 21 2010, 10:49 AM']I would have thought now Kala and ashbory have shown the way that other manufacturers would have moved into this area.[/quote] This is MY thought too...... How good etc will be the $499 Question eh??? I like the sound of 'em, & playing one at my Jazz/blues gig would be fun.... as I use an uprite or an uprite sound, when I'm lazy!
  14. [quote name='budget bassist' post='954262' date='Sep 13 2010, 01:18 AM']The ibanez ATK is the only 'cheap' bass i've played that sounded anything like a stingray (and the only other non-musicman bass i've ever played that sounded like one was a warwick $$, i own one of course)[/quote] I'm another that recommends the Ibanez ATK- DAMN fine bass- with IIRC- a humbucker with a phantom coil like the Stingray 5. I've played a couple & liked them a lot. Sure a Warwick $$ is GREAT- I got one too- ABSOLUTELY LOVE it!!! SO many tonal options- passive & active!! I wasn't impressed at ALL with the couple of SUB's I tried. I A/B's em against the actual Ray when the SUBS came out & seriously it was chalk n cheese. But I played a Sterling by Musicman Ray5 the other day & DAMN it was good. DAMN near the real thing- not QUITE as nicely finished off etc... but the sounds were astonishing- again I A/B'd the 5string Sterling By MM Ray5 against the REAL EBMM Stingray5 & I really had to listen HARD to find the difference. VERY Subtle! The real SR5 was a bit smoother in upper register, the EQ was a 'li'l' bit more responsive & the overall sound was a li'l punchier, but NOT BY MUCH. IF I WAS in the market for one I'd probly go 4 the cheaper altrernative..... BTW- Both were ASH bodied 5 strings with maple boards. Re the OLP option- I've heard they're pretty good too. & a mate of mine actually uses his still coz he hasn't found a real EBMM ray5 better. He put in an aftermarket 3 band Pre amp & I think- a new MM pup. Apart from that it's all OLP- Ash Body/maple board.
  15. I aint seein no link neither... but on the subject of U tube W@nK3r$ there sure are LOTS... & I've no doubt seen about 0.5% of 'em at most. SO many playing this superfast slapping with NO FEEL whatsoever & no thought of playing to support a song.... IMO THE BASS'S ACTUAL part!! re Mr Vega. I didn't know he played with Sly & family STone- after Mr. Graham left I take it???? No doubt he's doin exactly what I describe- playing a GROOVE- not some garbled fast slappity bappity rubbish that no-one can tell just how many bum notes are actually IN there!
  16. Yep- A JAZZ to me means the OFF-SET body shape & 2 single coils. that's it. Don't matter if it's got a 2/3 band pre/piezo's etc... the OFF SET body is the main thing & Pref. 2 single coil pups
  17. yeah the LINE 6 small combo's have a LOTTA 'personality' -it may be someone elses personality- but they can sound good!! That EBS studio 60 is s'posed to be good for this purpose. U mention in yr sig, U have a MESA WA- ??? is it a scout combo- a this'd be great. VERY B-15 sounding IME. I LOVE mine & IT sounded GREAT recorded! If it's too loud- could U try using it with a single 12"?? Otherwise- yeah Mark Bass LMII etc into any small cab-pref a 1x12" for my liking. Chuck a VTBASS pedal in front of one(Or ANY amp for that matter- or direct even) & U got the B-15 portaflex vibe down 99.9%
  18. in the bin ;-) Nah.... Big HIGH ceilings , rooms with NO soft furnishings (i.e. people) WILL make almost any amp sound like this IME. Try putting it on a crate- at least a foot high. EQ some bass OUT, compensating with mids to give U some clarity & punch. If it DOESN'T sound cruddy in other rooms, it AINT the amp!
  19. www.headsupstrap.com
  20. While we HAVE been told, in no uncertain terms I'll put in MY 2c. I DO like Ampeg SVT tone. I DO own a '91 SVTII the NON 'PRO' version, & I'm telling YOU - THAT Amp cr@ps all over a SVT2PRO !!!!!!! There, You've been told. Suck that sav!!!!!!!! ;-) & More Seriously - I DO use a LMII & VT bass pedal too when I feel like it. BUT against ALL my thinking My Mesa WALKABOUT scout 12" combo sounds DAMN awesome & more 'vintage' than any amp I've tried. I LOVE IT! BUT I Still us the SVTII when I wanna & the LMII etc when I feel like it... I like all their differing tones!
  21. In a recent issue of BASS PLAYER mag there was an advert for a strap that has a pocket with 3 small lead weights in the body side of the strap- to counter this exact problem. The weights are removeable so U can get the balance right with the minimum of weight. PM me if U want more info & I'll try 'n find the mag.
  22. Keep 'em both! Well the '72 as an investment- it's money in the bank aint it??? I recently got an AC Jazz style & Damn- it's cr@pped all over ANY other bass I've owned, including a '76 Precision :-)
  23. Ell flat. - VLE 8-9 oclock & VPF - 9 oclock works well for me. Someone suggested this setting the other day on TB & I found IT to work REALLY well! All "o'clock" settings :- LOW 10.30 Low Mid 10.30 Hi Mid 9 Treb 9 BOTH FILTERS OFF!!! Adjust gain to suit I found this to work really well. As I had usually used all EQ's flat & both filters at around 9oclock. Was interesting to use all the EQ's as CUTS -adjusting the gain up a li'l more than usual, & NOT using the filters at all. Gave a good punchy sound. BTW I play mainly funk with it too.
  24. That LOOKS SICK!!! REALLY!!! Well Done!!!
  25. I grabbed a 50's RW Precision a few months back- did some research, found one at a good $$$ & I LOVE it. AFAIK it differs to the reg MIM basses in a few areas. IIRC- the Pups were wound differently-more to the specs of a 50's P. The Bridge has hollow saddles like the early one......etc.. Can't remember the other things. BUT.....It feels, sounds & plays like a dream. I sold my '06 MIA S1 jazz for it- after I got the P. The MIA jazz never really did it 4 me. I've recently played a CV 60's jazz & IT did it for me FAR more. AFAIK & As far as I've beeen informed- the STANDARD MIM's are what they are, but the 'higher range' MIM's are in a diff. class altogether!! I own a Reggie Hamilton Sig STD jazz & ITS one of my faves ever. WAAY better than the MIA jazz I had, & Its a MIM also. I don't care WHERE they're made as long as they DO what they're s'posed to do. & the RW series seem to do just that really well
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