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Everything posted by rodl2005

  1. damn!!! i LIKE THOSE white cabs RayFW!!! VERY nice. I imagine some covers would keep most marks off & a light cleaner would be able to get all other marks off.
  2. I did & had similar results to W.O.T. above. But after a few more tries & got a pretty good tone outta it. Same for me with elec bass & the SABDDI... I used the VT bass pedal to great effect- LOVE it!! Then had chance to grab a prog.(3 chan.) SABDDI - & tried it with both EUB & elec bass. With BOTH instruments I didn't like it at 1st. But after a few tries I got pretty good results with the EUB & now I love it with the elec bass too. Tho I now use a Fishman Platinum + Pre amp/DI for EUB
  3. Any idea- I can't get hold of the BP issue- latest one -out here in OZ anyway- with interview with Chris Wolstenholm & his equip. Anyone tell me what they say he's using these days??? PLEASE!!!!
  4. It depends- try as many as poss. I recently SOLD My MIA jazz, as it wasn't near as good (to ME)as my MIM Reggie Hamilton Sig. Jazz. Sure the build quality & look of the MIA is SUPERB & the S1 switching in it gave it a great P style sound, but-maybe it was just ME & my taste, but it just didn't excite me like the RH Sig does. P'raps I just dig the P pup(the RH sig jazz has P/J pups) - but I DO dial out the P pup & just use the bridge jazz pup at times... Dunno- the MIA Amercian Series Jazz IS a lovely bass & it does everytghing it's s'posed to do well, but... left me wanting. So I've bought a 50's RI precision- a MIM model too, but it FEELS lovely & I LOVE the simplicity of the P's. IMO the MIM active P's are darn good too, seem to be on the whole, a lot better consistantly, than the Standard MIM P's. I was tossing up between a MIM P Special(active) or the 50's RI. In the end AS I have active ones already I went w/ the Passive P.
  5. Yeah I was gonna say the BErgantino NV215, but They're discontinued AFAIK, so 2nd hand it'll have to be.... IF they aint to much $$$ over there. Good luck those BAREFACED cabs look good!!!
  6. LMII > Berg AE112 here for the smaller gigs. Superb sound!!!
  7. LMII > Berg AE112 here for the smaller gigs. Superb sound!!!
  8. Not 4 me either!!!
  9. hEY good guess???? or perhaps U read my info under my AVATAR...... ;-) Yep a local store in Hobart has the AMP which slides neatly in & outta the 1x10" cab. Was a neat li'l unit thats fer sure!
  10. Alex is SPOT ON-as Usual- here. Pick ANY 2!!! 100% spot on! I've NOT played thru ANY Schro's But I heard one- 1 1210L IIRC being used by an Uprite acousic player in a rockaqbilly band- sounded punchy, loud BIT DID lack the deep roundness I like! to tell the truth- I was thanking my lucky stars-'choice'really for buying the Berg NV215. & for a 'LIGHT option I use a Mark Bass HR151STD- somwtimes with the Berg AE112 cab-sure they aint really 'matched' but they WORK together really well to my ears. The AE112 is punchy & versatile, & the 151HR is deep & round-not as "hi-fi" but thats cool- it seems to sound great with the band. SCHROEDER cabs -as I've read- are punchy & Loud.... deep IS NOT A TERM i'VE READ RE THEM.-SORRY caps lock :-/
  11. I tried out the 1x10" combo in a local store last week- WOW!!!! Sounded GREAT!!! HUGE sound for a li'l 1x10" Amp seemed to have LOTSA power too & sounded nice. This was all "in store" remember- so dunno HOW it goes in a band setting. But I WAS DEFINATELY impressed with it. Would've LOVED to have heard it with another 10" plugged in! I own a LMII & Berg. AE112 so I was sorta comparing it(in my head) to that. & again it impressed. Seemed to have plenty of tone shaping ability & made the EBMM Sterling I was using sound as good as they normally sound :-)
  12. Anyone know what ASHDOWNS Lomenzo hyperdrive's like- that apparently only affect the treble also & is rumoured to be good????????
  13. EHX bass big muff....??????? can blend the BM fuzz with clean signal- or 2 other ways!-normal BM or BM w/ a bass boost- good fun. Tech 21 do damn good dirty OD's too. VTbass & BDDI's
  14. I'd imagine there's be a few options even in the 4 sale section on BASSCHAT????
  15. What about the Marshall Superbass Hatori has?? They get LOUD AND dirty rreal good!
  16. Contacted Seller & he said."says "Laney Pro-TUBE 100 BASS" on front right side...." ??? anyone know anymore?????????
  17. WOW!!!???!! OK thanks - so far. No wasn't aware it was a guitar amp- seller here says Bass amp ...??? Ha ha!! Well I'll ask the seller what his views are re this info... Thanx again.
  18. Did a search & found nuthin' on this amp. One's 4 sale near me(but too far to drive & check out-so....) & I'd like ANY info on these- look, conttrols, manual, tones, reliability, build etc....ANYTHING!!!!! Thanx, Rod
  19. The V4BH is fine for volume for me. Running thru a pretty highly sensitive cab with plenty of drivers = good volume. I use a Bergantino NV610. Thru a single 15" I get a great ols sch. sound, but not heaps of headroom. I play in a pretty loud band, but we only play as loud as the acoustic drums(onstage anyway) & I can run the V4BH at "the sweet spot"- i.e. right at the point of starting to get power tube overdrive, if I play hard-I get nice OD, play soft-she's clean. I LOVE it!!! & I usually take this amp instead of my SVTII as-1. it's 1/2 the weight, 2 the SVT is THE amp for anyMORE vol. but if I know I don't NEED to be really loud out front(Or we have a F.O.H. PA system ) then the V4BH is usually the one.
  20. I posted a 'highly debated' thread over on TB a yr or so ago rethe 'fast vs slow' response of cabs...... as I said- HIGHLY debated! General consensus is that ported cabs have to be designed nicely so that the sound outa the ports is 'tuned' & not outta phase(???????) I'm a total dweeb when it comes to tech stuff here, BUT I do know what I like etc... & I know that my sealed cabs do sound tighter in the bass response than the ported SVT410HLF I A/B'd it with. This was an A/B test using a 300w all tube SVT, into A-SVT410HLF & B-Bergantino NV610. Apart from the NV610 blowing the Ampeg outta the water-TOTALLY, we noticed that the sealed cab seemed-as I said- tighter in bass response & had far more clarity at high(ish) volumes. Sure these 2 cabs are chalk n cheese, but it was interesting & fun.
  21. I'll add another vote for the Hartke HYDRIVE's & the LH amps... good stuff at great $$$ This all seems to depend on where in the world U R. See here in Oz Bergantino cabs are same price -or cheaper than Aguilar.... Markbass- far cheaper than most Ampeg!! Hatrtke STILL cheaper than most tho & sound great!!
  22. IMO/IME Not close at all!!! Dunno re the separate pre & pwr amp route... An All tube SVT300 power amp would be good tho ;-) I used to own a B2R(350w S.S.) sounded nice.... but NO cigar... traded that in on a SVT3PRO (450w hybrid) - a bit nicer, but NOwhere near the "AMPEG SOUND" in my books. I've not found a S.S. / or hybrid amp that DOES sound anywhere near the Ampeg tube sound... closest i've found is my Mark Bass LMII- strange I know- but with the 2 filters U can get a real old school sound-easily too!! Add a Tech 21 VT bass pedal or even a (again Tech 21)Sansamp BDDI before the LMII & U got FAR closer to the SVT tube sound than ANY S.S. or hybrid amp I've EVER heard or tried. Depending on how much volume one needs.... I grabbed a 100w Ampeg V4BH(all tube -4 x 6L6 pwr tubes) & to me this sounds almost idetical to my all tube SVTII(non-pro). But if U ARE going the S.S. route- A VTBASS pedal in front of ANY amp will get U closer to the tube Ampeg sound than anything other than a tube Ampeg. I'd be patient & keep looking- for either a SVT-CL/AV/VR , a SVTII(pro or older 'Non-pro'. There are a LOTTA Svt's out there- one will come up 4 sale soon. otherwise I reckon you'll end up wasting $$$ - as I did- buying other amps, but really wanting THAT sound- which can only be had with the real thing. OR Bass > VTBASS pedal > S.S. amp-(the pedal IS that good- but can't give U the EXACT sound of vacuum tubes-very close tho) Asdown EVO amps were the only other amps I found came CLOSE to giving the warm sound of an all tube baby... but that aint a SVT sound either...
  23. +1 on the Choice of Mark Bass!!! IMO... Grab a 2nd hand LMII & a cab to suit. Or the combo U suggested. IMO the MB cabs are as good as their amps, just that many ppl who judge 'em might not have used them in a band/gig setting!!! They SHINE in this setting!! Grabbing that 210 combo(essentially a LMII & a 210 in one) -as U stated gives U the option of using the 15" as an extra cab- this'd be great as the LMII amp sounds EVEN better, running at 4 ohms!! Better & LOUDER!! Sure Aguilar & Bergantino make great cabs, but don't write off the MB spkr cabs till U have tried them IN A BAND setting. They 'sit' nicely in the mix & seem to do everything well- just like their amps!
  24. +1. told ya!!! ;-) & CONGRATS!!!!!!! Hard to beat a Stingray>LMII/III/Tube> Berg Cab IMO/IME. When I 1st played my NV610, after having an AMPEG SVT410HLF for a year (Same amp-then a Fender 300PRO all tube MONSTA!!!)- I couldn't believe how articulate it was- but at the same time- it DIDN'T sound "modern"!!!!!! ALL my band members said things like- 'WOW that new bass line U R playing in "blah blah" (insert ANY song title) sounds great!!" I replied- "it's the same bassline I been playing for the last 2 yrs!!" Them-" wow is that a new bass then??" "No, a new cab" etc.... happened all the time. We'd be on a LARGE stage & the guitard -who's on the far side to me- says " wow the bass sounds pumping" & yet the vocalists wouldn't say I was too loud........ :-/ hmmmm ??? deduction- the BErg cab seems to be articulate & punchy-even across the other side of the stage, even when the volume aint over the top. AND- they're articulate, but-as I said- not modern sounding, but still be clear even with overdrive?!?!?!?!? Possible??? I dunno, but I DO know that EVERY Berg cab I've used has impressed me no end. I REALLY didn't need to buy the NV215- I mean I already had the NV610....... But- I've ALWAYS loved 15"s & the sealed design, w/ the li'l 6" mid freq driver, gives it a punchy old school sound, but bring up that li'l mid-driver & U got enough hi's for our funk/soul band & a bitta slap bass(of course the NV610 handles this superbly too, but I gotta justify it SOMEHOW ;-) Congrats again!!! I've never had the pleasure of playing 'someone elses' Berg cab :-(... no-one anywhere near me has one.... , but I can imagine just how good the 410 U got must be. I also see U have the Orange 200w tube amp!! That should be lovely. I use a SVTII(non-pro '91 model)-all tube 300w, & a Ampeg V4BH(all tube 100w) {as well as a LMII for when I either can't be bothered carrying stuff, or for some gigs that just call for that sound- 4 me, it's been the ONLY S.S. amp I've EVER loved!!!! & no doubt the LMIII & LMtube are as good or better!!!! The LMII sounds SUPERB thru the Berg NV215 or AE112... I don't like it as much with the NV610- but is still damn good. & the V4BH sounds great thru the Berg AE112 too. In fact I used that rig last nite at our reg. Sunday eve jazz/blues/soul gig(Billie Holiday-Etta James-Nina Simone-Norah Jones etc) Fender Reggie Hamilton Jazz(w/ P/J pups) > Tech 21 pedal(for a bit of OD if needed) > Ampeg V4BH > Berg AE112. Sounds DREAMY!!! CONGRATS again- hope U love that cab-in fact all yr gear looks great- for YEARSto come! ps-sorry 4 overly lo-o-o-ong post!!
  25. one 12AX7 in the pre & s.s. power... Don't do much 4 me... Looks nice tho......
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