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Everything posted by rodl2005

  1. Geeeeezz!!!! Look into the ol' S.S. Vs valve power....... IMO 100w into a GOOD, efficient cab(4x10" at least- 2x15" or 6x10" - I use a Bergantino NV610 & the Ampeg V4BH-100w is fine for MOST gigs.) is fine. Tho at a lotta gigs you'll need to run a DI ir mic yr cab to the FOH PA system- as U do with any large-ish gig. I too find 300w SVT- lovely, but usually run the MAster on 9 oclock or 3/10. Where I use a 300w s.s. amp & for the same volume ONSTAGE, she nees to be running at 8/10. Thats MY experience!
  2. +1 on the EV RE20 & I've also gotten great results w/ a simple ol' Shure SM57
  3. Ha ha!!! GREAT- more pics please!!!
  4. I'll 2nd-or 3rd- the LMII & GS112 combination. SWEET rig. & even greater w/ 2 x GS112's. The GS112 is a great sounding cab- I did our usual Sunday eve gig last week with this exact rig & was AGAIN blown away by how great it sounds!!! The GS112 & LMII combo = true bass sound, which is rich, thick, clear & classy!!! I USUALLY have the tweeter on about 1/4 (9 oclock) & the 2 filters at about 8 oclock on the LMII & all other EQ flat. I use a Fender PJ & also a modded Riley(palatino) EUB. Sounds GREAT for both these basses. I've also got an Aggie GS115 which I use w/ for bigger gigs, & find this to be a superb cab also, & w/ the GS112 it really adds some 'oooomph' :-) I HAVE used 2 GS112's together tho & am undecided as to which is better- the 2 GS112's or a GS112 & GS115?? But I LIKE having the 15" for use on it's own sometimes, or to pair w/ another 1x15" for an old sch. 2x15" rig!!!
  5. well if ya got a quatra valve....... I'd look at getting an SVT-VR or better still look for an old Ampeg SVTII- I bought one('91 model) & it's been an absolute brute of a workhorse for over 3 yrs now- its THE amp when I need anything-headroom, reliabilty, power, punch, beautiful baqss that SITS in mix perfectly...... I could go ON & on &.....
  6. An ALL valve amp sounds NOTHING like a valve pre & S.S. power amp... I wouldn't even BOTHER going that route- I did & wasted much $$$$, by having to sell & buy the real thing-ALL VALVE in the end. Haven't bought an amp since!!!!! U can ge some all tube amps at pretty good prices these days- look for 2nd hand Ampeg V4/V4B/V4BH, Yorkville YBA-2, Peavey VB-2, even older Marshall superbass are great amps!!! So are old All valve P.A. heads- I used a 150w (6CA7x6 tubes) PA head for yrs as a great bass head!!! paid about $400AUS- about 200UK lbs.
  7. ONE point........can use the Graphic EQ & it's LEVEL control to get MORE headroom --- IF any's needed!
  8. Hope it IS a good one. I've heard one of the all tube Guitar amps they made..... Wasn't impressed!
  9. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='309976' date='Oct 19 2008, 05:57 PM']Another tried and true remedy is a hefty damage deposit. Abuse is far less likely to occur when there's a penalty for doing damage.[/quote] I good one this. I ALWAYS was VERY careful when I used to hire gear & had to pay a hefty deposit for damage- or leave a credit card to cover any damage I did. Not that I did any b4 THIS, but it DID make me be EXTRA careful!!!
  10. Berg dealer in UK is BASSDIRECT.com.uk afaik Much easier to move than the SVT410HLF & AFAIK not more expensive either - well they aint here in AUS.
  11. MAte IF U R after the sound of the OLD 810 Look NO FURTHER than the Bergantino NV610!!!!!!! It's aesier to move AND lighter than the SVT410HLF ( I had one o those & sold it for the NV610!!) The SVT410HLF is all LOWS not much mids & a tweeter for hi's. The NV610 is voiced to acvtually sound like the orig. Ampeg 810 & it nails it! Simply one of the BEST cabs around these days!!!!!!!! NO tweeter & sealed. Has a HEAP of punch & handles the B string on my 'ray 5 NO probs!
  12. Yep cheers. I got a cuppla JJ pre amp tubes a 12AX7 a 12AU7 & a 12AT7 so will try 'em all out & post my results when I get time! Thanx
  13. [quote name='ahpook' post='304451' date='Oct 11 2008, 04:33 PM']one of the reasons that i plumped for a valve pre and a solid-state power amp ![/quote] yeah but U dont have the FEEL of an ALL TUBE POWER AMP- power tubes are where the PUNCH happens IME...... Not trying to start a tube v s.s. war. just my 2c.
  14. The EV plans for a 1x15" are GREAT cabs. I built one myself about 15 yrs ago- still use it today & IMO it sounds better than most modern -equivalent-cabs I've used. I don't think U NEED to add a tweeter. A crossover & a smaller himid driver 'd be a better idea- IF U DO NEED the 'Zing factor" I play everything from old school rocknroll, thru funk & modern pop & the EV 15 does everything FINE!! I'd make it at 8 ohms - as I did- Then if needed U can add a 2x10" cab or similar later -at 8 ohms also to get full power. depends on power requirements, BUT I was fine w/ my 8 ohm cab for yrs!
  15. Just to add a plug for above reply- a small hole in spkr is an EASY fix & will sound as good as new for MANY yrs. Just use some flexible glue-rubber glue- & glue some panty-hose (for example) on either side of tear/hole for strength. I did it like so to my EV(400w 15") & has been fine for 10 yrs.
  16. Bergantino NV215- if U like 15's or the NV610 if U wanna serious kick in the guts! The NV215 is great for an old sch sound IMO!!!!!!!
  17. My ampeg V4BH is s'posed to have these tubes in these pos.'s (sorry for the BAD diagram - but I hope U get the idea BACK of AMP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6L6/5881 CHASSIS section O O O O 12AX7 12AU7**** O O --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRONT of AMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside pre amp section 12AX7 12AU7#### O O }my amp had a 12AX7 inside pre amp section where the 12AU7 is located ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW I bought MY V4BH NEW & IT came with only ONE 12AU7 in the position marked with the Asterix's **** I assume this is the Phase splitter tube. According to the service manual-THANKS Jerrold- & the manual my tech got too- it's s'posed to have TWO 12AU7's!!!!!!! One where it's marked ****(where it was in my amp) & one where it's marked with '####' where there is/ & was when I bought it NEW, a 12AX7 in it!! Anyone know what the REAL story is/ why MY NEW V4BH would've been shipped out with a 12AX7 in the ### marked valve spot??? I'm gonna get a 12AU7 & put it in there asap, but it seems to work OK with a AX7 in there now????? Anyone got any ideas???? Thanks for looking! Rod ps-sorry for AWFUL diagram
  18. I was around & gigging then-I WAS only 'bout 15y.o. tho!!! Above is all correct. I think a fair few used the "New" EV cabs with 4 x 10"s or 4x12"s as well as a 15" under 'em. Hard to beat a Fender P or J.-passive. & yep Chic= Music man Stingray-about the only active bass about then -widely used anyway-apart from Alembic. $$$$ anyone???? Turn off the tweeter on yr cab or use a sealed 810/610 I get great disco sounds using either of my Bergantino NV cabs-NV610 But I like the NV215 more!!! It THUMPS!!! & the Hi freq driver in it sounds good in ANY pos. so SMOOOOOOOTH!!!!
  19. ppl ALWAYS GAS 4 an SVT, but really, unless U R after the VALVE sound, U really oughta stick with what U got & explore it's possibilities. Then after finding all it can do- make yr INFORMED decision. I had a B2R for about 3 yrs. Nice amp IMO. good sound, USE Graphic EQ & it's level control for extra Volume if needed. It adds HEAPS!!
  20. The 3PRO will only 'dirty' up if U turn up the EQ level ( EQ ON of course) then run the gain HI so it's red lighting all the time when hitting notes..... & even then it aint a real pretty OD!! . The Mark Bass LMII will sound similar-not dirty tho- tho she goes FAR louder!!!! I owned both, kept the LMII sold the 3pro. 3PRO is nice, but IMO the LMII is just as nice a sound, with more versatility, more headroom, lighter, cheaper, ............
  21. So how's li'l Geddy/Rhonda goin??? Or hasn't he/she arrived yet????? ;-) congrats if the arrival has er.. arrived!
  22. Nice RIG!!!! Love the P!
  23. I can say that the FENDER 300PRO sounds SUPERB thru an Ampeg 810 also. The OD channel blended w/ the clean sounds SO punchy thru the 8x10"s. ANY of the big tube amps, (Fender, Orange, Mesa, SVT-VR/CL/II/IIPRO) or evenb the 100w AMPEG V4/B/BH sound great thru it also!
  24. When I asked a Spkr repairer this re NEW spkrs he said same thing- Just play a CD/MP3 thru 'em for a few hrs!
  25. Look 2nd hand I had a B2R (model B4 the B2RE) & it was OK, If I had to do that again I'd probly go 2nd hand GK !!! Or as I've done now an Ampeg V4BH-100w all tube-easily as loud as a B2RE!!(even tho they're 450w s.s.)
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