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Everything posted by rodl2005
U see AMPEG at all the Festivals etc coz they're a reliable good choice that MOST touring players will be happy with. Can't have 20 bands worth of gear there. If -eg. a festival organiser has 2 bergantino NV cabs onstage & a Mark bass amp he MAY get a few(probly Lots) of band members requiring his time & complaining thet they use "..... not Damn .....!!!" So Ampeg SVT-CL is a standard & good all tube amp-powerful enough for most situ's & the Ampeg 8x10 is also!!!! Problem doesn't arise-organisers time is free to do .......... Now for ME, I use Berg. NV 610 cab or a NV215 cab coz I like to sound great! AND I CAN tell the difference between that & a diferent cab. & believe me & BFM & others-cabs aint cabs!!!!!!! If they were WHY would the Berg. AE410 cab sound SO much better than most other 410's-(better/different-take yo pick) For me- the 610 sounds far superior to an Ampeg 810, & is SUCH a great cab it helps my rock band sound great!
I wonder what this things like - w/ the EL-84 in the power amp? [url="http://www.tec-amp.com/index.php?id=91"]http://www.tec-amp.com/index.php?id=91[/url]
Behringer cabs are made outta particle board or some other fibre board-therefore weigh a ton & turn to cardboard if they get too wet.....:-( I've never had one, but a friend had one & the 4x10 blew out 3 of it's Alluminium cones within 2 yrs. It was HEAVY as.......... too!!! Either go 4 the New 15"s mentioned or a 2nd hand one-of a reputable brand. IF U DO LIKE 15" cabs then go 4 it. I like 'em too. & NO 4x10 cab will sound like a 1x15" IME/IMO. 15's have a big round sound, where the 4x10's (I've tried-LOTS) sound GREAT but different- sharper, punchier. I like the 10" spkr heaps but I LOVE A GOOD 15" cab. I've currently got a Aguilar GS115, that I got AFTER it was discontinued for $700AUD(about 300 GBP) that was NEW. HArtke 15's are pretty good. BAsically IME- a bigger deeper cab means a bigger deeper sound(to a degree)- My GS115 is quite a BIG 15" cab & sounds it too. I love it. Ashdown make a big & a smaller 15" cab -shop around! Good Luck!
Ha! Congrats!!! I wish MY original valve amp I got when I was 13 -wasn't stolen in '89 & I still had it !!!! Glad U still got urs. well done!
[quote name='alexclaber' post='232144' date='Jul 3 2008, 04:46 PM']100W of overdriven valves into a 4x12" and 4x15" is loud enough to blow most drummers out of the venue let alone off the stage! Alex[/quote] DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!!!
[quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='229913' date='Jun 30 2008, 06:22 PM']No need to do that. just use excessive EQ to boost the bejesus out of the first octave, then run it through PA subs capable of going an octave lower than bass cabs do. That's how ham fisted FOH engineers can take a perfectly good bass and make it sound like crap. The worst mixed gig I ever saw was Ringo and friends, with Greg Lake on bass. The bottom was so over boosted that it drowned out the entire band. OTOH the midbass was so subdued that whenever he went above C he completely disappeared from the mix, you could only tell he was playing by watching his hands. Needless to say the sound coming from the PA bore no resemblance whatsoever to that from the two SVTs behind him on the stage. Talent wise Ringo had one of the best bands ever assembled, yet one idiot at the FOH ruined the entire exoerience. [/quote] AWWWWW CR@P what a BUMMER!!!!! I HATE cruddy FOH engineers. worst one I saw/heard was an African band playing here in Aus. & the Dumb old mixer - mixed it like he would a Guitar based ROCK band All guitar & everything else an even blend-there was ONE guitar(playing the African "intricate'' style they do) two Keys, Horns, Heaps of percussion, Backing vox, Bass Drums- ALL this was a jumbled blur BUT DAMN U could hear EVERY NOTEthe guitarist played!!!! TOTAL OPPOSITE of what was needed!!! Took ANY groove-hypnotic beats out of the mix!!
I'm in Aus- so what U have available & costs are differrent in UK. Look into either Ashdown 5/15(100w combo) great li'l combo IMO. Or a Nemesis combo-made my EDEN & are WELL respected in bass circles!! Both good products. 2nd hand would be MY guide too! Hartke make great gear also & can be had a great prices atm- they make a great kickback combo(a couple actually) but at the current prices for 2nd hand Hartkes U might find a good value head & cab for as cheap as a combo-but with the added value of being able to upgrade/swap around spkrs/heads at a lter date or just when suits
3PRO is a nice amp- tho not hugely loud- is generally plenty loud enough for most things & DI on it is good! The SVT450H is simplya B2RE amp in SVT clothes-costs more tii, so I'd be getting the B2RE if I went that route-Tho I wasn't impressed with my B2R(the 350w version- & also same as SVT350H) 3PRO is a good bet at an OK price point. THo IMHO MY Mark Bass LMII beats all of 'em for warmth & versatility AND definately for weight- what is it? 6.5lbs I carry it in an old laptop bag-w/ room for leads etc as well! GREAT amp w/ far more power than any of the Ampegs I mention. I've NO experience w/ a 4 PRO tho
[quote name='jakesbass' post='229224' date='Jun 29 2008, 08:13 PM']I may be mistaken as I'm not well informed in this arena but I don't think his 'example' is his 'cabs' (I might have missed something) But anyway your post does clarify the idea of frequency routing and overlap where cabs are delivering the same range. Very useful to me thanks for that.[/quote] To give U a good example of a cab/s that soung great w/ Uprite AND elec bass. I use a Mark Bass LMII amp with an Aguilar GS112 & GS115 which sound GREAT w/ both basses. Many simply use 2 (or even one ) GS112 depending on gig size etc. Back OT. I can DEF. hear/feel when MY GS115 is going when used with a 2x10, 1x12 or 4 x 10" cab!!!!! I LOVE the big round sound of 15"s
I do it all the time- have done for over a year-since I got the LMII. DBL bass into the XLR & elec bass into the jack...... as long as U don't play BOTH at same time U R good to go. AFAIK it's what it's designed to do!
Just make SURE it's either a 4 OR 2 ohm load NOT 8 ohms damage can happen w/ an 8 ohm load. It'll run all nite/week etc at 4 or 2 ohms. I reg. use mine with 2x4ohm cabs = a 2 ohm load & she Snarls!!!!!!
Outta the 2 listed the MESA all the way!!!!! 3PRO is nice but NO cigar IME. The BB750 has the OD function-something the 3PRO doesn't do well IMO. Also with higher watts it'll have better Headroom.
Thanx again Alex. AGAIN U help clarify many points I find difficult to grasp!!!! Thanx!
[quote name='bassjamm' post='216643' date='Jun 11 2008, 09:37 AM']Thanks mate. That's really interesting!!! I like the what the NV215 is about, and i reckon it'd sound awesome!!! But with the SVT II my whole rig would weigh more than i do!!! I can't be going down that route!! I've just received an Ampeg SCP-Pro pre-amp, so i'm trying to get around about the same tone as the SVT II (which by the way got back from a service and pre-amp valve replacements...and is sounding awesome!!!)!!! How do you cope with all that weight?[/quote] I "Cope" with all the weight by using a trolley!!! Makes loads EZ as!!!! I also put skidrails on the rear of both my NV cabs & so VERY rarely have to actually LIFT one!!! With a sound as good as the NV cabs I find it EASY to cope!!
Just to add a ferret into the mix. I LOVE adding my EV 1x15" to my Fender 2x10PRO- both sound Excellent together! Never had a prob. & can't get THAT sound using ANY other size spkr. Need a 15" for this sound! & what a sound! :-)
quote name='obbm' date='Jun 3 2008, 06:11 PM' post='212008'] Do you mean this one? [/quote] WOW - a beauty!!! This is my new beastie/s Bergantino NV610 & NEW NV215!!!!! w/ SVT2 a top! [attachment=9498:DSC00028.JPG] [attachment=9499:DSC00026.JPG] & NV215 w/ V4BH on top!
I reckon you'll be fine. Sounds like a great rig! congratulations! Outta the Ashdown amp-w/ a spkr lead- into the 2x10"- then "daisy-chain" (run a lead from) the 2x10" cab to the 1x15" Of course U can also just run the 1x15" by itself or the 2x10 at smaller gigs/reheasals etc.... Great way to go!
Ampeg 810E Questions and Sansamp Bass Driver....buying soon!
rodl2005 replied to Musicman20's topic in Amps and Cabs
[quote name='Musicman20' post='213404' date='Jun 5 2008, 05:42 PM']Dont get me wrong, I like Ashdown stuff...but it didnt seem quite right for what I wanted. Ill have a look though thanks I was gonna go for Trace stuff....but I want all Ampeg I think eventually. What the Berg 610 like?[/quote] There's a ton of threads over on Talkbass re the Bergantino NV610. I have never played thru a vintage Ampeg 810 but apparently the BERG NV610 sounds as close to one of these as U can get these days. AS far as comparing it to the Ampeg SVT810E cab..... there's virtually NO comparison. well there is but IMO(& MANY others) the NV610 absolutely EATS it alive!! It's lighter, smaller & easier to transport & best of all it sounds WAY better!!!!!! Goes deeper-Handling the Low B string of my Stingray 5 with ease!!. IS far punchier & goes higher also-yet has no horn etc- & thus sounds superb with overdrive/distortion etc.... If it's also cheaper........well IMHO it's a NO BRAINER!!! IF U R after the real Ampeg 810 sound thats been made famous(after all .. on most records where an Ampeg 810 was used-a VINTAGE one would be the one used) the BErgantino NV610 is a REALLY great cab! I HAD an Ampeg SVT410HLF & when I got the NV610-everyone in my band(8piece-soul/funk band) -including myself- were amazed at the clarity of the bass-without it sounding 'clean' or "modern"- band members all said they could hear my basslines clearly & defined-where as B4 they would hear just a bassy sound-not so much the notes. Yet it "Sits" in the band mix SO well! An Amazing cab. The ONLY thing I like about the Ampeg 810 over the NV610 is the fact that the 810 is a bit closer to ear level !!!!!!!!!!! So IF I have a gig where I've not much room, I sit the NV610 on a crate- saves me from turning it up more & I get to hear the true sound, & damn it sure is pretty!!! A P-bass or Jazz or a Stingray thru a tube amp into a NV610 -to me- is the best sound I've heard-ever had! A cuppla gigs ago, we were doing a BIG event... in our city's entertainment centre-nice big stage etc... I made sure the bass was mic'd-rather than DI'd-so FOH would sound as good as I heard....- while I was playing I was thinking ..WOW this is just Awesome... the bass sounded SO freakin great.. it was just pure pleasure!!!!! Hope U get to that too! -
[QUOTE]"I had personal experience of this with a Peavey 115BW. I added a Peavey 2x10 and it sounded sh*t - much better with each individual cab, and whats more the 2x10 was actually deeper so I sold the 115 and got another 2x10." [QUOTE] IME this MAY've been due to the cabs/spkrs being outta phase. I had a similar problem with my old Fender 210PRO when I apired it w/ my Aguilar GS112- Was using just the 1x12" then decided to try adding the 2x10"- & ended up sounding thin & actually better/louder with just ONE cab...which made NO sense as It was making the amp see 4 ohms & therefore 500w instead of 300w. Turns out they were just outta phase with each other(AFAIK-anyway) coz when I plugged em in a different way-daiy chained- they worked beautifully. The 2x10" added a touch of punch & power & VOLUME to the single 12". These were diff. brands, sizes etc.. & sounded great!!!! Using my (well worn) brain, I've had NO problem mixing spkr size OR brand! Right now I use my Mark Bass LMII > Aguilar GS112 then for bigger gigs I add an Aguilar GS115 underneath for a superb sounding rig!
Hi again, (I replied to your 2x12" cabs thread- sorry I realise U DO know the IP series of Berg's are powered. I've got an SVT2(non-pro) also & I use both a NV215 & a NV610 & BOTH are superb w/ this amp- Unbeatable!!!! IMHO !!! A cab designed by Jim Bergantino(If U don't wanna go as big as the NV cabs- IMHO they're easier to move etc than most 4x10's. ) The -now discontinued Sadowsky 410 cab was a Jim Bergantino design. The new AE Berg 410 might be the goods....-light weight & good sound!
[quote name='bassjamm' post='214916' date='Jun 8 2008, 01:53 PM']Hi all, Right, following on from my other thread on Bergantino Cabs, i thought i'd get a general thought on 1x12's and 2x12 cabs. I've got a Dr Bass RX1260, which i think is awesome, along with an RX210, but i need to upgrade them and would like to stick with 12's, and if possible, a single cab solution! Here's what i'm considering: Ampeg 112's...has anyone used these, will they take my SVT battering them, would a single one be enough for small gigs? Dr Bass 2460...great cab for the money Bergantino IP212/112...just learning about these Epifani UL212...saw Matt Garrison last night, his sounded pretty awesome, so any thoughts? Plus any others you'd suggest. I've played the Aguilar 1x12's, they're great little cabs, but just not really what i'm after at the moment. Anyway, apart from that, it'd just be interesting to see what you all think about the different 12" cab solutions that are out there really. Thanks Jamie[/quote] Re the Bergantino IP cabs- U DO realise these are active(powered) cabs! & therefore only require a preamp to run... IMO/IME Hard to go past ANY Bergantino cabs!!! HT212 is a good one! ( If I got the model No. correct.) As are the new lightweight -NEO- "AE" berg series!
Apart from him using a EB MM Stingray early on, I dunno what it was.
I personally HATE going thru the PA for my ONSTAGE sound- ie:-thru the monitors- HATE IT!!!!!!! Thats why I've a nice amp & cab. My All tube/valve Ampeg V4BH -100w thru an efficient cab-Bergantino NV610 is HEAPS for almost ANY gig..... for bigger ones just DI the amp's line out(post pre) into the FOH PA system for out front sound....but for MY OWN sound-onstage- I like to have MY rig! For pub gig, Solid state 350w would generally be enough-providing you've got a decent amount of speaker cone area to 'move the air'. So a 4x10", 2x10" & 1x15" etc SHOULD get U thru most pub gigs EASILY IME. Any MORE volume needed than this- you SHOULD be going thru the PA for front of house sound, & your rig becomes your own monitor-just for your own/ or onstage sound.
What Do U mean "poor Power" low sensitivity... as in 103dB @ 1w/1m etc..??? (U can probly tell I'm NO tech!!) I'm Also interested in them. Only seen them in mags & online... never heard or heard of ppl using them-except Mr Hellborg !
[quote name='steve-soar' post='204038' date='May 22 2008, 06:20 AM']Her first response, when she saw the pic was, "who the f***'s that?"[/quote] +1 Mine was "what's that???"