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Everything posted by rodl2005

  1. [quote name='NJW' post='201654' date='May 18 2008, 05:51 PM']I use my 300W of all tube power for flexibility reasons. First of all, many of the venues I play at provide me with only a single 12" or 15" monitor. We try to run as little through these as possible across the board but I tend to like mine to contain a little kick (if 15"), perhaps a bit of far side guitar and lots of vocal. When I start pushing bass through the monitor, I lose clarity in other areas. With a 6x10 and 300w amp behind me I have plenty of power. Also... there is nothing that can replace the vibe and 'feel' of having 3 tube amps (2 guitar, 1 bass) on stage. We are NEVER too loud for our engineer and are very careful about stage volume. We also end up sometimes playing vocal PA only shows, where I really really need my amp and could not live without it. And finally... our backline looks awesome and geeks love it. ...when it comes to the day where I have to carry it about by myself, I may have to reconsider.[/quote] +1 Well I use either 100w OR 300w of all tube beauty into a NV610, but MOSTLY the 100w WILL do the job. I too HATE havin me bass thru my monitor- I like it comin outta me rig!!! Monitors usually sound pretty tinny IMHO-& I've used plenty different makes........ So I agree- 300w is heaps! Cheers
  2. The Speakers LOOK like old JBL 140 type 15" ??? They ARE 15"s aint they??? HArd to beat a nice 2x15"!!!! Congrats on meeting him & Thanx for the pics....Loved his lines in 'wanna be straight???!?!?!?!?!!!??????? D'reckon he does?
  3. rodl2005


    IIRC they're Groove tubes & therefore relabelled tubes form onother(usually Sovtek) manufacturer
  4. Had too many to remember & list in this amount of time............. Best live sound- Rig I use now:- Ampeg SVT2 (non pro) / Bergantino NV610 best studio...- Ampeg B15N mic'd Looking --- toss up between the V4BH/NV610 OR SVT2/NV610 best modern sound rig- (one I got now) LMII/ Aguilar GS115,GS112
  5. Glad to hear it's a good amp! I like the LMII a LOT. & I'm a ALL valve amp fella from way back! It's one of the FEW S.S. amps to impress me-hybrid also- So if the R500 is even better- GREAT & congrats!
  6. +1!!!!!!!!! Jazz & a good amp/cab = MEAT- actually fillet steak!!! +1 on the ABM Ashdowns & U wouldn't go far wrong with a Ashdown cab to match the ABM amps! Either a 4x10 or a 1x15" is what I'd go 4! ps... Eden/Nemesis stuff is VERY good for the Price too!! I'd still go Ashdown if I had a choice & the $$$$ was similar! I wouldn';t get a SVT410HLF cab..... great cabs, but are 4 ohm so unless the amp can do 2 ohms U R restricted to JUST THAT cab always-I know it's designed for that, but it's nice to have a choice. I used to own a SVT410HLF, sold it & got a Bergantino NV610- Much easier to move, sounds better, lighter, more power handling ;-) The SVT410 is a TANK & VERY hard to shift....... I'd go a 8 ohm Ashdown 410 or 210 & get another 8 ohm 1x15" later on-or get the 15 now & the 2/4x10 later depending on yr mood!
  7. +1 to the BFM cabs option! Apparently GREAT cabs! Otherwise as U say a 2x10" & a 1 x 15" -types/makes????? Up to U & the sound U R after. IMO the Aguilar GS112(1x12") is a great li'l cab & two make a GREAT sound for not a lotta weight. I had a GS112 & WAS gonna get another, but got a good deal on an Aguilar GS115(1x15") & together they make a GREAT rig!!!! The GS115 is a DAMN good 15" & is discontinued-hence MY good deal-So if U can find either 2nd hand or some "floor stock" deals- best option IMO. Try as many as U can-with YOUR amp!!
  8. I'll put in a Vote for an ASHDOWN - ???? five-fifteen I think the model is. 15" spkr & 100w. NICE vintage sound that can easily be "modernised" w/ EQ. I had to use one -as it was supplied as a backline at a small jazz club gig a while ago- it was DI'd outta it's line out & both FOH & stage sound was lovely!!! Loud enough for small gigs too & easy to transport & all in one unit!!! Otherwise I'd say go for a Mark Bass LMII & a cab of some sort to match- either a 2x10", 1x12" or 1x15" I use mine with an Aguilar GS112-LMII into GS112- makes a wicked small rig with PLENTY of power & versatility. EDIT: I'm in Aus. so don't really know the $$$ of the amps there Hope I help some. I'm sure the 5-15 Ahdown isn't very much $$$! A LMII & Aguilar GS112 would be considerably more-but also have lotsa more power! I STILL wouldn't discount the li'l Ahdown or even a Trace V2 2x10 combo ;-)
  9. Damn W.O.T. U DO like Fender basses eh???? LOVELY collection tho- very envious!!!
  10. +1 do a LOT of research. Depending on the amp.... Most modern ones will have a switch on back enabling it to toggle between 110- 230-240v I bought an AMPEG SVT2 over from US to Aus without knowing- just had a feeling... ;-) & all was OK Had y tech unscramble the myriad of wires & rewire it for 240v -There was a 240V tap on the OT. NO way I could've done this without a spec sheet & a elec wizz tho!!!
  11. [quote name='steve-soar' post='178498' date='Apr 17 2008, 12:14 AM']I want my SVT II, non PRO, back. Does anyone have one for sale?[/quote] NO U can't have mine!!!!!! There LOVELY amps aint they? Such a simple pre! & all the sounds are there!
  12. Ampeg V4/B/BH I got a '03 V4BH- has a DI on it-sounds superb!!!!!!!! If U want MORE power IMHO The NEW Ampeg SVT-VR or just as good IMHO & far cheaper an SVTII (non pro) Mines a '92 IIRC they were made '89-'93. Super simple tube circuit-beautiful thick tube sound! Overdrive that & thats a big WOW!!!
  13. Make sure they're not chip board(particle board) or MDF fibreboard- gotta be Ply for a start
  14. I recently bought an Aguilar GS115 - to go with my GS112- at a GREAT price-as they've apparently been discontinued....so price was LOW!!!! Lucky me. IMO it seems to be a lovely sounding 15" cab. Well made, pop-out casters, DEEP DEEP sound. & has a adjustable tweeter-as does the GS112- which sounds good on or off! Has a real old school sound w/ horn off! I plan to use it w/ my EV 1x15" also!
  15. I've used an ASHDOWN EVO II ( I think it was an Evo II-may've been an earlier model, but def. was an Evo) but IIRC it was a 500w amp head, running into a GK 4x10" cab. Sounded GREAT IMO. Actually quite a 'vintage' sound! May've been able to dial that out for a modern edge-dunno. But I just recall it sounded good to me- I'm a Valve amp guy & have been all my life. I HAVE tried many S.S. amps & hybrids & have been underwhelmed by them all. BUT- the Ashdown DID impress me- sounded 'vintage' (it is a hybrid amp) but still cut thru well & seemed to be pretty versatile. I only used it one night - as it was a backline at a 'lots of bands' type gig. I liked it! I DO own a Mark Bass LMII now & am impressed w/ that also..& thats all S.S. But I still love my Ampegs valve babes better!
  16. [quote name='Toasted' post='148790' date='Feb 29 2008, 08:59 AM']I love my NV610 in ways that are probably illegal in some countries.[/quote] Yeah & NO PORTS!!!!!!
  17. I used a Bench press drill & a gotoh bridge & made my SX P a string-thru body!! Worked great-did it 20 months ago & no issues so far. In fact neck is straight as....sound darn good too!! Has Ibanez Blazer bass '80's pups in it, Red body w/white pup covers & white pearl guard. Flats on it too. Sounds GOOOD!!
  18. Well I posted some pics [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=4229"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?act=attach...ost&id=4229[/url] hope that takes U to one- of the G&L L2000 Tribute I painstakingly bought & brought over to Australia from the USA. But after a cuppla months...alas ..IT wasn't for me... It was just too modern sounding a bass, or sumthin'????? So I flogged it off on ebay- lost a bit, but thems the breaks, & thru a TB friend, ordered a American Series S1 switching Chrome Red, Rosewood board Jazz- again from the US, but THIS time from a reputable store-that my friend reccommended!!!!!!!! It arrived in about 2/3 weeks & I got it last week! A beauty too!!! I was looking for a Jazz bass when all the bells & whistles of the G&L L2000 caught my eye. Active to passive, series/parralel etc.... But TOO modern sounding- probly GREAT for HEAVY Music, but I wanted sumthin' I could use for Jazz, soul, old style Rythm n blues, funk etc.... Man the MIA jazz sounds superb. With the string-thru bridge it seems to have a bit more punch than a previous Jazz bass-a MIJ- I owned-even when that had SD 1/4lb pups in it! The S1 switch also gives a real bass boost & P bass style option. Will post some pics asap Cheers, Rod
  19. Ahhhh, I know the Fender type foam mutes-had one under the ashtray on the bridge cover of me ol' 70's P. But how did these ones work? They look like metal??? Did they just wind up to touch string- did they have foam on 'em???? I'm intrigued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. SOrrY abOUt That !!!! HaviNG soRT Of an UP & DOwn day/week this One. Staff hasslinG, Kids moving back IN aFTER being moVED out for a WHILE-Now W/ GirlfriEND!!!!!!!!!! AHHH thats what Parents are for!! But I dO feeL stROnglY aBouT THese Cabs & iSsues- is Shoes an issUE???? roD
  21. Nylon wound-or tapewound acoustic bass strings are great & give a warm almost uprite-ish sound to a trebly ac. bass. Try some !
  22. MAte---if U wasnt THE authentic vintage cab to go with the VR..........the NV610 IS THE way to go!! I got a SVT2(non-pro) & I A?B'd an Ampeg 810E with the NV610 & the NV610 won in ALL areas!! Hands down. More punch, clarity(w/out ANY modern sounding-ness) distinction in upper & lower register, easier to move-lighter........just BETTER ALL ROUND - ALL IMHO of course...but there are MANY who'll agree with me- check out TALKBASS.COM & search NV610 Bergantino. Sounds AWESOME with the SVT2-which is one of the closest in design to the VR & early SVT's-NO master vol/Gain set up!! NV610's also handle OVERDRIVE beautifully. The Spkrs in it are specially voiced to compensate for the lack of horn etc.. & just the other week (when no-one was home) I cranked the SVT2 up to FLAT OUT, pointed the NV610 out the security doors-so it was pointing outside-I live in rural area!! :-) MAN did THAT sound fantastic!!!!!! No signs of the NV610 NOT handling the power, just pure sweet power tube overdrive...AWESOME. I HAD a SVT410HLF before the Berg. & that would 'fart out' anywhere near 5 & over on the VOLUME....Not so with the NV610. If U R after top end "ZING", modern slap top end snap- look elsewhere-EDEN etc... But(altho I do slap thru the 610 quite regularly & sounds GREAT) if U R after pure tube vintage tone the sealed, tight, sweet response of the NV610 is IT IMHO/IME I've not heard better. Oh & as far as size & manouverability goes..... this is a winner also. The SVT410HLF I used to own was far harder to manouver!!! I actually put skid rails on my NV610's rear. If U PM me I can send U some pics if U like. I just used solid plastic(recycled) garden stakes-black too. Just bought two-cut em at right length, shaped the ends, sanded 'em......... it's even easier to move now. Wasn't hard B4- but now I just tilt/roll. tilt onto it's back & slide. At 98lbs it's lighter than a lotta 410s also. Thinner than the 410HLF was too. All in all...I'm SO glad I got this cab-it's a KEEPER!!!!
  23. Depending on size of venues -gigs etc you'll be doing & type of music you play...... Solid state/hybrid amps I wouldn't get anything less than 350w-pref. 450+ w RMS & a cab with either 2 x 12"s or 4 x 10's or 2 cabs -2x10 & 1 x 15 Check out the thread re watts, impedance(ohms) If U R going for an ALL tube/valve amp(NOT a hybrid-which is a solid state amp with a tube pre amp) then 100w MAY be enough, tho 200w would probly be safer. That being said MY AMPEG 100w ALL tube V4BH into an efficient cab-with plenty of SPEAKER cone area -mines a 6x10") give volume enough for most gigs. if not it's DI'd into PA. So- Solid state- Get at least 350-450w- usually @ 4ohms. And a cab that will maximise that power - so a 4 ohms cab that'll handle 500w or 2 x 8 ohm cabs etc.......
  24. I use a GS115-Aguilar- quite often by itself. Soul music mainly. Does a great job even with horn OFF!! 15's are great IMHO.
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