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Jah Wibble

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Everything posted by Jah Wibble

  1. Ahhh many thanks! I thought it was a standard pick up version in the pic, thanks for the link!
  2. Have they stopped offering the burst in a 4 string already? I can’t find it on Sire’s site or via any of the UK retailers
  3. Yeah doesn't look great, but it might be down the not being able to legally do much better due to copyright etc. Not a fact, but might be the case?
  4. Remember this from the 90’s but have just been listening to “Get Money” recently and wondering if anyone knows the actual effects Silvia Striplin’s bass player used on the original? Mutron? Envelope? Sound juicy AF either way
  5. I have one of these. Bought it from ishibashi in 2008. It’s hands down my favourite bass. I know it’s down to opinion but whomever buys this will not be disappointed, not at this price.
  6. Welllllllllll the internet is a bit of a mad space isn't it?? I've just been chatting to Joshua Crumbly on instagram, he's playing a american pro 2 I thought it was Vintera also (I was wayyyy in the back when I saw them in London last week) Jesus it's amazing you can get in touch with people and ask them, back when I was a yoot I would have never have dreamed of contacting someone directly. p.s. I'm digging the Dakota Red
  7. Yeah i was tempted to say the same thing. Amazing performance on the whole, think being on that particular stage takes a lot of pressure off. She seemed to be having fun with a lot of the gig. Me and the person I was watching with were talking about how long she’s been going (and moloko also)…..shes just incredible. set list attached…..mission accomplished…
  8. +1 for Sleaford mods (so fookin good) and Idles….jesus I wasn't expecting them to be that…ive been missing out
  9. For me Roisin Murphy’s set fukin killed…. anyone got a line on her bass player?? Thought he (and the rest of the band) did an amazing job. If you haven’t seen it-watch it!
  10. Ah right! I see that squire are coming out with a dakota red soon. Is that definitely seafoam that Bridges player had or was it a blue colour?
  11. Ahh right… believe it or not i,ve just been informed about these today 😂
  12. Yeah im well out of the game, don’t recognise anything anymore. Looked like quite a wide neck so was thinking 50,s but the body colour said elsewise
  13. Anyone got a name for Leon Bridges bass player? Is he just the gig guy or did he play on the records also? Anyone got a clue of what P bass that was also? 80’s? thanks
  14. Ok, cheers all for your opinions!
  15. I think it was 2006! Small world! Miss that store, still think Chris does the best set ups (for me anyway.) Ok, until I get my hands on a special to try I’ll carry on searching for a rosewood classic/vintage white with a tort pickguard classic stingray then
  16. I bought it fresh from Bass Centre when they were near Liverpool st. There was a mix up at the time and they had to swap the neck. I was pretty green to gear at that point (although I’d been playing a long time) so I didn’t know that was a bit controversial. Not sure what it was, but I just didn’t get on with that bass. Then the classics came out and I LOVED what I could do with those. Passed up on buying one in New York for a great price and regretted it ever since. Was wondering how these compare? Might be one for @Chiliwailer to answer?
  17. Ok, that sounds pretty interesting. Surprised about the lack of bite as I thought thats what they were going for more of.
  18. Hi All, been a long time. Was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the new Musicman specials? Worth the hype? Read good things about them. I used to have a musicman in the mid noughtys but never got on with it (neck was too wide for my playing I think) Before dropping a flip ton of money on one I wanted to find out what the score was with them. Hope everyone is well.
  19. Was lucky enough to see them Live when i was in L.A. last year, here's the link to the Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mkOeI2gHq8 -Got to meet Jack Stratton and Theo Katzmann beforehand and told them they should get over here and tour, think its down to money more than the will. Can you believe Markbass or Fender haven't picked him up to sponsor him??? Friend of mine who plays Irish folk music informed me JD plays with and Irish Folk group too.
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1435844800' post='2812967'] I was looking for one of these 3 months ago [/quote] Sorry dude, I wrote that grammy award wining, record smashing, highly regarded/respected album we've all been working on all our lives last year and sh*t got real crazy Haven't been on here for a long time. What did you end up getting?
  21. ****PRICE DROP****** £400 Hi all I have an Extended Audio 112 3 way cab which has been sat in storage for way too long and wondered if anyone would be interested? If so I'll post it up over the weekend. I'm based in SE London, welcome to try it out but not really up for delivering though. Cheers A.
  22. "We need to re-connect with the youth" "Yeah but who?" " What about Bill Hailey??" "That's a great idea?!? Get him on the phone" " Hang on, hold it......I've got it............U2...." ".......dude........You're the new director of Fender..." Seriously. What the duck.
  23. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1401260227' post='2461643'] wasn't yesterday a Tuesday....or have i lost a week? That should be a cracker of a programme, thanks for the heads up. [/quote] Sorry just re-read the OP...it's NEXT Monday!
  24. i saw this and thought "Great!"....but totally forgot....mug. Hope its on iplayer.
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