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  1. Hi. The for replying. I was using a daisy chain on both occasions. Seems to be luck of the draw from what I've read. It's an Ebayer too. Pretty gutted as it's a great pedal. Is there a way of plugging this in to avoid blowing it. The power was on both times I used this too.
  2. Hi. I don't post much but I'm always on here mining your collective knowledge. So here goes. Just got a BSF off EBay. Pedals mint. Used it on Thursday at a gig. Was fine. Sounded great actually. Plugged it in today. Large electronic whine and now all I can get out of it is fizz. I'd read here that they can be sensitive to voltage. Any advice or is the pedal fecked? Thx in advance and apologies for being a technotard.
  3. Sorry. That was C sharp on the E string. Doh
  4. Hi, I hope this might help some of you. I have (as is well documented) a Lakland 55-02 and a Roscoe Beck 5. Both are string though instruments and I've happily been using Elites 40-125 SS for years. But it seems they're making them shorter (or more as they should be apparently). Given the gauge I use this has caused me more than a few problems sourcing new strings. Stringbusters have been very helpful indeed, coming up with a custom gauge of LaBella Hard Rockin Steels for me. The only problem is that they have to order them in and I still haven't received the low B for the set. So I had another look around for something to use in the interim. So I tried Overwater who I noticed made extra long scale strings too. Their gauge is a little different but not enough to cause any problems. (38-128) and I've got to say they're great. Used them on a down tuned rock session (C sharp on the B!!) and they sounded awesome. A few weeks later of heavy giging and they're still sounding great. I'm stil going to try out the LaBella's when I get them but in the meantime, if you've been having the same issues as myself I'd check out the Overwaters and at tenner less than the LaBellas it's a great deal. I just wanted to end by saying that both Stringbusters and Overwater give serious customer service and helped in everyway possible to get me sorted, which was pretty awesome. Let me know if you have any other tips suggestions re this. Thanks,
  5. Hi guys, I'm really just writing to apologise for disapearing for a year. Especially after all the advice you gave me. Suffice to say I'm still playing the Lakland. It's still my main bass. And after all that, it was the leader of the band I play in being picky as he prefers the sound of my Stingray 5 (which is really cool still). You know how it is sometimes. So I just wanted to say thank you and sorry to you all.
  6. Hi, Having decided to keep my 55-02 I was wondering if anyone has any tips for boosting the treble on the bass. It's a great playing and very versatile instrument but It's just lacking in the top end department. Any ideas?? And any other thoughts? Thanks for your help.
  7. Withdrawn.
  8. Thanks again fellas. And Yes to the meet up.... When and where. I'm pretty busy for the next month or so but after that woud be good. I'm guessing that it'll be somewhere in the middle?? Say Dub?? Thoughts??
  9. If anyone wants to see pics please message me and I can email em through to you. Thx
  10. Thanks fellas. Hope you're all doing well. Mr Hughes thought you might be lurking here somewhere!! Haha!! Feeling the love!! Feeling the love!!!! :-P Yes an actual bass (and cider) chat sounds good to me!! So any craic?? What's everyone at?? :-D
  11. Thanks dude. Already enjoying reading posts etc. This is a great forum and very friendly. Typical of bass players - just good people.
  12. Hi there, Thought I should introduce myself so I'm not some faceless stalker!! Haha!! My name is Trev. Based in Belfast though I'm originally from Sheffield. Ive been playing bass for over 20 years (where did it go). At the moment I play in various cover bands as well as some sessions though I've played most styles over the years. I've also been blessed to play with some seriously great muso's in England and here in Nothern Ireland and consider what I do as a great blessing. I'm looking forward to learning and chatting with you all. Especially as as soon as I start talking bass to other muso's their eyes glaze over!! Haha My gear is as follows:- Musicman Stingray 5 Fender Roscoe Beck 5 Lakland 55-02 (currently up for trade) A Paulman Prototype EU No name Double Bass Trace RAH600SMX Trace 2x10 cabs Thanks for reading and good bassin'!!! T
  13. Hi, Having problems getting pics of the bass on to here as I only have my iPhone so if anyone wants to see any please give me a shout and let me know how I can get them to you. Thanks.
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