Guys, I'm looking for a bit of advice and insight into how you have gotten your covers bands off the ground. Myself and a drummer started a pub covers band off last year, and have been gigging since February this year. We have just over 200 likes on our Facebook page, but whether or not we fill a pub at a gig is hit and miss. We think we are pretty sh*t hot as a band, people that see us think we're superb, we have a good set and we're building on it too.
Drummer has been in charge of booking gigs, he's contacted 40+ pubs looking for gigs for next year, and has got us gigs in 4 or 5. Total of about 12 gigs in total next year booked so far. The rest of the pubs being as flaky as puff pastry. ("I've not got my diary with me", "I'll call you back next week", "call me back two weeks from now on a Tuesday", "he's not here"). He's really disheartened, and I'm not surprised.
So, what I'm after is your top tips, tricks and insights into how you got your band off the ground. What can we be doing to promote ourselves?
I've thought of sorting out band posters and getting them spread everywhere possible before gigs, be that at the pub, on the local supermarket notice board. Anywhere else I should consider? We do our best to maintain a presence on our facebook page, but I'm very aware that that is a closed audience, we won't get any additional audience than we have already captured. Has anyone had success paying facebook to boost their posts?