Played on Saturday in The Royal Oak in Ipswich. We may well be the last band to play there as it hut it's doors for the last time yesterday.
First set was good, plenty of people dancing and having a good time, we all played well.
Second set was something else, place was packed, everyone really enjoying themselves but none of those crazy drunk types, just really good happy people (quite a few familiar faces).
It all went a bit mad when it came to encores. We were supposed to stop at 11:30. Them's the rules. We played our "last song" at 11:20, and the crowd want more. So, we played them one more, and they still want more. So we thought "sod it, who's going to complain" and we played two more, and then another two more after that.
During one encore song everyone but the drummer ended up playing from behind the bar, we must have gone back into Wheels of Steel about 5 or 6 times. Steve (lead guitarist) played the entirety of Whole Lotta Rosie on someone's shoulders, while being transported all around the pub. I ran to all corners of the pub during Let There Be Rock. It all got a bit stupid but was fantastic fun.