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Everything posted by allighatt0r

  1. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='878556' date='Jun 27 2010, 01:02 AM']Apart from cutting out and ruining the gig, does anyone have any experiences (or secondhand anecdotes even) where this kind of scenario has killed the equipment - or is it likely to be safe? It sounds like it could have got expensive it had blown up Linus27's rig.[/quote] I've heard of Multi effects pedals and keyboards being wiped of stored settings by this sort of thing, which, of course, is a major issue for people that rely on stored patches.
  2. [i][b]Allighatt0r Top Tip: Don't buy a Payless soldering iron from Focus. They are about as effective as an asthmatic mouse breathing on the solder.[/b][/i] I spent a good hour cursing at the sodding thing. Took the pickup selector switch out first as it seemed the easier one, managed to get the white wire back on then just couldn't get the red back on. Ended up taking it to my local guitar tech (the guitarist in my band. Handy!). So, it should be all good as new tonight at rehearsal. Also, I bathed the pickguard screws and pickup surround screws in some Fairy bathroom/kitchen cleaner (as well as the knobs) for about 15 minutes. They are shiny like new! Brilliant. Lost one of the pickup surround screws down the drain when rinsing them off though Very stupid of me. I haven't checked the pickguard screws yet so might be missing one of them too. How easy is it to open up a u bend? If not, I may just get another replacement, there are already 3 different types of them (some longer, some thicker than others).
  3. The pattern is wonky.
  4. Drool.
  5. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='873896' date='Jun 21 2010, 09:15 PM']Nice! You can get switches [url="http://www.vintagegitaar.nl./index.html?row2col2=parts.html"]here[/url] - that's if yours doesn't use the baseball bat type.[/quote] I haven't received my switches yet, but will let you guys know when I do. Rene (the guy at this site) is a pretty good guy to deal with so far! P.S. I love the white one. Lovely.
  6. You must state price. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71363&st=0&p=691868&#entry691868"]It's in da rools.[/url]
  7. Very boring bass line. but lovely tone
  8. Awesome. I wonder how the triangle shaped port will affect things! Copyright that!
  9. Quick question, what are everyone's pots like on their T40s? mine are really easy to turn, and I'm not sure I like it. I'm not bad with a soldering iron, so I'm considering changing the wires for cloth covered fender style and getting some brand new pots in it too. My switches are on their way to me from vintagegitaar.nl (thanks Jerry) so I'll be taking the pick guard off to get at them!
  10. FWIW, I am currently using a Hiwatt 115 300w combo, which competes with 2 4x12 guitarists with ease. One using a Mesa double rectifier, and the other playing some stupid rack setup thing. You'd be surprised how little you need.
  11. Looks like it's no longer preorder! ready for dispatch in 9 to 10 days apparently.
  12. Speaking from a good few years of pub gig experience, I think you need to get the full stack idea out of your mind! It's massive overkill in almost every pub situation, and if you're playing a large function room or outside you should be putting your bass through the PA. I think you should go with a head and a 410 cab (115's just don't cut it on their own, unless you're talking barefaced, but i have no experience of them) I used the Marshall head and stack you're talking about here, and the 115 really didn't add a lot at all (other than another big weight to carry in from the van) so i usually just used the head and 410. Only complaint with this was that the tolex ripped fairly easily, but then again my bandmates are rough with the gear in the van If it was me, and i had the money, i would go for a TC 210 combo along with a 210 extension cab. I expect you just need more time with it to get a good sound from it, there are rave reviews about it on here and everyone seems to compliment it's valve sound.
  13. Looks a lot like an Ibanez Artcore bass to me. You'll probably get hold of one of them easier!
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='868519' date='Jun 15 2010, 10:16 PM']... and so does Carol Kaye ... and she was a guitarist first[/quote] Did Suzi Quattro use a pick?
  15. Forum Rules say you must state a price! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=71363&st=0&p=691868&#entry691868"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry691868[/url]
  16. Luke Skywalker would be a headless bass (cos he got his hand lopped off!)
  17. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='864971' date='Jun 12 2010, 10:26 AM']If it were me i probably would have bought about 25 cans of satin black spray paint lolz. It's actually quite easy to get a pretty reasonable looking finish with satin or matt black paint, doesn't take hours of wetsanding either. Not much happening that's exciting really. I'm going to see one of my friends' bands on wednsday in hull (near where that resteraunt in a railway carriage used to be) which should be relatively fun. Also i made a song yesterday. It was pretty crap though.[/quote] We're not aiming for reasonable If we can manage to make it look good enough to be recognisable from the other side of a large field, we will have achieved something.
  18. Sucks that you can't post this because i would have it if you could!
  19. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='865527' date='Jun 12 2010, 09:18 PM']I was in the shop today and was selling someone a bass rig. His guitarist was with him, and he asked him to play his bass while he fiddled with the tone controls on the amp. The guitarist widdled on the bass, then said he couldn't play something with strings that thick. Says it all. Viva la bass. [/quote] I was at a jam night recently when a guitarist got up to play House of the Rising Sun. Stumbled through the intro once or twice then announced to the room that he couldn't play it properly because he was used to a 12 string.
  20. [quote name='RhysP' post='865040' date='Jun 12 2010, 11:34 AM']I'd buy one if I thought I could play it as well as Danny Thompson does. That, however, is extremely unlikely.....[/quote] I've always had huge respect for jazz musicians. It's something i don't think i could ever do. It's just so over my head! but great to listen to. Really awesome stuff.
  21. No gigs this weekend, but we will be painting the long wheel-base transit band van in the A Team van colours (gloss paint and 2" brushes! Oh yes!). There will be a thread with pictures!!!
  22. At a guess (completely uneducated mind you) I would say that the four 12AX7 valves go in the top four wholes of the picture, and the other 2 go in the erm... other two. Just makes sense to e as it looks like the lower two are on the preamp board and the upper four are on the poweramp board Don't take my word as gospel though! I'll try and find something to back up my guesses. EDIT: If you can decipher them, schematics are [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=20596"]on post 7 here[/url]
  23. I'd say forget the Ibanez and get one of the Yamaha RBX series.
  24. Alright then!
  25. It would be cheaper to drive! did you try [url="http://www.parcelmonkey.co.uk/"]http://www.parcelmonkey.co.uk/[/url] ?
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