Yep, it's another one of these threads. Sorry folks.
I've just flogged 2/3rds of my Marshall Rig, because it's too big to load into my car all the time (it fits, but it's such a hassle!) so now all i have amp wise to gig with (if i get a gig any time soon) is a 100W combo i might be able to borrow off my brother!
Anyway, I can't make a decision on an amp solution, I like a smooth deep rock tone (think Epiphone Thunderbird) warm, but not distorted, with plenty of volume to hold it's own in a large pub with a fairly loud band (4x12 guitar amp) if necessary.
So far i've been thinking:
[*] A second hand combo off of here, I've had my eye on a 150W 410 Trace combo and a 150W Ampeg combo, but I'm worried about collecting them, disliking them and then finding that I can't sell them and lose money!
[*] A brand new combo: I like the look of the 300 watt Ampeg BA300 210 combos, but they don't seem loud enough from stuff I've read on here. Would be open to other suggestions but I don't like Ashdowns.
[*] An Orange Bass Terror (I like the look of these a lot, but haven't played through one yet) and a small cab (210, 212? possibly a Shroeder!) second hand on here.
I have about £350 to spend on something second hand (£400/450 if I can flog my Marshall 115), and would take advantage of the Take It Away scheme to get something up to about £500 new, and could combine the two for option c.
So, this is an unabashed shameful plea for help. My head's in a mess, and i could do with being put in my place.