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Everything posted by allighatt0r

  1. I sing some backing vocals, and i would love to sing lead on some of the songs we play, but anything with what i would consider a bass line, i find impossible to sing. I can sing over a straight 8th note root note rhythm fine though. A weird fact for myself, is one of the first basslines i learnt, is Pink Floyd's Money, Which i can not only sing, but talk totally normally over....
  2. "Hello miss... Do you fancy going to see Johnny Uterus and the Fallopian Tubes at the Pimento Groove this Saturday?" "Sure! But after that I want to go and see Our Manager Told Us That Our Band Name Was Too Long and Difficult to Remember and That We Had to Change it So After a Long Brainstorming Session We Came Up With This One Because All the Other Ones Sucked"
  3. The chrome grill makes it bling! I got a reply from SWR. My amp is a 2004. I can't wait to use it at a gig!
  4. [quote name='alexclaber' post='450404' date='Mar 31 2009, 11:45 AM']No. Explanation here: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/technical.html"]http://barefacedbass.com/technical.html[/url] Alex[/quote] So what that is saying is that with the castors on (similar to putting the amp on a beer create, only shorter), I will get a gain from low frequencies being reflected upwards by the solid floor on the frequencies below ~100Hz (depending on how tall the castors are), and that when the castors are removed and the amp is directly on the floor, I'll get boosts below ~250Hz? This seems to confirm that castors off = better!? So, with my amp the correct distance from a wall or even better, a corner and with the castors removed, I can get a noticeable boost of ~6db on low frequencies. I get the feeling I'm pulling my thread off-topic.
  5. I'm alright with carting it around as we have a band transit, so everyone chips in. but maybe it should be renamed to the black beast! much more rock credential! Besides that... the "rhythm" guitarist's custom built 4x12 cab is RIDICULOUSLY heavy, so i'll help him if he helps me. Thank god for castors! I read in the user manual that the castors are removeable. Has anyone had experience with taking them off at every gig? is it worth it to get the "floor coupling" effect?
  6. So this purchase makes me cool in the eyes of onlooking bass players? In the words of Montgomery Burns..... "eeexcellent."
  7. I like the mag, and i tend to pick it up, and it gets read from front to back. Can't say i noticed many spelling errors but i wasn't playing spot the c*ckup! I think what lets it down is the lack of readership, so less sales, less readers, less money for making the magazine better. I'm rooting for the underdog!
  8. Yep, mine's a fender, made in sun valley, CA. I've emailed them to see what they can tell me.
  9. Through research I've read a bit about pre fender SWR... how am I supposed to tell whether this is pre or post and which is better? I've seen some pictures with the tweeter mounted in a square orientation instead of a diamond shape (mine is a diamond) does this mean anything to anyone?
  10. I've also got back problems (at the age of 19! i ask you!) I had to go to physiotherapy for about a month last year, where they basically got me to do the same thing umpteen different ways. Sit halfway forward on a chair, and use the back of your hand on your back to make sure it is straight. Then, pull your bellybutton in as much as you can and hold it there. Try to make sure you keep breathing! This exercises your transverse abdominal muscles (i think) and should help to hold your back straight when you're standing and playing. I find it's easy to do it when driving, but it needs to be done pretty often.
  11. Yep that's the one! (i like how the picture has everything set to 11 Thanks for the confirmation that I've got a gem.
  12. me at the recording of our demo CD. First studio album!
  13. Have any of the Norfolk based bass gurus been to PMT in Norwich and spotted the SWR Black Beauty sat near the window in the past few years? (back as far as the amp having a sound control sticker on at least!) Today i made a trip to PMT with the plan of getting myself a new amp. (I was getting fed up of my Ashdown hand-me-down). I spent some time with the little giant 1000 through the superfly cabs and was fairly underwhelmed to be honest. Anyway, to cut a long story short, i didn't really fancy another ashdown, so had a look around for what else they had, and spotted the SWR. I plugged in the ATK 300 that had been hanging on the wall, and was instantly blown away. At that very moment, one of the (very helpful and good at knowing when to leave you alone) staff, who said it was cheap (marked at 699 with an rrp of 1040) because it had been there a few years. I can't say it took me long to be convinced I wanted it. The only fault I could find was that the limiter light had been poked in, so there was just a small hole. I went over to the desk and asked what they could do about the price (if you don't ask you don't get!) and the guy came back and said they would accept 500. Now, I've got this home, downloaded the owners guide, fixed the limiter light and half shook the house down with the volume at 11 oclock, and i'm left wondering.... what's wrong with it? am i missing something? why didn't this thing get picked up years ago? Does anyone remember having a go on this in it's (apparently long) residency?
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' post='383146' date='Jan 17 2009, 12:33 PM']Doesn't the bridge cover hold the bit of foam to mute the strings in place for that extra dead sound? Read any interview with a bass player in the 70s and they all said the first thing they did when getting a new Fender bass was to remove the covers and chuck them away...[/quote] They didn't chuck them away! They used them for ashtrays!
  15. Is a roadstar a different model to a roadster? Phil Lynott had an Ibanex Roadster and i would love to have one, has anyone seen them Coming up on the fleabay? Best picture i can find. They had his actual one in bass guitar magazine about a year ago i think... EDIT: just had a quick search: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330300541459"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=330300541459[/url]
  16. +1 for the Yamaha BBs. You can get them for [url="http://www.dv247.com/invt/57362/"]around the £250 mark! [/url] plenty of money left over for an amp upgrade!
  17. [quote name='Hamster' post='378307' date='Jan 12 2009, 09:45 PM']You should be able to make a paper template up and then get a blank sheet to make one from your fave colour/finish.[/quote] You mean just lay the sheet of paper onto the bass and sort of sketch it? That sounds far too artistic for me... The guitarist in my band owns a music shop and stocks Yamahas... he seems to think he can get it as a spare part but i'm not so sure he will...
  18. I would like to direct your attention to a positive stunner: [url="http://www.dv247.com/assets/products/57362_l.jpg"]http://www.dv247.com/assets/products/57362_l.jpg[/url] I have a BB614, as some of you may know is the active version of the BB414, but Yamaha seem to have slipped this pickguarded 414 under my radar... Now i really want a respray and a pickguard. That thing is beautiful! Seriously though... i wonder where i can get one of those pickguards from... Any ideas? On a slight side note, the yamaha BB basses are brilliant bang for the buck. Try one if you get the chance.
  19. After seeing the man himself fairly close up last night I can confirm he uses two fingers and his fingernails (the latter quite alot... and the former even more ) but i saw no evidence of chalk Who else was there? How awesome was Mummy Eddie?
  20. You start them without the string by flicking them with your thumb... (NOTE: this takes a bit of practice. ) NEVER roll them on the carpet or your jeans etc. they gather dust and cease this way. My dads got one, dunno what model but it has a rev counter... EDIT: [url="http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=75651"]This explains[/url] how they work...
  21. I swear I read he only ever uses two fingers.... [quote name='"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Harris_%28musician%29"']He is most known for his "galloping" bass lines - usually an eighth note followed by two sixteenth notes at fast tempo (e.g., "The Trooper") or eighth note triplets – which he plays with two fingers. Before playing, Harris often chalks his fingers, to make these fast patterns easier to play,[/quote] So.... he uses chalk.... :ph34r:
  22. How the hell does he play those brilliant triplets, with just two fingers, at a blistering pace... and through a whole gig! does he have some super android fingers that Eddie gave to him? could he lift 500 pounds with his first two fingers on his right hand? Maybe we'll never know....
  23. NOFX - We Threw Gasoline on the Fire and Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows Brilliant name, brilliant bassline, brilliant song. I like their live albums best. Also, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes are fantastic.
  24. The only problem i have with this amp is trying to get the gain and volume balanced right so that it doesn't keep clipping into the red on the VU and making that disgusting distortion sound...
  25. I think the games are great entertainment, but in no way a substitute for good old hard skin producing learning. It's been a common school of thought for years: The world is, and has been (since "back in my day") dumbing down. Convenience breeds laziness and stupidity. I love the game myself, I wish I could afford a copy But i agree that it's probably making some kids not bother learning the real thing. Then again, surely it must be encouraging others to pick up the real thing and become [i]real[/i] rock stars? EDIT:And regards to your daughter, my younger brother has the same condition and is definitely in my Top 5 bassists, he's surprised everyone.
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