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Everything posted by allighatt0r

  1. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='229721' date='Jun 30 2008, 02:09 PM']your kidney? I'd sell [b]most[/b] of my soul for that![/quote] Which part would you make sure you didn't sell?
  2. On G-Mail, there is a little bar above your inbox that has single line adverts, and about 20 minutes ago there was an advert for www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk, so i took a look, and found a Peavey T 40 with possibly the most beautiful finish i've ever seen: i must get round to selling my kidney....
  3. I am so afraid of noodling along though because when i do more often than not what i play sounds rubbish. Ah well, i best go start practicing.
  4. Just been given this song to learn... for tonight. Just listened to it the first time and the bass-line seems stupidly complex, but also important to the song... So I've gotta get my thinking cap on. I have the chords [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/tabs/s/steve_harley_cockney_rebel/make_me_smile_come_up_and_see_me_crd.htm"]here[/url] and i can listen to the song [url="http://songza.com/z/ky5zmk"]here[/url] but as for learning the lines and whatever, i'm a bit stumped. Should i sit down and study rigorously and try to get it down, or just stick the chords and try to noodle my way through (i am TERRIBLE at improv.) Any help will be much appreciated.
  5. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320260658440"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=320260658440[/url] If it stays at £20 including postage then someone has a REAL bargain I bet it's never been gigged! It looks really vintage. Ebay is a strange place.
  6. I had this problem when i changed the pick-ups on one of my basses, it was just luck i think that i decided to change one set of wires over
  7. Bad left thumb positioning, I'm getting a callus on the side of the knuckle of my thumb But this is mainly due to having the bass too low... my wrist stays more or less straight. Oh and bad pick holding style, but this is mainly due to my very flexible thumbs... i think they call it hitch-hikers thumb? :S I have an excuse for everything
  8. Hey congratulations on getting asked to sign, you'll have to keep us posted on how it all goes. Glad you got a sound you like.
  9. almost looks like someone's veneered it the stuff they out on flat pack furniture chipboard. I think the idea of the neck screws was to plug the holes... to be more.... aesthetically pleasing I think someone's hit it with the ugly stick too hard too often. I may be mad, but i'm getting a distinct sense of De ja vu with this listing... i think i've seen this bass before...
  10. I've seen people buy a really old beaten up sofa-bed for just over £160 on Ebay, (here in Thetford) when there's new, bigger, better ones going for £40 pounds less in Argos! Either these people are stupid, and haven't heard the concept of shopping around, or they're just so determined to beat the other bidder they go stupid
  11. I would be up for it if anyone could give spare a lift Although I think I would feel far too rubbish compared to everyone else to even touch a bass
  12. [quote]It will require an unorthodox playing technique[/quote] It will require a short sharp journey to a skip. It's ridiculous, I can sort of see the point of the Siamese necks, at least they look cool, would be a great talking point hanging off your wall, but this 15 string is stupid. The idea was probably nicked off the guy that made one on Youtube and get 5 colours of poo flamed out of him At least it seems like they were sensible enough to put in two truss-rods, although 3 wouldn't have been overkill... I heard a long while ago the string tension on a 4 string is something stupid like 70 pounds... If you listen carefully, you can hear this thing groaning in agony. It's even got P-bass styling!
  13. Nope i didn't, i set myself a limit of £40, and um-ed and ah-ed for too long about trying another fiver
  14. OK suggestions... Pump It Up - Elvis Costello Hush - Deep Purple I Bet That You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys Video Killed The Radio Star - Boggles Oh My God/Ruby/I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Chiefs Message In A Bottle - Police Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf Dancing In The Moonlight - Thin Lizzy Not sure if any of them are any good, am I going down the right lines at all? Also, I don't think you really need to worry about the keys and horns art of a song too much, unless the song is made by the keys, more often than not they can be left out and not too sorely missed...
  15. Hello Mod, Do you listen to music on your PC? If so, maybe you should try opening up the EQ in your media player and playing around with that, see what sliders affect what part of the tone of the song, and how you would go about (for example) making a song soun crisp and bright, or upfront and barky, or soft and mellow. There are no set rules for EQ-ing, the important thing is to have a knowledge of how to make it sound the way you want. It's just one of those things you need to mess around with until you're happy, and get experience to mess around less and less each time. I'm never totally happy with my EQ, but i am going to play with it tonight at band practice.
  16. 69 nanoseconds lol. so far i can play it between songs at rehearsal and not get told off.
  17. I've been listening to the RHCP version of this and liked it, but wasn't over struck, but i found out it wasn't the original, and looked up Sly's version on Songza ([url="http://songza.com/z/mvirpp"]here[/url]) and learnt it, and have been fidding around playing it for te last five minutes, i've already been shouted at for it I was wondering, what genre would this song be classed as? and what other songs are there with similar sort of lines?
  18. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=360055833498"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=360055833498[/url] What is it with us bassists and putting ourselves down.
  19. Second time in The Blue Boar, Walsham Le Willows last night. We turned up and drooled at a BMW in the car park, clicking and popping as it was cooling down... Got everything in and set up, I used my old Peavey Milestone III, it really kicks some a*se for what it's worth. Anyway, once we were set up and sound checked, we got the drinks in and relaxed, during our relaxing time, our lefty guitarist got told by a group of three fifty something women, that they had come from Eye (a half hour trek) just to come and see us, and that they had been listening to the Top Gear album to get psyched up for us. Within the first few bars of our first song (Can't Get Enough Of Your Love) they were dancing like it was the 70s. If I had had a hand free I would have been hiding my face in embarrassment. Still, it was great to be appreciated like that. The landlord said he would settle our first two rounds then we'd have to go on a tab (which we did) but in the end he told us to forget about that too, the same as he did last time we played there. Talking of drinks, I had too much cider, and was quite possibly a bit of an embarrassment. Got talking to a guy called Mike who was talking about being in a rhythm and blues band with a harmonica player, and told me that Bryan is not a name for a child, even miming holding a baby and going "look, what a lovely Bryan he makes" and following up with "what a lovely Michael". Back in our home town we went to the kebab house, and i bashed the counter with my fist (for reasons that escape me) and got some mean looks from the kebab guys. My guitarist reassured me that if i ever got in a fight he would help me out, then within 5 minutes we saw a fight outside another place, and just down the road we saw a police car, and directed them to it. For once, some police when you actually want them. Another good night.
  20. My girlfriend has never heard me play... I'm too scared she'll think I'm rubbish...
  21. For some reason, i only realised he was left handed after looking at that website. I like the olive inlays.
  22. no... mon rapose o's!
  23. Their (not so) recent single, [url="http://songza.com/z/et5bcd"]A-Punk[/url] has a bass line that i can't seem to stop humming, i plan to go figure it out and play it until it drives everyone in the house mad. Anyone else like this song? Or any other notable basslines in the current charts?
  24. Thank you thank you thank you for all the great advice, and the patience to keep giving it.
  25. I slightly disagree with some of the stuff here, I would personally say the more you think about it, and prepare, and run it round in your head, the more your nerves can get the better of you and you'll suddenly be thinking "what if that's not the right note there?" or "do I look stupid" or whatever. I find that if I just smile, keep an occasional eye on the other guys on stage and above all look like i'm enjoying myself, then there's nothing to be worried about, the only people that will really notice any mistake you make will be the guys in the band, and yourself, just pretend like they didn't happen.
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