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Everything posted by allighatt0r

  1. Same here! Carlos sent me two texts, one for each bass
  2. Just had confirmation for both. Woohoo!
  3. For info, this is the link that loads the Mobile Site from a PC: https://m.thomann.de/gb/decorative_guitars_and_basses.html
  4. And with an element of "christ, it's £30 for a brand new bass guitar", I've ordered one of the Jazz bassess too. Would have liked one of the black ones, but Natural will have to do Do i now have to await email confirmation before being certain they will come?
  5. Just ordered a PB-50 using the mobile site trick from my PC. Crossing my fingers for a good result!
  6. Lovely to see your work as always Andy
  7. I don't need another one.....
  8. It's with a very heavy heart, that the closest thing I could manage to a custom bass, just doesn't get played. It has been languishing in a soft case for months, playing second fiddle to my Japanese Squier Jazz. So, in the hopes that it will be played and enjoyed by someone new, I'm offering up my Westone Thunder Jet, which has been pimped, finagled, fettled, fancified, and fantasticated by our own Andyjr1515 (who is a thoroughly Top Bloke). Full details of where this bass started, and how it got to where it is now, are in this thread, which is a great read, even if you don't fancy buying this bass! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/246859-thunder-jet-yesanother-westone/page__view__findpost__p__2619353"]http://basschat.co.u...ost__p__2619353[/url] Looking for [s]£200[/s], [[Traded, thanks!]] or a trade for a similarly priced passive Jazz bass of some sort.
  9. Handy little bit of kit this, sits on the top of a mic stand with included attachments so you can point it straight at your head. Ideal for a drummer's monitor too. I now use a different monitoring system so don't need this any more. Full working condition, with a few scuffs and dents in the bodywork (does this count as "mojo"?) £100 plus £10 for postage. They look like this:
  10. Bought this from amazon a while back and had it sent direct to BigGuyAtTheBack to do the Mids Mod described here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/242268-behringer-bdi21-mids-mod"]http://basschat.co.u...-bdi21-mids-mod[/url] Makes it a really versatile little pedal, but I've decided it's not the tone for me. Good as new, apart from some tipex on the knobs in my attempt to make the positions easier to see on a dark stage. £25 posted
  11. Line 6 g30 with one of these. Done. [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/effects-recording-c6/recording-microphones-c415/wireless-systems-c417/levys-leathers-levys-leathers-mm4-wireless-transmitter-holder-p9398"]http://www.stringsdi...er-holder-p9398[/url] (I would like to try a Smooth Hound System at some point though....)
  12. Whoa! Super jealous of your floor. I thought for a moment you were going to copy the floor pattern onto the bass... Making some awesome progress, I'm enjoying this build a lot
  13. Are you keeping the existing paint job? If so, black bridge would be cooler.
  14. Sold a hipshot detuner to Alain. Top bloke, no troubles, deal with confidence.
  15. You always run the risk of the "play something we know!" heckle when you stray from the norm...
  16. Maybe it's worth trawling through these lists then.... : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UK_Singles_Chart_number_ones_of_the_1970s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UK_Singles_Chart_number_ones_of_the_1980s
  17. We do: This version of Superstition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS3XJQA6voE This version of Talking Heads - Burning Down the House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=153Folu115A Not many people do Keep The Faith by Bon Jovi, but that always seems to go down well. Mississippi Queen by Mountain is also good.
  18. Just read through the whole of the dirty stinking guitar build thread. Very nice work as always! :-)
  19. He's a nutjob! Although, it will only take a couple of easily led people to believe him...
  20. I have a BT10 going spare, I bought it for my Squier but it's not a good match. What measurements would you like? I am sure I've seen a mechanical drawing sheet for the xtenders in the past... I can't find it either!!
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