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Posts posted by mewsie

  1. i do either, depending on how lazy i'm feeling. owen charges £5 more for coming to my house, but i'm usually working, so it saves me 40 minutes in driving, which is worth more in my time than £5.

    not sure what is normal or not, i suppose its down to the teacher whether they want to invite people into their home, too.

  2. listen to your body, AM. if its telling you you need to rest, rest.

    its one thing pushing through a bit of pain to build up strength and stamina, but when it gets to the stage you describe it as 'agony' its probably time to chill.

    i have a ganglion cyst on my left hand, and i've found i had to build up carefully, if thats what you have, i feel your pain!

    take care :)


  3. poor service does my head in. so often in my industry i experience my colleagues speaking to patients/customers like they are stupid just because they don't happen to know the intricacies of an eye test or spectacles - no need.

    re: basses etc: i've always been delighted with t'gallery, and would rather trust my sale in them, and make any number of journeys down there... i've found somewhere i like, so i'll stick with 'em.

    good service deserves loyalty, and even though there is a lot of distance involved, its worth it. turns it into a bit of an adventure, too.


  4. genz benz shuttle 6 and 1 or 2 aguilar gs112s, depending on how/where we are rehearsing. we have this maahassive warehouse that we most often rehearse in so i take both there. fit on the back seats of the mini with only a small number of swear words.

    the band have a behringer something-or-other at the warehouse from the last bass player, but it sounds like i'm playing underwater so i'll only use that one if i'm feeling ill or lazy, or if i'm working somewhere during the day and going straight there.

    use the same at home.

  5. [quote name='steve-soar' post='358266' date='Dec 18 2008, 08:49 PM']Body, bass, sound, oh yes.

    meh, i didn't even watch it all the way through (i tried, but got bored) - does nothing for me at all i'm afraid.

    really loved the keys clip though!

  6. [quote name='jmstone' post='353671' date='Dec 13 2008, 04:02 PM']Still, not as blatant as Elastica's "Waking Up" rip off of The Stranglers "No More Heroes", I hope![/quote]

    lol, elastica were the reason i first picked up a guitar! they were terrible for ripping people off (the other classic was 'connection' and 'three girl rhumba' by wire).

    i agree that its bound to happen sometimes due to things unconsciously slipping in. a few of my own basslines have felt comfortable and familiar and i am always just a little paranoid that its because i've heard it before...

  7. we tried playing it through for the first time last night, it was a disaster because i could only do one at a time, then i got the giggles, which led to a coughing fit, which made everyone else laugh, which was really funny, so then every time i tried to play the bassline on its own, it was STILL funny.

    we moved on.

  8. [quote name='Kirky' post='350599' date='Dec 10 2008, 12:33 PM']Higher and Higher by Jackie Wilson. Repetative and easy enough to play, but a little off-beat and therefore tricky to do backing vocals whilst playing.[/quote]

    haha, as i learnt last night! i can't remember what the last bassline i learnt was, so i'm going to tootle off and learn one now.

  9. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='349479' date='Dec 9 2008, 10:55 AM']Wish I had the matching shoes & earrings though! :)[/quote]

    what size are you? i can lend you the shoes :huh:
    seems to be a few of these aguilars about. i feel in good company!

    WPD, clearly you are manly enough to handle the 200lbs+ so you don't need this thread.

  10. a vote here for the mixture of both.

    i do most of my learning by ear, and once i'm playing it, i'll not necessarily be consciously aware of every note is as i go along, but if someone were to ask me 'what note is that' i can tell them (sometimes it takes a second or two - but i still have half a pack of beginners cards left over that i can choose to play at moments such as that :))

    as tab tells you pretty much nothing about the rhythm and feel of a piece, (and ime is often written by people who mostly use tab and therefore is way out) its helpful to be able to do it by ear.

    proper notation is way more cool. i can read it, but far too slowly for my liking, so its off to music college for me in february!

  11. [quote name='Pbassred' post='350204' date='Dec 9 2008, 09:35 PM']We all play along to tracks. Some times its to copy, and other times its to see what we can come up with. Right now I'm listening to some funk soul tunes. The chords are often buried in the layers, and the bass changes and improvises. I'd like to figure out the bass player's angle.

    What do you do?
    figure out the chords?
    jam a bit until you get something (not a fan personally. It'll just sound like me and I won't learn anything.)?
    Learn it exactly?

    What its your approach?[/quote]

    for me, it depends on the song. i don't think i really have set ways of doing it.

    it depends if there is a defining bassline or not, too. if the bassline is very well known and distinctive, then i'll just listen to it, get the first note, and work the rest out from there. the more you do it the more you start to hear intervals between notes, and eventually your fingers just head for the right notes! i rarely write anything down unless i'm working it out for someone else.

    but, with a lot of funk and soul stuff where there is a lot of improvising and no bar seems the same as the one before, i'll find out where i need to be on the first note of the bar, usually it will 'anchor' with the root note here, and improvise til the '1' of the next bar. so i'll get all the 1s right, then fill the bit in between with something that has a similar feel to the song.

    its an interesting exercise for me trying to figure out exactly what i do do. i hope any of that above helps. its way, way past my bedtime and i stopped understanding myself some time ago.


  12. [quote name='AM1' post='348770' date='Dec 8 2008, 04:11 PM']Cheers for the welcome! (Same to everyone else!)

    Thanks for the tip, pics duly removed![/quote]

    heh, i wouldn't worry about posting pics, they are mostly harmless here :huh:

    welcome :)


  13. [quote name='Rich' post='348454' date='Dec 8 2008, 11:32 AM']or only interesting if they're attractive,[/quote]

    [quote name='Linus27' post='348646' date='Dec 8 2008, 02:25 PM']Has to be Hilary Woods for me from JJ72. No idea what she plays like but very yummy yummy.[/quote]


  14. [quote name='YouMa' post='348192' date='Dec 7 2008, 10:39 PM']Thats it![/quote]

    heh. i'm pretty sure its still there! up until 8pm the students seem to congregate in the starbucks there, gettin' all up in my way and using all the soya milk :)

  15. [quote name='YouMa' post='348184' date='Dec 7 2008, 10:32 PM']I had a nice glass of merlot once,in a pub called the skyrack lots of student totty up for it(Ding dong).Is this pub still there?[/quote]

    in headingley? i think its still there.

  16. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='347705' date='Dec 7 2008, 09:26 AM']Mines set so the height is consisent regardless of whether Im standing or sitting.[/quote]

    i'd like to be able to have mine like that but for, erm, logistical reasons, its just a bit lower than that when i'm standing up. my friends husband (a bass player in a punk band) tells me i'm not cool.

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