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Everything posted by mewsie

  1. hahaha! brilliant! welcome AM!
  2. hello! welcome to the forum! heh, you can be sure of getting some ideas on what bass to buy here, you might find this thread on [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=8009"]buying your first bass[/url] helpful, and there is also the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=19"]sales board[/url] where you could pick yourself up a really nice 2nd hand bass for a fraction of the cost of new. ibanez basses do seem to come pretty highly recommended for good value for money! hope that helps! enjoy the boards. x
  3. i voted no - i have hitchhikers thumbs, and can anchor anywhere pretty firmly. it claims to improve the sound of the bass, does it actually mean it changes your playing style or position which leads to a different tone?
  4. mewsie


    howdy back atcha! welcome to the forum, another person from Leeds, woo!
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='345565' date='Dec 4 2008, 03:45 PM']Diet diet diet diet diet *eats cake*[/quote] cake is diet. for me, to hear a song i've written being listened to by someone i don't know.
  6. [quote name='Pissman' post='343284' date='Dec 2 2008, 05:39 PM']Anyone else notice that the 'laydeez in da house' needed a man to set this forum up for them?..[/quote] why bother doing it yourself when you can get a man to do it for you? especially one who doesn't even need asking.
  7. [quote name='Clarky' post='344800' date='Dec 3 2008, 09:31 PM']bet the lights bring out the blue of your eyes on stage (or have I inadvertently wandered on to the "Sarah's suitors" thread?) Serious comment time: cool rig Mewsie, wish my Markbass R500 head could squeeze into a gig bag pocket - maybe I bought the wrong hybrid, lightweight amp?[/quote] ohhhh, the shuttle has a special bag [i]all of its own[/i]. i had to buy new earrings and shoes to match. and my eyes are brown but brown lights wouldn't look nearly as funky, so i'll let GB off on that one.
  8. that is amazing! pff. my bass looks so boring now. *grabs paints* ps: the benefit of having a girly bass is that girls will like it.
  9. pretttty blue lights ^_^ compact enough to fit in a mini, lightweight enough for me to get it in there myself. works for me! x [i] edit - what a terrible photo. oh well.[/i]
  10. [quote name='Chipps' post='343170' date='Dec 2 2008, 04:23 PM']As a 'not a northerner' who just lives here... I'm allowed to say that it's all the same, isn't it? [/quote] i'm a not-northerner too! i've found that you can joke about most things, but not about the other side of the hills, Chipps. thats just asking for trouble. another hello and welcome from leeds! x
  11. i'd be up for it, providing i'm free on the day of course. i'll bring cake. (i'm in north leeds)
  12. general Black Seeds goodness for me.
  13. welcome! i like your kinda-scary looking cat! x
  14. yup, cheesemonger. i love that term.
  15. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='340936' date='Nov 30 2008, 09:56 AM']DO they???? Hmmmmmmmmm.. interesting.... [/quote] wheeey! we picked the right instrument, sarah re: anyone taking a dig at bass, bring it! i always consider situations like that as fantastic opportunities to roll out a few standard hypnotic responses and watch people scrabble round inside their own heads to make sense of the world.
  16. wheeey! welcome back m'dear. sorry to hear the news, but welcome to the single club, more time to practise now though, right? really nice to see you back. hows the tattoo btw? xx
  17. [quote name='stevie' post='340029' date='Nov 28 2008, 07:59 PM']How does it look to everyone else?[/quote] < i made that face. thanks for that though, my new project, i think! roll on monday! x
  18. [quote name='Lorne' post='339811' date='Nov 28 2008, 04:29 PM']Someone had to post this question[/quote] had to? really?
  19. welcome to the forum! i'm sure you'll find plenty of spangly new things to buy here mew
  20. arrrgh! i do something different every time. it keeps me sane. at the moment i am mostly sitting right in front of my new toys pressing the buttons on my new shuttle and grinning at the pretty blue lights and the delightful sounds i can now make through it. sometimes i'll start by playing through a few basslines i'm working on for the bands slowly, then move on to ones i know better, then go back to the new ones when i'm warmed up and they've filtered into my brain a little. other times i'll practise the scales i know because otherwise owen gets stern with me in lessons. sometimes i just mess around and make stuff up. which i'm hoping i'll get much much better at if i keep at it. other times i'll stick on a cd and just work out bits as it plays. sometimes i'll work on the tracks til i get all of it, other times just let the cd run and work out what i can as it goes along. re: discipline, if i am feeling a bit disheartened or unenthusiastic, or just looking for a new direction, i have a friend who always seems to say the exact right thing i need to hear at that moment. (yeah yeah, its all me) what about you?
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='338141' date='Nov 27 2008, 10:04 AM']BTW Chuck is an awesome name.[/quote] just what i was going to say. quality name! welcome, chuck! x
  22. indeed. sometimes i wear dresses and everything!
  23. [quote name='Moody' post='338777' date='Nov 27 2008, 06:33 PM']Still very much alive, working flat out trying to learn 8 bloody songs for Dec 20th before I die on my arse![/quote] haha, i am TOTALLY coming to see that. am i allowed to attempt to distract you at all? x edit to say i'd quite like to come to the bassbash too.
  24. interesting thread actually, i was talking about this with my tutor last week. i was going through a crisis (as i tend to every now and then) about my own basslines. i felt like i should be writing far more interesting, complicated, technical basslines. after some discussion on the topic, i realised that, at the moment, its the bassline i hear people humming to themselves hours later, so i must be doing something right. i've now let go of my hang up about complicated basslines for the sake of trying to be snazzy and stick to stuff people move to and remember.
  25. only if you bring us all cake. and when i say 'us all' i mean 'me'.
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