So our first song in the set is Unchain My Heart by Joe Cocker, features a keyboard and vocal intro followed by a nice little slap bass section leading into the main song. Having had a little play with my effects pedal in the afternoon I realised when I'd set up there was a bit of difference in volume on various effect I'd set up when plugged into the amp as opposed to listening with the headphones. So I do a little fiddling and leave it on the lovely slightly chorused slap setting ready for the first number. So our girlie singer is sitting on my stool by my rig sorting out the setlist whilst I'm relaxing in the knowledge that all is well with the world. Cue start of the gig and the keys player makes a bit of a hash of the intro, we laugh it off as the new jazz offering, get to the end of it and I flick my LEDs on and strike the slap pose ready to assault the gathered masses with my superior slappery!!! What actually comes out is a very weak feeble meeee meeee meeee sound akin to the crazy frog!!!!! Looks at my pedal and its on J something as opposed to A2 which is the super slippy slappy sound I'd set up!!! I realise that when above mentioned singist was sitting on my stool her enormous size 5s had stomped through my pedal presets!!! Last week it was me, same scenario, lights on, no bloody sound! Forgot to turn my radio link on!!! We all had a good laugh about it but when it's that first song and you're trying to make an impact it can fall a bit flat!!! Think I'll take a music stand next week with instructions on how to play a gig!!!