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Everything posted by barneyg42

  1. Sharing a moment with my guitarist!!
  2. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1365244917' post='2037110'] Your girly singer is great, she's got balls! So to speak. [/quote] 😀😀
  3. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1365240096' post='2037009'] I always thought that AC/DC stuff, particularly Bonn Scott's stuff sounded translated well to female vocals. [/quote] You Shook Me All Night Long is our second set opener, our girly sings it good!! We have a mixture of male/female songs and don't worry about it too much, a few keys have been fiddled with but nothing drastic, Fleetwood Mac, Bon Jovi, Bryan Addams, Springsteen, all right across the board. What's Up by 4 non Blondes is our usual encore singalong!
  4. I run a BH500 into a BC 2x10 and a Barefaced Compact. The pics show a club we played last week. On master volume 3 the rig was too loud at the back of the hall when I wandered out on my radio link. (Not into PA). We're not a quiet band. Add another 8ohm speaker to the for sale rig and it's running 500watts. Monster!!
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1364810636' post='2031037'] Did I say that I couldn't take the gig cos I'm out with Cheryl Cole that night?? [/quote] Damn, now I know why she blew me out and gave me Kimberly Walsh's number instead!
  6. Harris just phoned me to say he's leaving Maiden to pursue a solo career. Being that I'm one of his best mates he's put my name up to the lads for his job. So as of next week I'm off on tour.............with Maiden Voyages Cruise Liners, as for my mate Steve, he's performing in The Dog and Duck on solo guitar in Devon somewhere! What a great start to April ;-)
  7. A father was buying bass lessons for his son. The 1st week the father asked him what he had learned The son said "On my 1st lesson we learned about the E string" The 2nd week came and after the lesson the father asked what had he learned that week The son said "On my 2nd lesson I learned about the A string" 3rd week came by and the father said to his son "You know these are expensive lessons what have you learned this week" The son said "I quit the lessons I already got a gig"
  8. Hampton Waterboard Club Reasonable sized stage to play on... Unfortunately the view the other way was a bit underwhelming!! A few more turned up later and we had a big rush to the stage about 11.30pm for the last few songs........well about ten dancers anyway! You get some gigs like this, those that were there really enjoyed it and tbh we played really well. I had a wander up to the bar a couple of times mid song to swell the crowd a bit hehe!
  9. http://www.ironmaiden.com/former-iron-maiden-drummer-clive-burr-passes-away.html Ex Samson and Iron Maiden drummer passes away after long battle with MS. Very sad.
  10. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1363019103' post='2006990'] Hi Barney, those are nice and bright. If you are ever thinking of selling ;-) [/quote] Very unlikely I'm afraid, waited and saved for a long time to get one of these
  11. These work for me!!
  12. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1362413293' post='1999245'] It was a pleasure to man the BC corner. Seashell was by my side most of the time, so we ended up working as a bit of a team Here she is, meeting Peter Hook: [/quote] Wow, she had a weekend meeting famous bass players
  13. Hmm, was going to see how I felt in the morning and possibly spend tonight's gig money and jump on a train up to the show. Seem to hear the same old same old every year and I think I'll be having a lay in. It's a shame as all that gear in one place is a real pull on the purse strings but if you can't hear what you're playing why bother. I hope the Basschat stall is doing ok nevertheless, sounds like earplugs are the order of the day!!
  14. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1362236957' post='1997382'] For some reason I read part of Colin's post as ' and massaged me on the offchance' which sounded like some rock'n'roll euphamism if ever I heard one. [/quote] I should be so lucky
  15. Just got in from a cracking gig at the Fox and Hounds in Walton on the Hill, nr Tadworth. Usual bunch of slightly inebriated punters, we were a bit rusty having had a few weeks off but it went well. Best bit of the night was a visit from our very own Seashell who's down for the Bass show and messaged me on the off chance I was gigging. Here she is in her full glory tackling my Status 5! I've threatened her that next time she's coming up for a song
  16. [quote name='Paul Clifton' timestamp='1361634120' post='1988587'] Music goes beyond technical ability - it is something that touches people and moves them. The fact that, say, Nick Beggs was a better player than King is irrelevent: his lines didn't affect people or stay with them. He was just a vaguely flapping thumb behind Limahl's mullet. There are two reasons Mark King came to prominence and came to be seen by the masses as a great bass player. The first is that he was the front man of the band as well as the bass player, and that while in the spotlight he was playing in a very showy style that caught the audience's eye. However, beyond that he also wrote basslines that were memorable and stayed with people, and made teenage boys want to get a plank of wood up under their armpit and emulate that sound. This is what makes a musician great, IMO - the ability to create feeling and connection. Oh and to dismiss the thin strings is facile - they make up the distinctive tone of the King/Clarke line of bass playing (whether or not you feel this shifts the bass's role away from BASS towards banjo/cello) that spawned a million 30-90 sales and drove more UK bass sales than Paladino/Beggs/Sting/McCartney/blah/blah put together. Just because [i]you[/i] prefer clunky old-school bass strings doesn't make any other variation on tone less valid. Of course, everbody is entitled to their opinion and to slag off those prodigiously more talented and successful than they are - it's human nature; but there is really no 'musical' merit distinction to be made here between players because, as has been well proven on numerous threads, one man's cacophonous mess of noise is another man's music of the spheres. No one is in a position to judge. [/quote] +1
  17. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1360863525' post='1977628'] Worked with a band last year where the singer and guitarist were an item. A right royal PITA. Their personal problems would spill into band politics, so if they'd had an argument during the day/week/month that would manifest itself in an argument in the band. AND, they'd both bitch about each other behind the other one's back. [/quote] Opposite with us,(eventually) singer got the band together and for some reason she butted heads with the guitard to the point he was going to leave (this was early days of band) They sorted themselves out, became an item, had a baby last year (called Marshall!!) and became engaged yesterday (valentines awww) when he went down on one knee, his good one I guess! They never seem to bring any problems to the band which is either a decision they have made or genuinely they don't argue to that extent. I think I'd better get over to the Playing at your own Wedding thread to get some advice for them!!!
  18. .
  19. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1360715635' post='1975475'] Sososo a Waste of tim. [/quote] Fixed!
  20. *awaits arrival of all the naysayers* Not me I hasten to add...totally agree with all you have said!!
  21. CAN.OPEN.WORMS.EVERYWHERE. Ps. I apologise for having nothing more useful to say!!
  22. I wish I hadn't bothered!
  23. Lost to us on this day two years ago.....always will be a legend!!
  24. This http://basschat.co.uk/topic/197991-for-sale-shure-pgx14-wireless-bassguitar-system/ popped up on the forum this afternoon. Not mine!
  25. What's Up-4 Non Blondes...............A,B,D. That's it all the way through, slight change in emphasis on the notes in between beginning of the verse and the second part of the verse and play louder in the chorus.......boring to play...f*** yeah, but as a set finisher with the "hey yay yay yay" singalong chorus for us it's a absolutely cracking set finisher. Always gets the crowd singing and as our singer sings it so well I forget I'm only playing three notes all the way through. Some times it's the sum of the parts that count!
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