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Everything posted by barneyg42

  1. [quote name='Badass' timestamp='1355405642' post='1897950'] We that was short and sweet ! [b]barneyg42[/b] it's yours...All before I could add more clues. MANSON the Cat ! [/quote] Oh wow! I'm guessing he's named after Hugh Manson as opposed to Charles I'll return your PM! Btw a pic of the little fella wouldn't go amiss!
  2. Bump
  3. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1354892768' post='1891714'] Just Wang to also say how amazing Dolphin Music's customer service has been through this! Great communication, quick responses, and very helpful. They should receive the mini back on Monday and despatch the original one for delivery on Tuesday. Can't say fairer than that! [/quote] Looks like he's happy with his Wang too!
  4. Place your bets!
  5. BUMP
  6. 2-3 per gig I would say, me and the guitard do a bit of a count during the gig and its usually fairly even. Made only one last night and tried to BS him that it was a passing note, he's as good a bassist as me so that didn't work! Singist missed a verse near the end of the gig and I congratulated her on realising that we were running out of time. Silly girl said it was a mistake and when I pointed out that she could have covered herself with a bit of BS she was gutted.
  7. barneyg42


    36 hour bump!
  8. Bump!
  9. A few squid thrown your way!
  10. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1353634920' post='1876918'] A lot of this stuff needs a proper web developer, and they cost money. As only approx 4% of people who sell stuff through the forums bother to donate a percentage of their profits, we are stuck with an empty spending pot at the moment [/quote] Appreciate what you're saying and admit to not having donated myself but if the pot is empty why all the changes again, we had a major revamp what, less than a year ago? Everything from the consumers end seemed to be working fine! Ps. Have donated a few bob now!
  11. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1353427578' post='1874836'] Isn't Ellie Goulding's brother a basschat member? maybe I've got the wrong artist. [/quote] Yeah he is, can't remember his forum name though!
  12. [quote name='Ba55me15ter' timestamp='1353417782' post='1874730'] That ain't slappin', that's thumpin'! [/quote] Slapping, popping, thumping! Whatever you call it best thing I've seen on Jools for yonks IMHO of course. Got it recorded and will crank it up periodically to take away the blues! Liked Ellie too, funny little voice but it did something for me!
  13. Bump
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1353152901' post='1872107'] definitely this ive never yet seen an audience (collectively)groan when MS strikes up they usually tend towards appreciation rather than derision ... unless of course the audience is full of discerning BASSCHATTERS<_< [/quote] Fixed!
  15. Superfly saves the day! Friday night,Lion Brewery in Ash, regular gig for us which we thought would be a bit quiet as one if the main locals has her birthday party on the Saturday. How wrong could we be, she and partner turned up and loads of the regular crowd too. So we were looking forward to a good night. A few songs from the end of the first half the PA powered desk goes down. No power, zilch! Do all the checks, fuses etc but nothing. So its panic mode with no back up. Guitard has a spare small amp but we have no jack to mike leads only XLR. Luckily the landlord has a jack to mike for his bingo nights, but the guitard amp is all grunge and grind. Enter Superfly, only one channel is working but with the mike plugged into a reverb pedal and the speakers chained it made a reasonable job of it, cue hugging round the singer for multi harmony bits (ie The Chain) but she's a babe so no problem! The Superfly stays in a bag in my car at all times and now is designated back up bass and PA amp! Was a cracking gig in the end, threw Halo by Texas in which we hadn't even rehearsed and it got them going well.
  16. YAWN!
  17. Mustang and What's Up by 4-non Blondes....guaranteed floor filler singalongs for our band, as is Don't Stop Believing! It's what covers/function bands are all about.....entertainment! Could you imagine a DJ refusing to play YMCA because its beneath him!
  18. Mustang and What's Up by 4-non Blondes....guaranteed floor filler singalongs for our band, as is Don't Stop Believing! It's what covers/function bands are all about.....entertainment! Could you imagine a DJ refusing to play YMCA because its beneath him!
  19. Mustang and What's Up by 4-non Blondes....guaranteed floor filler singalongs for our band, as is Don't Stop Believing! It's what covers/function bands are all about.....entertainment! Could you imagine a DJ refusing to play YMCA because its beneath him!
  20. I guess he was missing his short skirt!
  21. Lazing on a sunny afternoon........Bump!
  22. [quote name='loweringthetone' timestamp='1352557608' post='1864595'] Now THAT was worth all the hassle. What a fine object to behold. Welcome to the site. [/quote] I think it's sh*t *tongue firmly in cheek*
  23. £150? Bump!
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