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Everything posted by barneyg42

  1. Just sat on the toilet catching up with this thread but I haven't got TIM to go through all this sh1t!
  2. [quote name='silddx' post='1303608' date='Jul 14 2011, 03:02 PM']Mate you can't black-up these days, it's racist.[/quote] Oh bugger, I just wet myself!
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1296963' date='Jul 8 2011, 11:19 AM']For the OP: I'm not really familiar with the other tracks, but on Love Song by Simple Minds the bass is nice and loud in the mix and does pretty much the same thing all the way trough the song. If you can't work this one out by ear then maybe this music thing isn't for you. [/quote] Fixed!
  4. Damn, if only I was 3xl's smaller!
  5. Errr Basschat T-shirts......................5xl by any chance?
  6. 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, BC Rich Eagle, Yamaha TRB5 with Norstrand p/ups and Auderre pre, Hughes & Kettner Bassbass 600 head & SWR Triad.. plus old Peavey Head and 1x15 for the Jamming Room (unless anyone has something else we can use that's better?) 02. EssentialTension: Fender Precision 62, Fender TF Fretless P, Lakland Decade, Mesa Walkabout 12. 03. Waynepunkdude : Arsenal shirt, Nick Cave underpants, Sunburst Musicman Sterling H and Ampeg SVT 2pro G&K Neo412 04. Clarky: Currently Ampeg Baby Bass, Acoustic Image/Euphonic Audio rig; By September, who knows (watch the FS forum) 05. Truckstop: MIM Fender Jazz V, pimped Kay 2B; Gem/Ampeg rig; some effects 06. Urb - either Sei Jazz or Singlecut - and maybe some pedals - possible Genz Shuttle 9 07. dc2009 - Warwick CS Corvette $$ 5, Epi TB Vs (Reverse and non-reverse), my Dean if anyone actually wants a go, Trace Head, Marshall cab (heavy and big), various pedals. 08.Shockwave - Pedulla MVP5 Mean Green machine. 09. Sibob - '71 Precision, '73 Jazz, MIA Jazz 5 if there's interest, Barefaced Compact, Orange Terror, Pedal-board if there's interest. 10. MacDaddy - Custom Shuker & Hamer Blitz or Iceni custom. 11. Essexbasscat Roadworn somethingorother + Gs112. Amp - not sure which one yet 12. Plux - Berg HT210 & HT115 Hartke LH500 Ibanez BTB 13. 51m0n - Berg ae410, MB, Focusrite and Roscoe 14.seashell - MIM Fender Precision + some sort of Marshall practice amp (I'll look it up tonight) 15.Barneyg42- Some secondhand tat bought over the years! 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
  7. No work, no gigs, no problem! Me + whatever assorted second hand tat I've managed to acquire between now and then
  8. [quote name='icastle' post='1270887' date='Jun 16 2011, 12:45 AM']Yep. That was my first wife. One of the many things I resolved by SHOOTING her... [/quote] Fixed!
  9. Not heard anything so far but will report if anything is. Just to say again, not my basses but gutted for Alan anyway!
  10. [quote name='dc2009' post='1260031' date='Jun 7 2011, 06:14 PM']Sucks man, hope you get them back. Two lefty warwicks are suitably rare to be noticed when they come up for sale. Warwick's have such funky bodies anyway these morons won't know they're lefties until they take them to a crack converters, check ebay too, they may go there if they get turned away from crack converters, look for listings with poor english .[/quote] Just to say, these were not my basses, I probably didn't word the original post very well! Belong to a guy called Alan, old friend of my guitard.
  11. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='1259911' date='Jun 7 2011, 04:55 PM']I'm not far from New Malden - I'll probably notice if they pop up locally. It might be worth you asking [url="http://www.xelectrical.com/"]http://www.xelectrical.com/[/url] in Kingston as well as the usual places - Cash Converters / Cash Generator to keep an eye out for them in case they're offered to them.[/quote] Alan, the guy who lost them has put the word out to all the crack converters etc in about a 25 mile range. Another guy in the same road had his van broken in to and there is some cctv footage so possibly something might come of it. Being leftys they might be a bit more obvious if they come up for sale. It's a bastid, I never leave basses in my car but do leave cabs covered in the estate hatch and car is backed into a hedge under my bedroom window but still, if some scrote is determined enough.........!!
  12. Last night from my guitarists mates van in the New Malden,Surrey area, 2x lefty Warwick active Rockbasses, one natural, the other sunburst. Also a QSC 3k PA amp. If you see anything around for sale drop me a message and I'll pass on details. Cheers Colin
  13. Ah, from one good gig last week to last night. Got a new drummer who I have locked in with well, very fastidious approach and good time keeping, great you would think but the problem is our singer loves having a waffle ( not to the audience mind) and messing around between songs so the flow and continuity is spoilt. I've said before about it to her nicely and a while back it pissed me off so much I just went at her and said to get on with it FFS! It didn't go down well. So last night we had a setlist for this wedding we were doing, lovely back garden marquee with a few pretty dancing girls, and we get asked to play on for a bit, problem is she then starts calling songs on the fly, we go to start the song and she then changes her mind so said dancing girlies are losing interest. So drummer, quite rightly in my opinion, says come on let's get on with it they are losing interest. Singer starts getting shirty, surprise surprise! So she calls a song which we normally tag on the end of another so we have start it with the drummer, he starts the beat and she turns around and stops him, he just drops his sticks and says oh FFS! She then has a go at him saying smile we are all here to have laugh and turns her back on him leaving him to start the song again, in exactly the same way as before. Now this guy in my mind is good, I've locked in well with him very quickly, he wants to count in on intros and wants a set list sorted before the gig things which I keep saying should be done but have just let slide over the time of the band. She doesn't like being told what to do with her baby ie the band so gig ends and he shakes my hand and says see you around sometime, walks outside and tells her that he doesn't get talked to like that, she says it's my band(I didn't realise that!) and if you don't like you can f*** off. So he did. One very good IMO drummer lost due to her bloody attitude, again I might add! Sorry for the rant but this is now in danger of being moved to a "should I leave my band" thread! She could see I was pissed off and said do you want to talk about it, strangely for me I just said no, normally I say my mind but I just had to packed up and get out and go away and think about it. I must admit I thought there would be trouble because of this guys approach which to me is the right way, it gets embarrassing to me in between songs and she's chuntering on about something that happened in the last song whilst people are stood there waiting for the next song or despite being asked several times to do a setlist (oh yeah SHE has to do it) before the gig she leaves to the last minute and then wants to change it half way through, a bugger for the keyboard player with his patches. Oh well rant over!
  14. A Clutterbuck!
  15. Second to last band on at Graftonbury, an all day gig with several bands in aid of a couple of charities held at the Golden Cross pub in Ardens Grafton, not far from Stratford on Avon. Big marquee in the garden and a very willing (pissed) crowd. Gave them all the classics, Springsteen, Jovi, The Who etc and it went down a storm. We headlined last year and didn't get a lot of time due to over running but this year it went well so we got nearly an hour. Then had loads of time for a bevvie or five! A sample of the gig below, bit of the old classic Sweet Child of Mine!
  16. [quote name='cetera' post='1245884' date='May 26 2011, 04:50 PM']Steve Perry (vocals) Tommy Shaw (gtr/bv's) Neal Schon (lead guitar) Todd Sucherman & Deen Castronovo (double drummers) Neil Peart (percussion) Steve Porcaro (keys) Tower Of Power horns, Memphis horns & Chicago horns (one massive horn section!)[/quote] This line up GIVES me the Horn!
  17. Couple this weekend, Lion Brewery, Ash with a new drummer. Only had one rehearsal with him, wouldn't say he nailed it but he did bloody well even when we threw a couple of songs he hadn't played before at him. Got approached by a very buxom blonde (they build em big near Aldershot) who gave me the " you're a great bass player" line followed by "I'm really attracted to you!" Thinks....hmm yeah she's a bit alright, might be on a winner here, but then she followed up with "shame I'm here with my boyfriend otherwise you'd be in!" Oh well got paid. Second was a last minute job. Was supposed to be playing a pub in the next town but a few complications meant it had to be cancelled. Bit disappointing as I had a load of people coming from my local as well as other friends. Also, new drummer couldn't do it so original drummer was covering and bringing a few along. On Friday the guitard suggests asking my local if we could do a freebie for beer and putting a jug round. Spoke to landlady (who had booked herself a night off to come and see us too) and suddenly it's on. Most of the guys and girls at the pub are on my facebook so I put the word around. So we played to a fairly packed house of friends, made about £15 each in the pot (5 piece band) got free drinks all night which was of great benefit to me as I live opposite the pub! Got approached by one of the local girls, bit of a piss head admittedly and guess what........yeah she wants to snog me! When I point out that her other half who's in the other bit of the pub might not be too please she says oh don't worry about him! Err, I declined on this one!
  18. Strange how you can be so wrong about a gig! Turned up in Walton on the Hill, nr Tadworth to a massive village hall with a large stage and loads of caterers and various people in penguin suits! Instant thought was "this band is at the wrong gig"! I'm in T-shirt and black jeans and rest of band turn up pretty much the same. We had been asked to play some laid back stuff for half an hour whilst the guests had canapes, so pulled 6-7 of our slower numbers out for this. Well........nice polite applause during this set and after a half hour break we kicked in with the rest. Now we do classic rock so its the usual suspects, Bryan Adams, Patti Smith, Floyd, Mac, Jovi, Journey etc. Turned out we'd been booked for the gig on the strength of being seen in a couple of nearby pubs so most of the audience knew us anyway, by the time we finished off set two with The Chain the place was rocking! 3rd set, totally rocking all the way through. Pulled out the usual dance classics at the end and got a massive ovation and were asked to do the Chain again, the guy who booked us had it played at his racing driver brothers funeral so when he heard us do it at the local pub he thought our version was better than the original, couldn't say no to that! So despite our reservations at the beginning it turned into one of our best gigs so far, fed and watered, big stage to lark around on and decent wedge as well!
  19. Get camera phone, switch to video mode, switch on and point at self and amp. Switch on amp and plug bass in. If all ok conclude the deal, if not post video to YouTube etc for world to see and demand money back! Maybe I've missed something in all of this but this could be a solution.
  20. [quote name='algmusic' post='1191308' date='Apr 7 2011, 12:45 AM']PM'd[/quote] Pm replied, ok for Saturday now, original drummer sitting in, still looking for permanent fixture though!
  21. Thought we got sorted but not going to happen, he was going to dep for us at the weekend and now wants to blow that out! So, the upshot of this all is we need a dep for a gig in Westerham on Saturday and still need a regular drummer! Desperate bumpage!
  22. Wow, shocking news! It was around about this time last year that it was reported that Basschat was being sold off, what is it about this time of year for news like this?
  23. Pleeeeeeze for gods sake.................don't teach her slap
  24. The last SE bash was (thankfully) very slap free! It would be funny to see Mr Clutterbuck installed to the dictionary to be honest, ie waiter drops a tray of cutlery and crockery and everyone remarks "that was a bit of a Clutterbuck!" When being shown around a sheet metal molding factory I remarked "it's a bit Clutterbuck in here!" All in good humour, but seriously it leaves me cold. It also gives the impression that Rotos can only be good for one thing. Surely a demo should cover all genres to give a good impression of the product! IMHO of course!
  25. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1160060' date='Mar 13 2011, 12:36 AM']Why?[/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126658"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126658[/url]
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