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Everything posted by barneyg42

  1. Quick bump on this, looking again! Got drummer but he didn't work out so between original drummer and Guitards step dad we've been getting through but original drummer is deffo on way out this time. All as first post, more material, gigs in the diary so we are all up and running. Cheers Colin
  2. [quote name='Beedster' post='1139683' date='Feb 24 2011, 10:21 AM']I'd love to know what that meant [/quote] If you had been at the last SE Bassbash you would!
  3. [quote name='4000' post='1138457' date='Feb 23 2011, 12:39 PM']Had trouble last night. Tried logging in about 5 times, just kept showing me as a guest. Had to turn the machine off and on again in the end which did the job. Just had trouble now (at work) too. I thought it was just me.[/quote] Haven't been able to get on all day on iPhone, just rebooted it and now can! Maybe a reboot is one answer to it all!
  4. PITA this morning, went to the bog for my early morning log off and tried to log in on my Iphone and it wouldn't let me log in at all, just kept going back to front page as a guest. Fired up the laptop and didn't have to log in at all, straight on with no log in needed! Done the cookies bit so don't know what else to do!
  5. Add another to the list, same problem on phone and laptop. Still doing it this morning.
  6. barneyg42


    Have a hangover bump for me thinking it said Kerry Katona!
  7. Guitarist looked like Barry Whites younger slimmer brother! Loved that, on the search for more!
  8. Did a mega quick turnaround with Andy on a strap, paid yesterday, turned up today! Top bloke, quick comms and mega quick delivery!
  9. [quote name='obbm' post='1075430' date='Jan 2 2011, 04:19 PM']For those that weren't around here when this forum was Bassworld I used to play for a blues/rock band called Old Blue Moses, hence my username Old Blue Bass Man, which was shortened by everyone to obbm. The band and I had a very public and acrimonious parting of the ways in 2004 after I discovered that I'd been regularly short-changed. Eventually I discovered it, queried why I was £10 short and was promptly fired. About 3-years later they imploded. Just to while away so time this afternoon I thought I'd see if there was anything of them on YouTube. Bingo, a video of the House of the Rising Sun, however all is not as it seems. The soundtrack comes from a demo album we recorded whilst I was in the band. I always felt that the whole thing was totally sanitised during mixing as it lost lost all the urgency and energy of the live performances. Some of the video was recorded before I left and some, mostly the monchrome bits, after with the new bass player. Looking closely and I can see I'm there playing my old red Stingray 5. There's even a flash of my Ashdown amp. A bit cheeky really. What memories, what memories.[/quote] Quite a similar story here actually, all sorts of stuff going on in the background of my old band when it imploded. Strange thing is they resurfaced(the singer and guitard) a while ago with the original members of the band according to their website......hmm, I don't remember moving back down to Devon! Anyways, I found this rather interesting little clip and tbh I'm rather glad I'm up here playing with some relatively sane people!
  10. Lion Brewery in Ash, nr Aldershot, small pub and stage, pretty rammed. 1st set went well, got to last 2 songs (Born to Run and The Chain) and it all starts to kick off nicely. Went for some buffet munchies and came back for 1/2 hour bash before midnight. Started with Livin on a Prayer by good old Jovi and that was it, dancing mayhem all round, rocked up Auld Lang Syne as you do and played a few more throwing in some good old standards and eventually finished about 2.30am! Cracking night, bed and brekkie at the pub so was able to neck a Guinness or eight! Oh yeah.......got paid too! Happy New Year!
  11. Six foot blonde with HUGE charlies..........pref female! Oh sorry, wrong forum
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1054945' date='Dec 11 2010, 01:39 PM']Beautiful Dangerous by Slash, with Fergie from The Black-Eyed Peas on vocals[/quote] Oooh yes loving that one! We do a lot of Fleetwood Mac, Bon Jovi with our girly singer, All I wanna do is make love to you by Heart as well. Bitch by Meredith Brooks, You Oughta Know by Alanis Morrisette, Black Velvet. Strangely enough a new song we have started to do and always goes a storm is Born to Run,Springsteen. We knocked it up a tone and she sounds great. 25 or 6 to 4 by Chicago, rest of set is usual Sex on Fire,Dakota etc!
  13. [quote name='silddx' post='1051523' date='Dec 8 2010, 11:48 AM']Weeeell now, "pop" music has no musical integrity, does it. Isn't it all done on computers and auto tune, miming and backing tracks, pretty people with no talent? What happened to people who could actually PLAY their instruments? Eh? [color="#FF0000"][size=5][b]IT'S ALL SIMON COWELL'S FAULT I TELL THEE!![/b][/size][/color] [/quote]
  14. This is just the problem that always bugs me about the internet. If I see a post about a band/artist or genre that I don't like I can see no worth in just barrelling in and slagging them off for the sake of it, if I don't like it it's not worth my time commenting on it. If someone said "I like (insert band/artist)" what's your opinion then fine it's open house. What pissed me off was someone using this thread just to say they hate Elton John, well if you hate him why bother reading or watching a clip of someone doing one of his songs (that's if you actually bothered to look and didn't just see Your Song mentioned and thought I'll just go in and slag Elton off). Like I've said in a previous post the internet is a strange thing! Oh yeah, Ellie is on Loose Women today 12.30pm. I'll be watching, I like her.............and Elton John
  15. [quote name='WalMan' post='1040468' date='Nov 28 2010, 09:24 PM']How bonkers was that!! It'd certainly make the head or heart decision on cars that I have to make a doddle [/quote] Hey, was you in the Friary,Guildford today? Either that or your evil twin....mwahahah!
  16. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1050367' date='Dec 7 2010, 11:48 AM']Excellent. Well Barney, you were my inspiration to create something for the bigger bass player. I've done some tees that are only in 3XL/4XL/5XL/6XL with a new design graphic to suit. I'll post a picture up on a separate thread shortly. Phil[/quote] You're a star Phil, put me at the top of the list, shame the Basschat tees dont come in larger sizes, hint hint!
  17. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1049942' date='Dec 6 2010, 10:03 PM']I got asked by a Basschatter at this bash if I had any Bass T-shirts in 5XL size. I'm afraid I didn't note his name. Can someone suggest who that was so I can give him some news please? Thanks, Phil[/quote] That'll be me then
  18. IBTL!
  19. Very nice! It dont have to be played at a million miles an hour to sound good, but beware, the anti Elton brigade will be here soon
  20. We are now going down that road that will see what was a positive thread about a talented young lady (IMHO) into the oblivion of a locked thread.....as usual!
  21. Hey at the end of the day it's a free world and we have free speech and are all entitled to our opinion. My only problem is that I resurrected this thread cos as I said I thought it was a good version and I like her voice, I quite like EJ stuff and what I've heard of Ellie I like. Now my gripe, if you don't like Elton John why bother with this thread and the latest posts? There are certain bands I don't like but don't find it useful in any way to make negative posts when I see the name pop up in a forum. Surely it's better to start an "I hate (insert band/artist) what do you think?" thread than just bung an "I hate!" comment in the middle of what I thought was a fairly positive thread! I dunno, I just find it strange, I guess it's just one of those things about the internet, you can't in any way legislate against it but I just find it annoying. It's almost as if some people just look for threads with their pet hates in them just to make negative comments which will rile people who are just trying to be positive about something. Like I said, strange!
  22. [quote name='51m0n' post='1040868' date='Nov 29 2010, 10:04 AM']Errr no.... I said (and you may have noticed a reference to it once or twice already in this very thread) a compressor with only one knob, (and anything with no metering at all, is complete and utter b*ll*x I stand by that too, anything where you dont have the metering to see what it does, and the controls to tailor it to the envelope of the sound your bass, with your strings, you playing it, your fx, etc etc etc is only useful if you are lucky, and even then will only ever be a one trick pony. That trick having been designed more to make an easy sale of the amp for non-technical staff in guiatr shops than to actually enable you to get the best from the amp, whilst also beiung so completely generic as to be flawed nearly always. I may have reiterated this more than once in fact.... Without decent metering (ie input, output AND gain reduction) you cannot really tell when compresison is happening - its inherently hard to hear, unless it is set up to be so incredibly in your face that it is in fact crushing the life out of your dynamics (as much a result of stupidly fast attack times, and or stupidly long release times as the ratio and threshold). With decent metering you can quite easily set a 'best guess' ratio (say 3:1 for starters), longish attack, medium release, then bring the threshold down until you get significant (but not overpowering) levels of gain reduction (lets say an average of 3-6dB, with the occasional real peak at 9dB). Then take the gain up to unity with the makeup gain. The play with the attack to make it effect the attack of your bass sound in the way you wish (either loping it off of accentuating it) then you can tweak the release to fit the music you are playing. Then fine tune the ratio, threshold and makeup gain. Yes it takes about 5 minutes, yes it is iterative, yes it is a bit of a dark art (but no where near as bad as you might think after a couple of goes). You need to keep in mind that there are different ways to achieve the same amount of compression, either a low threshold (ie compression starts sooner) and a very low ratio, or a much higher ration and a higher threshold. Although these two strategies produce the same amount of gain reduction they can be very different in how they actually sound. You need to have the controls available and take the time to try both ways to see what workd best for you. Ask Silverfoxnik how having his DBX set up 'just so' worked out for him on the gig he had that evening, and it only took a few minutes to get it right. Thing is it really does have decent metering and all the controls you need. Sounded pretty fab to me when we were getting the settings together on it. I would highly recommend one to anyone looking for a compressor for bass. I also doubt that the gain in your POD is useless, I'm pretty sure it would be a makeup gain, and if you dont find you need it then the chances are that you arent really doing any compression at all. Having said that I haven't played with that particular device before so I may be wrong as to exactly what the relationship is between the two in that case. (Plus you cant underestimate the importance of more lights and meters on your rig, it helps you see where the one is, and we all know how important that is!) Sorry for the long explanation Nigel, just consider yourself lucky you didnt sit through the full works on Saturday, I think some people clearly wished they had made your choice too [/quote] Bollox, all bollox!
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