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Everything posted by barneyg42

  1. Just off out to check the local skips for an ironing board to put my Pandora on Nice set up btw, my GAS is growing!
  2. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tab or instructional video for this song? It might be coming on to the band's radar fairly soon and my ageing learning ears are not as good as they used to be! Flea I am not!
  3. My Status Series 1 5-string used to belong to the legendary Nick Smith!!
  4. 232 views so there must be some interest, come and make me a near offer bump!
  5. [quote name='obbm' post='918629' date='Aug 8 2010, 11:31 AM']Glad it worked out for you in the end Colin.[/quote] Cheers Dave, couldn't get hold of Alan but a guy called Doug from a band called SKP saved the day, I think he's a regular down there. Was an interesting night! Colin
  6. Lion Brewery in Ash, Saturday.....on the way there I get a txt from the keys that the M25 is closed so it's panic stations. I'm there, vocs and guitard are and we are planning an acoustic night if we have to. Keys turns up but drummer who lives in Croydon is nowhere to be seen. Phone him up and you guessed it he's stationary on the 25. Guitards stepfather(our occasional dep) is there but no kit! Put a call out around the pub and start making calls ourselves. We then hash together a first set with a drum machine and/or stepfather playing drum bits on one of the keyboards. This included a version of The Chain-Fleetwood Mac. So stepfather plays the bass drum beat in the verse and guitard switches on drum machine for the beat in the chorus, all in time! Then we get to the F1 bit at the end and give it my bit and the guitard adds the snare over the top and then starts the beat whilst starting his lead guitar bit! Amazingly it worked and we got a standing ovation at the end of it! Totally wild. Then an ad-lib version of Wipeout with stepfather and keys playing the drum solos like maniacs on the keyboard with me shouting "Keep up you buggers!" By the end of the hashed together 1st set the crowd are totally on our side with the drama going on. One of the girls in the pub has spoken to a drummer friend who was on his way over to see us and he turned back and got his kit, so between him and stepfather we got a proper second set together. Was a total blast in truth, living on the edge! As for the band drummer, he was stuck for 5 fecking hours between junctions and got home at midnight having never got to us at all! I got home at 2am and had to be in work for 6am for a few hours work.........I'm going back to bed now! Good night!
  7. Has to be said he has had health problems, loss of hearing in one ear and more recently nerve damage to his hands which meant he had to tape his sticks to his hands whilst recording the new album, so it's unlikely we will get much decent output from him. A real shame, always loved his drumming, it seems his style has contributed to his hand problems!
  8. [quote name='danthewelshy' post='917791' date='Aug 7 2010, 10:44 AM']is this collection only or will you post?[/quote] Looking for collection at the mo, only have a gig bag for it and not a lot of time to sort out a decent box and (decent, if there is such a thing)courier to do it.
  9. More pics bump! Little bit of wear around 5th fret. [attachment=55943:IMG_4545.jpg] Couple of scratches on top horn [attachment=55944:48_at_Twynersh_005.jpg] Barely noticeable mark right at end of headstock [attachment=55945:48_at_Twynersh_006.jpg] [attachment=55947:48_at_Twynersh_009.jpg]
  10. Due to impending MOT repairs to the battlewagon I need to offload my Squier Fretless. Is in great condition with only a few light marks here and there. Only been gigged 5-6 times in my hands and has been sat in my storage room otherwise. Has roundwounds on at the mo, not sure which make. Will dig it out of storage in the morning to check it over but it's a great bass. These basses are well liked on the forum, cheap for a beginner to learn fretless and good enough for a pro to gig! Looking for a quick cash sale......£130 collected from Addlestone, Surrey with a decent gig bag! Looking back on the forum these go for at least £140+ so I don't want to take too much of a hit on this! Sorry about the crap photos! [attachment=55900:08122009012.jpg] [attachment=55901:08122009015.jpg]
  11. Picked up a Speakon cable from Dave on Saturday and ordered another lead which turned up today, what can I say, smashing chap, great product and very fast delivery......cheers Dave!
  12. [quote name='simondee' post='913664' date='Aug 3 2010, 11:10 AM']I've got an old Quad IV and had exactly the same problem. These heads are very sensitive to cabs, and if it doesn't like the cab it's hooked up to for whatever reason then it will start cutting out regularly. My EBS cab was on its last legs and the amp techs couldn't find a thing wrong with the head. So I'd get the cab looked at. There's something going on there that doesn't agree with the 'wick.[/quote] Was there anything wrong with your cab in the end?
  13. [quote name='barneyg42' post='912658' date='Aug 2 2010, 11:55 AM']Picked up Warwick Pro Fet IV cheap on the bay as a back up to my Hartke HA3500 and reading the reviews of it I might have a dilemma on my hands. It's just turned up I'm going to my work later to set up in the office to A/B them. It seems a bit more basic than the Hartke but with a bit more power. Running into a 4ohm Acme Low B so will give full power, the Hartke has the valve pre-amp which is nice but the general opinion seems to be that the Warwick is a good clear un-coloured sound. Might suit my Status well. Any opinions before I do the deed later? Got a gig Saturday so might set both up and see how it stacks up on the road. I will report back the result if any! Cheers C.[/quote] Ok so a bit of a technical issue, check [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=97373"]HERE![/url]
  14. Took delivery of the above today, got it pretty cheap so not expecting much. So I set it up with my Acme LowB in the office at work and gave it a work out. Not as loud as my HA3500 and I was having to crank it a bit. I set the input so it was not clipping and the output was at about 1-2 o'clock, far more than the Hartke. Got some reasonable sounds, is a back up really but had to be sure it wouldn't blow the Hartke away. Anyway, I was giving it a bit of slap and tickle and when I pulled the G string hard up in the E/D area it cut out and the fan kicked in. Switched off and on and it was ok. It seemed if I boosted the mids button it was over cooking it so I switched the button out. Again it seemed ok but then again when popped on the top end it again cut out, fan on, same result. Now if I played the bottom end as is my usual style and any fingerstyle widdling up the top it was all ok. Also ok with my pedal, distortion, octave , the lot. Could it be it doesn't like my speaker? Seems ok with the Hartke so I'm not sure. The ohmage is a perfect match, 400watt into 4ohms and a 4 ohm cab. No matter how much thumping I did on the bottom end (5 string) it wouldn't cut.
  15. Picked up Warwick Pro Fet IV cheap on the bay as a back up to my Hartke HA3500 and reading the reviews of it I might have a dilemma on my hands. It's just turned up I'm going to my work later to set up in the office to A/B them. It seems a bit more basic than the Hartke but with a bit more power. Running into a 4ohm Acme Low B so will give full power, the Hartke has the valve pre-amp which is nice but the general opinion seems to be that the Warwick is a good clear un-coloured sound. Might suit my Status well. Any opinions before I do the deed later? Got a gig Saturday so might set both up and see how it stacks up on the road. I will report back the result if any! Cheers C.
  16. Just got a parcel from Pablo, mega quick delivery and all as described......top Basschatter, buy with confidence!
  17. Cheers Gareth, strings received, quick delivery and all in order! Buy with confidence!
  18. [quote name='walbassist' post='900838' date='Jul 21 2010, 11:41 AM']bump[/quote] You have PM sir!
  19. Did a deal with Dan yesterday and goods arrived first thing this morning as described, very smooth transaction with a top basschatter!
  20. Headlined a little day festival called Graftonbury 2010 at The Golden Cross,Ardens Grafton which raised £2700 for various charities. The landlady of the pub has put up some footage. It's all covers but just a little idea of what we are about.
  21. [quote name='Dave Vader' post='860035' date='Jun 7 2010, 04:12 PM']Mate of mine back in Bideford has to lend his Bass amp to Norman Watt-Roy every time they support Wilco Johnson, I'll be honest, he's quite chuffed about it. [/quote] Strangely enough a band I was in supported Wilco Johnson and NW-R wouldn't let me use his rig, didn't grumble though, he was a nice chap and I had a good chat with him and some photos etc! OP, to not upset anyone perhaps you could tell the promoter that your gear is in the repair shop and would not be ready in time, it might force him to hire some gear in if the other bands don't have their own kit. I can understand if you want to use your own kit though.
  22. <<<<<-------AFTER Bit of an early one this.......late 70s/1980ish!! BEFORE------>>>>>>[attachment=51156:IMG1.JPG]
  23. A bit of front room practice [attachment=51146:me.jpg] Me and our guitarist having a moment! [attachment=51149:IMG00514...601_1102.jpg]
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