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Everything posted by barneyg42

  1. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1487454060' post='3239986'] I thought it said "Avoid Germans!" [/quote] Stan Boardman returns!!
  2. Whitesnake-Neil Murray era!!
  3. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1486474627' post='3232091'] 'Impact technology' love it. A bit like 'percussion engineering'. Thanks for the help chaps . I've got an enforced month off playing coming up (carpal surgery recuperation) so I'll take that opportunity to have a ferret around inside it and see what I can see see see. [/quote] Ferret might be too big, a hamster maybe? Or a small mouse?
  4. Word Up-Gun
  5. Because The Night-Patti Smith
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1485966180' post='3228102'] Another idea for a topic would be [b] When your fiancé doesn't know you[/b] That could go off in some very interesting directions ... [/quote] The wedding is off........she bought me a guitar and a music stand!!!
  7. 2017 starts to take it's toll!! Perhaps I should say "continues to.........!"
  8. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1485694545' post='3225822'] In a review it's important to have the info on all the key features. But when it comes to the tone I guess it's good to hear the general character of the sound. In the PRS reviews we hear the bass has a good clear tone. We can assume it goes from a good bite one end to a deep thud. I only watched the first. I didn't see him slap or use a pick, but the tone we got showed plenty of snap to the sound, so the pick or slap players will know it does that ok. It can be frustrating to have to listen through 3 minutes of slap and 3 minutes of pick before we get 2 minutes of fingerstyle as the credits start to roll. Lets face it, all you need is a single run down of the G and Cmaj scale and you've got the gist of what it sounds like. Edit: Listened to all the vids. I'm loving the tone, but is it the bass or the Aguilar gear? [/quote] And hearing the bass in a band setting is a plus for me! Likewise amps! When our very own WoT was demoing the Handbox amp as well as some sit down in the front room he posted a video of his band. Also listening through headphones or a system helps to get some idea of tone!
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1485687171' post='3225757'] Are short videos that demonstrate the essentials better than long ones that can contain more detail? Discuss.. [/quote] I find they get a bit boring, there's a Gary Grainger PRS bass review by Premier Guitars on YouTube that I tried to watch this morning and I felt that watching the already dry paint on the wall was more interesting!!
  10. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1485674838' post='3225660'] Was reading the PRS Kestrel thread over on the BG forum and decided to check it out on the PRS website. There are some demo videos which, for me exemplify what folks should be aiming for in instrument demos... each only 1 1/2 mins or so but tells you all you need... A short intro to the features on the bass... http://youtu.be/yUXhAN_mQAU http://youtu.be/6cRxTNvl3Bc A short trio demo showing a few different playing styles with accompanying info on the bass settings... http://youtu.be/yuVUxXsKJF4 http://youtu.be/YzFHpo44RPk [/quote] Good reviews, short and to the point, shows the basses in different styles without pushing one style or another!
  11. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1485525181' post='3224632'] Sorry Duff, but Phil Lynott has the Coolest Looking Bassist award in perpetuity. [/quote] This!!!!!
  12. I had this same setup a while back, seriously powerful and versatile! Best one knob compression around IMHO!! GLWTS!
  13. I went to a recording session of Surprise Surprise with my girlie because Olly Murs was on. Holly Willowbooby was up the duff so some stuff that was recorded for another program was from the waist up only as she would have dropped by the screening. A very uncomfortable afternoon in tiny seats, but as my better half goes to most of my gigs I couldn't refuse really!!
  14. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1485077341' post='3220846'] Elixirs are roundwound but with the coating they apply they're much less abrasive on the fingers than most strings. They aren't cheap, but they last a lot longer than most strings. I tend to keep them over a year without them going particularly dead. With the skin shredding, is this because of soft skin, of do you have a skin condition? Scott Divine has a skin condition which is the reason for his wearing a glove. [/quote] His gloves are actually for a neurological condition called Focal Dystonia, miss firing neurons causing involuntary muscle contractions and twisting.
  15. And just to add these same pubs are still advertising last years gigs on their sites!! We do our own publicity anyway but it's a bit frustrating!!
  16. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1484998683' post='3220250'] I agree with nearly all of this except.... "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Posters are a pointless waste of time"[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]All of our (mostly pub) venues demand and expect them. Some, not all, use them on their Facebook and Website, as do we. All of them use them on the walls to at least give the impression that there are always things going on at the venue. Whether that persuades people to come and see you in particular is an open question, but every little helps. Personally, if we play somewhere and there's a poster up for a band I fancy seeing I'll go if I'm not gigging. Would I be trawling through the listings and pick them out? Probably not. A case in point: was in a local pub last night and spotted a poster for a couple of guys I know doing a Sunday afternoon acoustic in a couple of weeks - I'll be there.[/font][/color] [/quote] We have a couple of pubs that ask for posters, we send them out and they don't use them!! Btw, these pubs are not just down the road so it's not exactly a diy scenario! When we asked about them we tend to get the stock "nothing to do with me" answer!
  17. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1484746983' post='3218016'] I've just checked and the outer that I cut from Sommer LLX cable and throw away slips nicely over a 2.1mm plug. If you are passing anytime Colin you can have a few. [/quote] Thanks Dave, if I'm your way will take you up on that!!
  18. Old thread, bumping in self interest! Got this problem now with unused ends, anyone found a uk based solution? Only seem to find stateside shops selling Godlyke caps!
  19. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1484444915' post='3215557'] Well, I've been reading this thread as it developed, and it doesn't make for happy reading. But I'm just back from playing to a decent sized audience in a Swindon pub, and plenty of them were under 30 and very keen to hear the band, They stayed for the whole gig, too, so I am a bit less depressed by this discussion now. [/quote] Same here, despite the January lull post Xmas I'm sat at home up way too early after playing to a packed pub in Wokingham. Totally mixed audience age wise, couple of lads at the front probably 20yo at the most singing along to all our classic rock stuff, one of them was singing Alone by Heart almost as loud as our singer!! We've had 4 gigs since Xmas and this has been the case in 3 of them, Fridays gig being a bit down on normal numbers. We're a female fronted (she's excellent) classic rock band, lots of Fleetwood Mac/Bon Jovi etc and even the youngsters love it. I can't say for the originals scene though but we're on a very good circuit at the moment.
  20. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1484439567' post='3215539'] How did it sound in a full band context though ? I think too many people fiddle endlessly with the tone controls on their gear, then complain that their amps aren't loud enough or whatever. [/quote] Using the Markbass eq I haven't been able to dial up a good punchy sound, it's strange, there's so many much variety on there with the VLE/VPF etc. I'm now thinking I've been eq-ing the bass wrongly, when I walked out on the last two gigs it's had so much punch and presence with the mid switched in. I agree though, there be too much fiddling, I've tended to run everything flat if I can, I hate getting too technical with it but this time seems to have been a lucky mistake!
  21. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1484393479' post='3215136'] I set my mid frequency on my J retro to boost the low mid, and turn it up full. It adds clarity and punch to my sound. I regularly get compliments on my tone from other bass players (if not my playing). [/quote] I was doing this on my amp (Markbass LM3) and when I walked out it sounded very nasally, the amp is now relegated to being an amp only, all tone control is handled by my Hartke vxl pedal and now the mid control on the bass. All good fun!!
  22. So I play a Status Series 2 classic 5-string. It's my only bass, I've had it for about 5 years. If you know the bass you'll know that it has bass/middle/treble pots and a switch that either cuts or boosts the mids, it has a middle setting that is neutral. There is a middle pot that adjusts the mid frequency. So here's the stupid bit, I tend to run it flattish, maybe a bit of bass boost and nip up the treble occasionally depending on the song. The mid control I set up to give a little boost if a certain song is in the set as I have a bit of a solo in it so I switch it in when needed. Looked at the set list the singer chose, said song is in so I set up a sound for the solo. No problem, except I didn't return the switch to neutral. Start the first set and I'm loving the sound, punchy mids, lovely bottom B sound and a nice clear zing to the top end when I popped a couple of notes. I'm thinking perhaps the speaker is reacting nicely to the room and floor, this is a venue we play regularly so a bit strange. Why the hell has it taken me five bloody years to realise the excellent tone shaping of this part of the bass, and it took a mistake to realise it!! I feel so foolish, also I'm so looking forward to tonight's gig!! Any if you guys and girls made a mistake like this that ultimately gives you a great result??
  23. The way some people are on eBay you could change to new strings, advertise it as such and they'd complain the strings aren't good enough or the wrong type! I'm sure you'll be ok, as said, second hand bass, second hand strings!
  24. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1484167543' post='3213301'] I firmly believe that we are blessed with some of the best luthiers in the world on this side of the pond. Status, GB, Overwater, ACG and our own Andy Rogers to name just a few. All will build you basses that out perform their US counterparts at competitive prices. You might also note how Trace Elliot went down hill when it was sold. [/quote] Don't forget Jaydee!!!
  25. Byrds or Budgie covers??
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