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Everything posted by Terra

  1. I'm actually tempted despite having just bought the TRB! £80 is so cheap! Where are you based?
  2. Found myself a nice TRB inc. Case for £740 - thanks so much for your advice guys! So who wants my old crappy hohner?
  3. I think a lot of it comes down to the pure comfort of it, and the attitude in which you play it. I love my musicman, it's definately my go to, it plays like a dream and just feels right, the action is perfect it sits on my knee nicely, it's comfortable around my neck, not too heavy, the neck slides well, and it's now got enough bumps and scrapes that I've not got the over protective fear you get with new/expensive gear. My other basses just feel wrong by comparison, not enough space to pop, pickup in the wrong place to rest my thumb, action not set quite right, all those little things that make the MM feel like mine. I guess you could put some time into making sure all the others are set the best they can be to increase comfort
  4. That shop looks really good, I'll pop down this weekend and see what they've got. Anyone know anywhere that has the Yamaha in stock?
  5. Ok, I've been playing a fair few years now, and I want to give 6 strings more of a go. I know what I don't want, so by using the serlock holms method, I should be able to eliminate everything but the best! Not Ibanez Warwick or Peavey Not a stupid shape Not more than £1500 I really like the look of the schecters that are around, and some of the ESPs look sexy, and it'd be really nice to have a skinnier neck width than the average because my hands are not huge The question is - where can I try a bunch of these out? I haven't had much luck even though I'm based in london (the bass cellar really is terrible) Obviously I want to try a bunch out and buy the best, but it's not like there's a 6-string speciallist around here! I'd be pretty happy to pick up a budget model just to get playing, £150 or less really.
  6. I'll pick this up, need a touring 6 string. Can't stretch as far as £175 though, just forked out for the van! Whats the lowest you can go? Email me [email protected] (based central/north london)
  7. Hey guys, I'm such a user, I only log in when I want something! I'll return the favour soon, promise So, I'm looking for a 6 string bass, preferably less than £1000 but with a narrower neck than the standard 54mm. I've not got tiny hands, I can play a 6er but I find it fatiguing after a while so if I can find a thinner neck I'd be very happy. The ESP basses look pretty damn nice, what do you guys think? Cheers
  8. Oh man, if you'd posted this two days ago I'd have snapped it up! Just spent £70 on an ABX 266 though
  9. Yeah... I play bass a lot, just upgrading my rig and got started on here again, thought I'd throw a plug in! I currently play bass for www.myspace.com/atthewatersedgemusic www.allucinere.com www.ihaveclones.com Hopefully playing for Dividing The Line soon and have played for a lot more bands. I want to make music my life, so I whore myself out as much as I can! I perfer to play hardcore/emo/screamo/punk/ska but I will play other genres so long as it pays my costs Musicman SUB bass, Ampeg SVT-3 Pro, with 8x10 stack. I can drive but no car atm. Thinking about buying one though! Best way to contact me is my email NOT HERE! [email protected] thanks
  10. Did this sell?
  11. you will... if you say something worth referencing
  12. Thanks to everyone who replied to my last question, it's great to hear so many opinions! Even if you don't know much about whats going on, every view is very helpful. As you all did so well, I now give you a new topic! What oppurtunities and threats are offered by internet distribution? Thanks!
  13. This is awesome guys! Thanks so much, you've done so well I've got a special treat for you! See my next topic for question 2
  14. Hello I'm doing a piece of coursework on the music industry, and for some research I thought I'd see what you guys thought. A good mix of pro and amatur musicians, all with some knowledge of the music world. So, what do you think is in the future for the music industry? What will happen to record companies with falling slaes thanks to illegal download? What will happen to live music with so many bands around? Will we all go underground, DIY, or sell our souls for fame? Please write as much or as little as you want/can be assed, every opinion helps! Thanks!
  15. perfect, thanks
  16. So, I'm thinking about getting a 6-string and I've borrowed a friends for the moment. It's a shine Web846, not exactly amazing, but it does the job for trying them out. Thing is I'm finding the nut too wide, not unbearably so, but a little awkward. So, I'd like to know the Nut width of the shine, but more importantly I need to know the nut width of the Schecter Stilletto custon-6. can anyone help me?
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