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Everything posted by abarson

  1. From the Subway TT-800 manual, which is consistent across all their amps: "If using cables with NL-4 connectors, they may be constructed with standard 2 wire cable which must be wired 1+ to 1+ and 1- to 1-." Although Mesa Boogie QA is very high, it is possible that something isn't right with the cab's wiring. I'd reach out to their customer support immediately if it's not a cable issue.
  2. Aw, Paul. Aren't those made of Unobtainium now that Carvin is no more?
  3. Scratchy pots are common, and can usually be cleared by adminstering a tiny spritz of Caig Deoxit and then rotating them to clear. If that doesn't solve the issue, you could have a tech check for loose solder joints. Good luck!
  4. The Rumble 500 combo has two 16-ohms ceramic 10" speakers, internally connected in parallel to create an 8 ohms load. Fender rates it for 350 watts internal only, 500 watts with 8 ohms extension. The Rumble 800 combo has two 16-ohms ceramic 10" speakers, internally connected in parallel to create an 8 ohms load. Fender rates it for 400 watts internal only, 800 watts with 8 ohms extension. The Rumble 210 cabinet has two 16-ohms ceramic 10" speakers, internally connected in parallel to create an 8 ohms load. Fender rates it for 350 watts continuous. Although Fender isn't explicit, I'd say there's a very good chance that they are indeed the same speakers in all. It looks like the cabinet was designed to be paired with the combos and should provide a large degree of "sameness". @agedhorsemight have some relevant insight. But you could use any 4- or 8-ohms cabinet with the combos, from the vendor of your choice.
  5. I don't know what capacity means to you, but it isn't related to any of this discussion. Cabinets have a impedence load that the amp drives by providing power to it. When resistance or impedance is connected in series the sum is additive: 8 + 8 = 16. When resistance or impedance is connected in parallel the sum is inverse: 8 || 8 --> 1/8 + 1/8 = 1/x --> x = 4 Cabinet connections are as a rule made in parallel. This is accomplished in one of two ways: The two speaker outputs on your amp are in parallel. You can connect one 8 ohms cabinet to each output and the amp will see a total load of 4 ohms. This is appropriate for your amplifier. One speaker output is connected to cabinet A (8 ohms), which then has a daisy chain connnection to cabinet B (also 8 ohms). The amp will see a resulting total load of 4 ohms. Note: this doesn't apply to the Ashdown 410 cabinet that you posted. Yours has a 1/4" jack that has been sealed, which usually would have been used for daisy chaining.
  6. @Downunderwonder I'm not wrong in the least, but it may simply be a matter of verbiage. The amp (like many others) has two speaker output connectors. Most cabinets have two connectors, one as input from the amp and the other in parallel to daisy chain to another cabinet. Never connect both outputs of the amp to one cabinet. Doing so shorts the output of the amp. Your comment to never connect two amplifiers to one cabinet is also definitely valid and should be heeded. And I agree that the Mesa illustration wasn't the most helpful.
  7. The MAG 600H has two Speakon speaker outputs and will operate with a minimum load of 4 ohms: do not go below 4 ohms. You can connect either one or two cabinets to this head. Here are valid combinations that you can safely connect to this amp: 1 x 8 ohms cabinet, total 8 ohms load. Use one Speakon cable between the amp and cabinet. 1 x 4 ohms cabinet, total 4 ohms load. Use one Speakon cable between the amp and cabinet. 2 x 8 ohms cabinets, total 4 ohms load. Use one Speakon cable between the amp and each cabinet. NEVER CONNECT TWO CABLES BETWEEN YOUR AMPLIFER AND ONE CABINET! All other combinations (4 ohms + 8 ohms, etc.) may cause damage to your amp.
  8. Speakon is unquestionably superior to 1/4" jacks. Make sure your cable is built with genuine Neutrik Speakon connectors. There are plenty of reports of cheap knockoffs becoming lodged in the sockets or otherwise failing.
  9. Thanks for clueing me in on the LaVoce, Bill! Yes, Arjank did seem to have an affinity for Oberton, I guess for price and availability they've got an edge in the Netherlands over other manufacturers. I built the diminuitive version, the Picolo 8. Say "hello" to my leetle friend | TalkBass.com I know that I'm not using the proper speaker, (I once asked you if it would work in your WH8) but I still get the impression that the design has merit. I had no expectation of a speaker this small putting out so much sound and bass. How do you determine at what frequencies the response dip occurs? Is it truely unavoidable?
  10. Well, I haven't gotten banned yet. To say more I should probably start an off-topic thread.
  11. "Okay folks, we know it's been awhile...so today we're going to work on conversations...Dave, that's not how a lawn chair works...everyone got a beverage?" "Oh, so you got Moderna? How nice for you!"
  12. I was contemplating a Cyclops 115 build and the Oberton 15MB500 is only 100 pounds sterling at Blue Aran. I’ll probably resort to using a recommended alternative, but I continue to be drawn to the slightly esoteric. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/the-cyclops-a-tweeterless-115.1178086/#post-17842862
  13. Hey Paul TB doesn’t seem the same without you. Who else is going to laud Acme B2s with me? Our band practice yesterday turned into a lawn concert, made possible by the vaccine. It was good to be among people again.
  14. It’s an Oberton and there’s no US distribution.
  15. I have my eye on a speaker in stock at Blue Aran, but they won't ship it to the US. Their website mentions using a freight forwarder to handle this. Does anyone here have experience with freight forwarding as well as recommended providers of such a service?
  16. I have my eye on a speaker in stock at Blue Aran, but they won't ship it to the US. Their website mentions using a freight forwarder to handle this. Does anyone here have experience with freight forwarding as well as recommended providers of such a service?
  17. The GB pictured is the oldest version with the rear ports, the STD. I've not come across any 8 ohms versions of that cab, but @agedhorse would be the authority on the subject.
  18. There have been a few iterations of the GB410T cabinet, with the biggest difference being port configuration. One characteristic in common is that they are all quite heavy. That said, I've yet to come by a Genz-Benz cabinet that didn't sound good. Here's a quick chart, oldest to newest. GB410T STD - 4 ohms, rear round ports. GB410T-XB2 - 4 ohms, front round ports. GB410T-XB3 - 4 ohms, front slot ported. 300€ would be a bit steep in the US market, I've no idea how that stands elsewhere.
  19. Hey @agedhorse You're over here too? How do you find the time?
  20. I bought a new Les Paul shaped Gherson bass in Israel in '81-82, just like the one on FetishGuitars. It was short scale and weighed a ton. I put long scale Rotosound strings on it because I didn't know better. It was well put together, though I did notice a couple of finish imperfections. It served me well for a number of years but what an anchor! I sold it in '86 before returning to the States. At the time I had a choice of a LP, Jazz (JB), or Rickenbacker (RB) shaped Gherson in the same shop, all about the same price. I was anti-Fender shape at the time, and I kick myself for not snagging the Rickenbacker copy instead of the LP. I think I was put off by the slightly odd burst finish. The Finger Picar wasn't available in the shop and knowing me I might have been drawn to the oddity. It is the only bass that Gherson designed (instead of copying) and is thus rather rare.
  21. I should have known...
  22. Trying to help a new Talkbass member. The US has Craigslist, Canada has Kijiji. What is the UK equivalent for online used instruments?
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