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Everything posted by 2elliot

  1. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1449480961' post='2923777'] Most of the above, but I also found that boosting the 180hz slider gave me some nice low mid punch without low end being overbearing. I do something similar with my Trace heads. [/quote] Something similar too, but a touch more middle and no sub octave. Cutting the bass was a big improvement.
  2. Cheers guys. Thanks for the input, it's certainly given me more to think about. What's an 'active' monitor?
  3. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1449416782' post='2923334'] Isn't that Ashdown? [/quote] Not really,Ashdown have their own sound. I own an ABM Evo iii and a TE 1225v. The Abm seems to have a softer sound than the TE which sounds more punchy and focused at the bottom end... both are great and the more I use the Ashdown the more dialed I get the sound. But it ain't quite TE. Maybe one day TE will re appear with all the weight of sound and punch I remember. Until then it's ABM for me... Unless Mr Ashdown has some thing hidden away that may fill the void,then I maybe persuaded to buy that. I'd have to paint green though😉
  4. The band I play for got a bit caught out last night when the venue we played at could not get the stage monitor to work. We use a drum machine through the PA so the gig became a bit of a challange. We are not interested in getting a drummer so have decided to cough up for a monitor; drums mainly with a bit of vocal. We have no idea about this stuff so I'm looking for a bit of direction, we'll probably go second hand £100 ish. Any pointers would be very much appreciated. Cheers
  5. TE... left to rot by Peavey. Some really needs to get hold of this brand and bring it back to it's former glory.
  6. Very similar to the set up I've gone for. 2x10 neo combo + 1x15 neo cab. Just waiting on delivery on the the combo ready for two gigs next week.
  7. Nice one Matt. I'll give them a knock.
  8. I'm looking to remove the head from my Trace Elliot 1225v and get a sleave/case made to slot it into. Any recommendations on who to contact in the North East or possibly Yorkshire that can carry out the work? Ta
  9. Oh funk...that's great.
  10. Wow, monster set up. You just know that is going sound fantastic.
  11. I'm in a very similar boat. Old Trace Elliot 1225 combo, awesome in it's day, now too heavy for aging frame. Upto now I've tried an Orange Ob1 through an Orange 2x12 cab. No punch at all, very disappointing as I really fancied one. A Markbass 2x10 combo. This was going in the right direction, punchy and tight, but something was missing.Maybe a bit of warmth. And finally an Abm 500 evo iii through an Ashdown Neo 1x15... It sounded awesome. Not how I remember Ashdown from several years ago. This was great, tight and punchy with a bit of grind. I was using some sort of Fender Precision, first one I've ever played no idea which model but it retailed £700 ish and was pretty good. I'm going back with my Yamaha BB3000 to give the Ashdown another go... was it really that good, I've got a feeling it was. I'd suggest trying one, you don't have to buy it. But you may come away surprised.
  12. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1442512065' post='2867509'] My new Jake 4 custom arrived... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/269295-nbd-maruszczyk-jake-4-custom/page__gopid__2867506#entry2867506"]http://basschat.co.u...06#entry2867506[/url] and it's veeeeeeeeeery nice This is right after unpacking it at work! Then, at home, a few painfully slow hours later: [/quote] That looks fantastic.
  13. Great thread. What's seen on the Spector web site cannot be unseen... your wallet has been warned. I was talking to a luthier last year regarding high end basses, a very talented fellow who produces outstanding stringed instruments, Cello, Violin, Double Bass etc. The one bass he wanted to get his hands on... a US Spector. Not just because of the fantastic quality of the bass but because of the fantastic guy building them.
  14. Oh, wow look at that stunner. Good luck with the sale
  15. Phantom of the Opera - Iron Maiden Black Dog - Led Zep Love Cats - The Cure
  16. Aye, you're right, two very different animals. Both excellent, but one more comfy than the other... I'm thinking small thumb rest.
  17. Can you tell me, is the string spacing on the BB3000s tighter than on the BB3000? I have a BB3000, it's a fantastic bass but after pulling my Warwick Thumb out of hibernation yesterday and giving it a spin. I found it so much easier to play than the Yamaha. I think maybe it's the string spacing or width of the pickup making my plucking hand position incorrect or uncomfortable... Any ideas?.. I don't really want to get rid of the Yammy if I could tweak it somehow to suit my playing I'd be more than happy. Cheers
  18. Youtube Fishbone. The Thumb is much more than just a slap machine. It’s the Swiss Army knife of the bass world.
  19. Very sad. R.I.P.
  20. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1435256388' post='2807076'] They did that at Manchester last night - a comprehensive romp through all of the albums (only exception was Antipop) as a trio, then the Wonka set. Encores with the cellist and percussionist were brilliant! [/quote] Yes, Manchester was great. Some excellent song choices, loved cellist and the chap on percussion. The Wonka set was bonkers, had a laugh when the umpalumpas had the 2 footy strips on in the club shops, didn't know which one to boo the most, nice touch though. The 2 half hour drive home was a killer but worth it.
  21. Fantastic bass, some one is going to be very happy with that.
  22. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1433446447' post='2791211'] I bought it new last year from PMT in Birmingham..... I paid £980 for it. It had been hanging around in the shop for two years... They had forgotten to put it on there web site and never noticed... Know one new it was there, and over time, as the lack of perceived interest continued, they kept lowering the price on it, thinking they had a lemon on their hands..when I first realised it was there, and what it was, the deal was done in 2 minutes..... The original price they had it up for when they got it was £2300. It was literally pushed to the back of the shop, believe it or not with a BB2025X (again not on the web site) which was marked up £1200... (negotiable) I went back a couple of weeks later and the 2025X was sold, awaiting collection. Luckiest bass buy of my life... [/quote] Wow, what a stroke of luck. A 2024x is still on my hit list, but for now my early 80s BB3000 fills that void perfectly. In fact, I havent used my Warwick Thumb for nearly a year.
  23. That looks sh*t. Warwick... remember when you had some class?
  24. Pedulla Mvp, Tune Bass Maniac, Warwick Thumb, Yamaha Motion.
  25. Jeez...that would give King Kong a hernia. Awesome bass, good luck with the sale.
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