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Everything posted by 2elliot

  1. Remarkable voice, fantastic song. I'm sure I read the bass tracks on Dirt were several different recordings overlaid to get the sound.
  2. MXR Flanger... an excellent pedal. Much prefer it to the Boss and EBS I used to own.
  3. Great tune, what pedals are you using to get the sound? @SteveXFR
  4. Try it, if it's for you buy it. I bought a Schecter Ultra Bass a while back. It's excellent.
  5. CTM 100 is nothing like the ABM600 in both sound and operation. Dont expect a great deal of sound variation from the CTM, it's old-school. I've owned both and would happily own any one of them again, they sound excellent.
  6. Well that's several minutes I'll never get back...
  7. I changed the battery once a year, never had any issue with battery life at all.
  8. He's been known to do a bit of Class D now and again... I'll get me coat😉
  9. For £150 it's a real bargain. Sounds good, eay to use and well built, although It does have the slight volume pot crackle but only when sound is coming through, if you aren't playing and turn the dial it's fine. I certainly prefer it to the GK Legacy, which I sold after a short period of constant fiddling. Thanks for the heads up @stewblack
  10. Day off work today, so I set all my gear up and had a play along to the live DVD of Nocturne...
  11. Staring at the Sea: The Singles will give you a good overview of the evolution of the band from young post punk type oddballs to miserable alternative bleakness and beyond to weirdo popstars... and that's just the earlier stuff. I love 'em in all variations.
  12. Cheers... getting delivered on Friday.
  13. No worries mate, some one mentioned PF800 so I thought I'd check it out. G4M don't have any on display in York to try and I'm guessing the poor quality videos on YouTube don't do it justice hence the question.
  14. Is this an Ampeg class D knock off and does anybody have a useful link to it being used or a demo? All the stuff on YouTube is horrendous... even the manufacturers effort sounds like someone throwing a bag of glass bottles down a flight of stairs.
  15. Gallup plays his bass all through the gig. Reeves does VI when required
  16. Still brilliant live. I went to see them in Berlin a couple of month ago, they sounded fantastic... t-shirts were only €20 aswell.
  17. Fugly... I have nothing more constructive to add.
  18. The Wolfgang Press...
  19. Very interesting Ashdown video with James Lomenzo. Definitely worth a watch... Amp... ...and a new Hyperdrive pedal being worked on?
  20. Yep, I did the same with the switches and master volume.
  21. Cool, that's the new version. Is it still passive eq? I had the original CTM 100. The eq was useless but luckily it didn't need it as it sounded brilliant. Definitely loud enough to gig in a rock band using an ABM15 or a Barefaced Four10.
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