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Everything posted by BassMunkee

  1. Headed every time. Tho' having said that I used to have a bit of a thing about Steinbergers and the day I bought my Aria I smacked the headstock on the ceiling and chipped, so what do I know...?!
  2. [quote name='5_string_death' post='245668' date='Jul 22 2008, 08:36 PM']Lol, sorry to dissapoint mate, it is just a load of stickers i got from Metal Hammer Zach[/quote] Good effort! Welcome. Don't worry about the gear, when I first started out I had a bass I bought a mail order one from Axe, for £99 + a 4 watt (I think) amp... lol!
  3. Kurly kables r teh t1ts. \m/><\m/
  4. Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV, though just for balance I will be listening to Boards Of Canada - Music Has The Right To Children after the former has finished.
  5. I own one bass. Why? Coz I only need one bass - that's my trusty black Aria Pro II which I love. It's a cracking instrument for the sorts of things that I like to play, it has a great balance for me, it's very accessible, I love it's feel and it's tone, it's extremely hard-wearing and it looks great too! (That said I *may* be getting an EpiphoneThunderbird later in the year)...
  6. I don't reckon "Missing" by EBTG would be a total success...
  7. My bass of choice is an Aria Pro II - I love it I have to say. The very next thing you should get is a tuner. Don't let anybody tell you you should do it by ear, save yourself the effort and get a tuner! Oh and if you can't play Anasthesia - (Pulling Teeth) or Orion after 3 weeks, then give it up mate. Seriously.
  8. A track of mine... [url="http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?PID=1129846&t=7858"]FLOW[/url]
  9. Recently got this and am currently climbing the learning curve! Initial impressions are very favourable; quality, sound, functionality, etc. Just wondering if anyone else was using this, and if so what they thought about it? (I have ableton live lite 7 as well which is good too, though limited. It was very laggy prior to the 660 unit - but that has proved to be very good too. Interestingly - or not - cakewalk is compatible with Ableton, which is nice).
  10. Just joined, so hi from me. Been playing for a while - currently doing? Well, noodling is probably the best description having recently invested in a synth/sequencer and a couple of of other extra odds and ends to increase my "scope" - shall we say. Styles - started off hardcore/goth - no really, I have the tapes to prove it - then went goth, then got the Cocteau Twins, and latterly Isis, Pelican, etc, and it's all gone a bit post-rock and ambient - still all good fun though, even if I am in a bit a creative desert at the mo - nothing a couple G & Ts won't though I'm sure!! Musical equipment list is as follows... Aria Pro II IGB40 Bass, Rotosound 40/100 strings. Hartke A35 Combo Amp. Zoom 607II Bass Effects, Marshall RF-1 Reflector Reverb, Marshall EH-1 Echohead delay, Marshall VT-1 Vibratrem, Behringer DSP2024 Virtualizer Pro Multi Effects Rack, Boss RC20-XL Loopstation, GLX Noise Gate, Boss SYB-3 Bass Synth, Yamaha QY70 Synth/sequencer. Zoom RT223 Rythm Unit, MRS4B digital 4 track. M-Audio Oxygen8v2, Ableton Live Lite 6. With a little help from Audacity and Acid Xpress. Here's my Bass: I love it. :wub: Who inspires me? Justin Broadrick - not a bassist, but, well how can you not?! Steve 'Arris, Hooky, anything by Isis, Pelican, Loop and Main, to name a few... Heresies... I don't like Jazz and I'm not a big fan of funk... sorry, but there you are... Love = my pedals + experimentation; don't love = "the pocket". Well I guess that'll do for the mo!
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