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Everything posted by Woody1957

  1. Just perfect for any wanna be heavy metal moose out there who wants to rattle a few fillings............
  2. Jimmy Lea from Slade used similar, 2 amps plus 4 cabs at Sheffield City Hall in the early 70's when l went to see them...wall of sound and very, very loud. Would have been my ultimate rig back in the day. Glwts.
  3. This stuff is brilliant and it works......I always hand this out to the audience sitting near my two Super compacts and my Handbox R400.....stops their beer vibrating of their table..
  4. Anti slip mat from poundland or somewhere similar works well too.
  5. Stonking bass for a newby!
  6. Could you tell me the string spacing at the bridge please?
  7. I should have also added that when I opened up the amp I found that all 3 valves did not have a brand name on them, hence the reason for swapping them out.
  8. I replaced all 3 as soon as l bought it from this site second hand. I didn't really want to gig with valves which were already 3 years old so l couldn't compare them tbh.
  9. I've put Electro Harmonix in my R400, as suggested by the guy at Watford (l cant remember his name but very knowledgeable) and they sound really sweet!
  10. Watford valves?
  11. I've got the other one, sounds absolutely killer and its amazing sounding and such an easy instrument to play. Mark is also a top guy to deal with and met me half way on the hand over. Try him😊👍
  12. Well mate, l use it with one SC cab for band practice and it really is plenty loud enough to keep up. But when gigging with 2 cabs at 4 ohms...well just let's say l could wipe the whole band out....its very, very loud. I play it with tone controls almost flat, volume full up and control how loud l get with the gain control and with the clean switch on. I really love it, its a lovely, portable D class that can get as dirty or as clean as you want too. Hope that helps👍
  13. I also have a Terror v2 and a SC...sounds killer. Just curious why you are getting rid?
  14. As if by magic Deepfat is selling a HB WB100 on amps for sale😃........fill yer boots!!! Sorry...just read the complete HB for sale thread, it's my age lol. Must say well worth the drive imo..
  15. The R400 and a couple of Super Compacts is my exact set up with my white MM or my 71 Jazz and l've never had a better sound...ever!
  16. Brought back some great memories...cheers mate! I used Trace gear in all the bands I played in throughout the mid 80's right to the late 90's.............then my back started complaining, loudly!
  17. If its anything like my R400 I've gigged for a while now, it will definitely be awesome!
  18. Just bumping this up for Mark. I bought the SR1805 from him last week and its an incredible bass to play, fast, low action with a fairly slim neck. The Nordstrand pups are as good as anything I've heard..to my ears anyway! and I own Status/Musicman/Warwick basses.. This is the first 5 stringer I've ever owned and tbh it didn't take me long to get used to the extra string and the neck. These basses are superbly made and this current one should be virtually the same as the one I bought so whoever buys it will be very pleased. Glwts Mark.....not a lot of money for a hell of a lot of bass that's for sure.
  19. Errrrrrrrrrrrr?........maybe not then!🤣
  20. TBH, you should be able to learn one song with one listen through......🤐
  21. Or legs and co.....Cherry and Babs starred in quite a few of my dreams lol
  22. I absolutely love gigging whether its to 20 people at the Dog and Duck or 200 at the main stage at the Magna Beer Festival... I love every aspect of it...the nervous anticipation of loading the car, meeting the other band members at the gig...setting up, sound checking and then walking on stage knowing you are supremely confident in playing the songs you've been rehearsing for a couple of night at home. I love trying out any new gear, different strings and different amp settings. I just love the buzz of performing and being as tight as possible with the other band members. Then after the gig, ragging down asap with a large beer, chatting with anyone who might have appreciated my bass playing and finally loading up to drive home for a sandwich and a whisky. I just simply love it, been doing it for 50 years while holding down a stressful full time job too....l must be some sort of crazed, demented animal who doesn't mind feeling knacked all the next day with blisters on his fingers....l just can't stop myself and l will gig till l eventually can't stand up anymore. I simply love it.........
  23. Now that's a lot of amp for the money. GLWTS bud.
  24. Would imagine it would be fairly easy to fit another speakon connection in the compact cab. I'm sure Alex would help you out with this if you emailed him.
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