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Everything posted by Woody1957

  1. I'm sooooooo tempted by this bass. Looks absolutely stunning in every respect... Will someone put me out of my misery and buy it quick please!
  2. The first massive bargain of 2024!
  3. Amped loveliness at its finest. Glwts bud👍
  4. Fantastic cabs..Best lve ever used tbh. I use two as well. Awesome sound. Glwts.
  5. And also having YouTube too. When l set out learning bass, l had lessons for two years reading music but after joining a vocal harmony club band it fell by the wayside. Looking back l regret that decision. However back in the day l had an old BSR turntable which had speed settings of 16, 33, 45 and 78rpm....very useful because when learning the bass parts on vinyl all the deep, thudding notes were played at 78rpm and then transposed down to the correct key and all the high notes and fast bass lines were played at 16rpm and transposed up to the correct key. In the end l got quite good at just doing it all by ear and imagining the notes in my head. Everyone these days have so much technical stuff at their disposal it must be far faster to work stuff out that took me weeks back in the day, not to mention ruining most of my vinyl collection in the process lol.
  6. How true my friend...... In my teens in the early 70's l had a Bells musical instrument catalogue that l used to absolutely drool over every night in bed, constantly wishing l could afford a Selmer amp and cab. I did end up buying a Selmer Treble and Bass amp but l had to make my own cab with an 18 inch Goodmans speaker. I often look fondly back on those early days as a bassist. Now, over the years l have owned a wide variety of pro standard amps and cabs and lm fortunate enough to be able to buy what l want these days. But, l can't decide which gave me most pleasure...drooling and eventually saving month after month and the ultimate excitement of owning the item of my desire........or just going out and buying it....does that make sense?
  7. Have a listen to Jim Lea's bass solo in the middle of Dirty Joker off the Play it Loud album.... Apparently it a modified piece from Bach which makes complete sense as Jim was originally a classically trained violinist. I've been trying to learn it properly for the last 50 years but still not cracked it lol....
  8. And then ripping in to "Achy Breaky Heart" 😁
  9. Stonar rock....ffs lol I wouldn't use it as a bird table...
  10. I can't believe it's not sold. A beautiful vintage bass with case...what's not to like. I have 6 basses that l gig and alternate on a regular basis, but if l could warrant spending on another bass l would definitely buy this and just hang it on the wall and admire it like an expensive painting while sipping on a malt whisky....apologies in advance for the ramble l'll get my coat.... Glwts bud.
  11. Omg....always lusted after one of these back in the day! Glwts bud.
  12. If ld not got a tech 21 preamp/power amp and an orange terror 500 and a HB R400 I'd snap this up in an instant....why do l keep looking at it though? Someone is going to have a great rig!
  13. Lovely basses...l have one and they play and sound great. Glwts, a real bargain.
  14. Modern art Ash tray disguised as a Jazz bass??
  15. Brilliant...love the set up.....top trumps my little Sonus Roam for sure!
  16. I wish there were bargains to be had like this when l started playing in the early 70's. Great starter amps for someone.
  17. What model is the pre amp mate? Thanks in advance.
  18. Played through one of these at the Church House gig in Sheffield as a supplied back line....very impressed. Glwts bud.
  19. Proper steal for a great little, powerful amp. When using mine the other week someone asked me if it was the 1000 watt version lol. I use mine a lot for gigging along with my Handbox 400.
  20. Lovely, smashing, super....glwts!
  21. Thanks Marc, these instruments are silky smooth to play, almost effortless. Like you say absolute killer sound too.
  22. Bonfire night has gone mate but might look quite nice mixed in with some yuletide logs....
  23. Having played both types of basses l know which one ld have and it's not the overpriced American version.
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