Hey. I've recently invested in a Dr Bass 2460, and I'm trying to decide on what head to pair it with. I reckon my options are:
* Eden WT550
* Genz Benz shuttle 6.0
* something by Mark Bass
* EA iamp 500/800
Basically i'm looking for something reasonably small, but with plenty of guts. I play a variety of music, from hip hop to funk to rock, so it needs to be versatile. I like the sound of both my main basses (Warwick thumb and G&L L2500) straight into my computer with headphones, so maybe the EA would be good since it's very transparent. I'm also favouring the eden and EA since they can do 2ohms, since the cab is 4ohms and I'll be able to add another later if I want to.
Advice/experience would be greatly appreciated!!