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Everything posted by DiMarco

  1. So when the next wage is in I'm calling a nearby tech who also builds his own brand amp and is well known amongst musicians here. He owns a Hexa Valve himself so I guess he is okay to repair mine (it keeps blowing out its main fuse so I expect the 6550's having to be replaced and it sometimes goes silent slowly after a while) and he can also repair this RAH600SMX. An update: When I route the fxloop1 send to another amp I have sound. In fxloop 2 the send does nothing even when I max out its volume dials on both the front and back of the amp. The Graphic EQ, pre-shapes and gain control are all in working order, but the potmeters will need cleaning as they all crackle while turning them. The dualband compressor does nothing on Effects loop 1 but maybe it is not supposed to. Next up is testing the three D.I. outputs.
  2. It does a great job removing unwanted on-stage boom though. I do not care how it does on paper.
  3. DiMarco

    Advice please

    Get ready to hear 5000 different opinions on the matter. I am an analog pedal snob so don't ever trust me.
  4. More and more amp manufacturers are including a hpf in their products. Keep this in mind when you're on the market for a new amp. The Ashdown ABM, Mesa class D amps and some others. Thumpinator is a nice tool for the job but an MXR 10 band EQ does the same and more. It's lowest bands are at 31.25 and 62.5Hz, you get the other 8 bands as a free bonus so you can sculpt your tone however you want.
  5. Just noticed I posted this in the wrong category. I'm okay with moving the thread to the repairs section.
  6. But... it has only 4 strings! You brute! String it BEAD at once! LOL
  7. Thank you @Merton. I will convey this when having it checked. I think a proper checkup will be in place anyway with an amplifier this old.
  8. I am not sure, but also no expert. What I do know is there's two separate poweramps in there each handling a max. 4ohm load and both are dead. Logic dictates it is unlikely both the poweramps died at the same time and I figure they might not be getting any power anymore. They really are dead silent even at max volume. Guess I will have an expert look at it along with the Hexa Valve that keeps blowing out its main fuse when using it - that one will most probably need a matched set of six 6550's. I am afraid it's gonna cost me, but these amps are worth it.
  9. Hi, my big bad dual poweramp TE doesn't make any sound anymore. I replaced all the fuses in the back to make sure that's not it. Input leds flash on gain, compressor and EQ have their inpact on the gain leds too so the preamp is alright. The speaker outputs however are completely silent (not even a slight hiss) it is as if the powersection has switched off. Both of the two poweramps have gone silent, I am thinking it might be the power transformer has died or something? The moment it died was when I switched it off. There was a very loud high frequency tone going 'pew' and after that it never made any sound again. Is there anything I can check myself before driving it to a tech?
  10. I was looking for a really good DI box myself and checked out quite a few. Ended up picking one that has analog speaker cabinet emulation on board in favor of this one, but if you want to keep things simple and phantom powered the RNDI does sound phenomenal, and it isn't that much over your budget. https://www.rupertneve.com/products/rndi/
  11. Using the Le Bass a lot, also have the Trace Elliot Transit-B since that has a five band EQ and great compressor. This one is arriving next week: The cabinet emulation is analog, and the parallel fx loop has a low pass filter on it so you can for instance throw a compressor on your bottom end and a distortion or chorus on the preamp fxloop. When you dial some lows out of the latter you will get that bi-amp rig sound. The EQ is based on Ampeg amps.
  12. I threw a John East pre and a pair of Lollar pickups on my Japanese Marcus Miller Signature a couple of years ago. It is now the best sounding MIJ MM signature on the planet, and I sold it only to get myself the five string USA version after some time. So my opinion is mod it all you want, it is your bass.
  13. Just permanently deleted my Facebook account. It had become pretty much an ads only platform and was of little value to me anymore. So far this feels like a relief.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. carlsim


      That's good to know. Might have to delete mine as well!

    3. bassbiscuits


      I did it a few years ago mind so the process might have changed a little. I was prompted by an article online telling you how to do it.

      It isn’t obvious because FB don’t want you to do it. I was worried my info would be floating round out there forever after but it does seem to have disappeared, based on none of it coming up if you Google me. 

    4. ClassicVibes


      That's the standard for a lot of websites nowadays. They make the account inactive but don't delete it. That way it looks like a higher membership than there is. Got to keep those sponsors happy! 

  14. I wouldn't expect too much of that. The gain knob seems to have three modes. At low gain it is nice and clean, but not clinical sounding like many other small class D amps. When dialing in more, the led will turn yellow and you can clearly notice it limiting because it is applying quite a lot of it pretty quick. It is only on lots and lots of gain where it gives you its breakup, but again lots of it. There is no slight breakup. If you want a rock tone with slight to heavy breakup, I suggest you check out the Two Notes Le Bass preamp. It has a 12AX7 tube handling the breakup and you can choose "cold fusion" or "hot fusion" modes where it either blends the clean and driven channels side by side or puts them in series. It does by far the best job of giving you tube grind because it actually is tube grind.
  15. Speakon connectors are too large for the Elf I reckon. It has a Jack output. Nothing wrong with that by the way. Here's a pic of mine.
  16. Sleek indeed. Jazz Bass is the answer to everything really. This is a nice shade of Jazz.
  17. Fralins are lovely. When you get the chance, also try the Lollar.
  18. Yes the headstock. I know. And I love it!
  19. Interesting thought. Hadn't given that much thought myself. Could well be a mixture of focus and composure keeping the joy purely happen on the inside and not shining though much on the outside. I myself can not hold still or stop smiling when a jam just works and is exciting. Of course this is different for every person. Shoe gazing while playing is an art performed by many, and it does not say much about how much fun they are having, just how much of it they are allowing to show. Thanks for your insight!
  20. Is it just me or... Do a lot of teachers (not all of them!) forget to make music when they're playing? I do not mean to offend anyone. Me I am fairly limited and just trying to enjoy playing as much as I can. Sometimes on rare occasions a jam will really take off and the music starts playing you rather then the other way round. The feeling this gives you can not be described. I wonder if this still happens to those of us who have been studying and teaching music over great lengths of time. Where I live, there's a bunch of really skilled people teaching playing, singing techniques and theory to others, who are often just starting out or trying to improve their playing. These teachers also show up on the local jam sessions sometimes and it is fun for me to watch and listen to humans with such a huge musical vocabulary. They come up with very interesting stuff. But I am afraid this stuff is only interesting to other players. The teachers at times seem to have forgotten why way back in time they started to want to play music, and they now are completely caught up in the technical side of playing correctly rather then enjoying the one thing music does: Be an emotional tour of wonders while making it. I say this because I seldomly (if ever) see them losing themselves inside music and playing in any emotionally inspired way. Is getting caught up in techniques and theory a possible pitfall the more skilled you get? Or are these people simply on a different plane and needing musically much more interesting input before their spark gets lit. I do not know. So I wonder what is it like to have much more horsepower then most musicians at a session? Does it make you 'play safe'? Are you still able te get loose and lose yourself in music? Can any of those here who consider themselves a teacher elaborate on this? We always seem to discuss the technical side of music but this question has been in my mind for quite some time now.
  21. All through the day.. I me mine I me mine I me mine.
  22. A bass does not sound aggressive by itself but by how you play it. Thumb is aggressive fingerstyle but its slap tone is overly trebly and clean, it needs a bit of OD love to work. Stingray has aggressive slap tone but oh so recognizable fizzy fingerstyle poop that doesn't sound proper in any setting. Get a Wal.
  23. Aaaand its off to the Netherlands. YAY! #stoked
  24. The v63 bridge will do fine. Close enough and good enough. Thanks for pointing out the differences!
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