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Everything posted by DiMarco

  1. Wow some of you guys got quite elaborate fx stuff going on. While I own a LOT of pedals, there's actually just a few I really ever use. I have the phasers, delays, reverbs, choruses, poly octavers, loopers and all that but I NEVER need them. Just use them at home from time to time when errrr playing with myself so to speak... Playing mainly covers with the band makes me need moderate and hefty overdrive for some Marilyn Manson stuff, fuzz with a sub octave and the envelope phaser for some Muse stuff. Tremolo, wah and mild overdrive for some Yes stuff. This pedalboard has what I need for the songs we play. The Cali76cb compressor is always on and makes every bass I have sound better within the mix. [attachment=237952:fxboard_feb2017.jpg]
  2. Awesome instrument. I only have two fretted Zon 5ers and want to hang on to those so can't help you. GLWTS!
  3. Red Witch Zeus fuzz+octaver with a Pigtronix Bass Envelope Phaser nails the Plugin Baby tone.
  4. Guys it is not only the pound. For us Europeans pedal prices have gone sky high as well in the last couple of years. The market for "boutique" pedals got a lot larger since a lot of awesome stuff came onto the market and prices went up as a result. Those pedals are worth it if the rest of your rig is as much high quality stuff as well. Being a total tone snob (will only settle for valve amps lately, also dragging a Barefaced Bigtwin II cab everywhere I go) makes me also demand the best pedals I can lay hands on. DG B7K, RW Zeus, OE Cali'76 CB, SA Nemesis delay etc. etc. My small fxboard (6 pedals) cost me about 1800 euros... Is this too much considering my main amp, cab and two main basses cost me about 7600 euros in total? I don't think so. It all seems rather balanced to me. I totally get a kick out of hearing my tone come out this rig, sounding so insanely good. Isn't that awesome? Isn't that worth the extra money spent? I think it is. So yes pedal prices are higher then they used to be but no they're not silly high imho.
  5. BC guys - be careful to not get flagged by Google as a malicious site. I have no problems, adblocker is always on.
  6. Anything by Michael Jackson. When he's on the radio that thing gets switched off in 0.037 seconds.
  7. I like both active and passive basses. The feel, response, character if you like, is just different between passives, actives with passive pickups and lastly actives with active pickups. Of the active basses owned so far, I seem to prefer those with passive pickups. They seem more responsive. Also, why is my nose whistling as I breathe while typing this? Damn cold...
  8. Awesome looking 4003S! Congrats man. My 4001v63 is rather plain looking but sounds awesome. The 4003 from 2012 however has this really nice fingerboard that isn't Bubinga but Caribbean rosewood... Hasn't got the reddish glow, but I love it! Here have a look: [attachment=236280:ricfretboard.jpg]
  9. That last post is a special kind of stupid. Berg owners are different from the plebs then? Omfg stop talking down your nose.
  10. If you want to punch through mixes with good presence in the mids without being overly loud, get a 12" cab rather then a 2x10". My experience with Barefaced is awesome. I play through a 2x12.
  11. Any amp that is under 10kg will resonate and tremble to bits on top of my cab. The Tech21 VTbass 500 is therefor now a backup amp only. I use a Mesa Bass Prodigy 4:88 and a Trace RAH600SMX for serious ampage. 13kg for the full tube and around 20kg for the hybrid Trace.
  12. I tried IEM and hated it. The snaredrum comes in louder then my voice @ the SM58 I sing into. IEM only works on really big stages with a drummer like ours.
  13. Have a backup amp. It saves you a lot of stress. My experience with Gear4music is great btw.
  14. Just added up all the prices of the pedals on my board plus the psu (T-rex Fuel-Tank). Ouch! Sounds seriously tasty though... [attachment=235467:fxboard_jan2017.jpg]
  15. DiMarco


    I bought a Zon Sonus Special 5 from Michal, transaction was smooth and fast with great communication. The instrument is in mint condition as stated in the ad. Would deal with this person any time, highly recommended!
  16. ANY concert you visit, ANY album or TV show you listen to has compression applied to the bass so go figure. It is the part of your tone that makes it manageable for sound systems. The low end is woeful for many a speaker without it. The question isn't "compression or not" but "do you manage your compression or does the foh guy do it". I like to be in control of my tone so yes I use a compressor and it is always on, just like the 10band EQ that cuts off everything underneath 60hz (but boosts at 80hz and cuts around 2k-4k a little). These two effects sit nicely in my amp's effect loop while danglin at the back of my stack like the secret weapons they are.
  17. Fender kissed then killed them like Gibson did with Trace Elliot back in the day. Its all about the money money money.
  18. I... bi-amp. No overdrive pedal can compete. Two tuner pedals are used to contain the beasts. TremoLo pedal shimmers between the two amps which has to be heard since I can't describe the sound although it is of a rather erotic nature now that I think of it. [attachment=222909:Current_WF.jpg]
  19. One needs bad gigs to appreciate the good ones. First song would have been your soundcheck. Sometimes it goes like that.
  20. Thankfully there's more openminded people building lighter stuff nowadays. Neo magnet speakers, lighter yet stronger material for cabs then heavy-ass plywood etcetera. Still I do prefer valve amps to ss be it class AB or class D but that is personal taste. Mesa made a 13kg 250w all valve monster which I happily use, because the lighter the better. My BF 2x12 blows away any other cabs I have owned and is a lot more portable. I played through SWR, Fender, Eden and Trace Elliot 1x18, 2x15, 1x15, 4x10 and 2x12, 2x10 cabs. Often combined into 8x10, 1x15+4x10, 1x18+2x10 etcetera. The single lightweight cab I now use sounds tighter, has better dispersion, less unwanted colouration of tone and can go louder then the heavy stuff I owned before. Everything being produced currently is better then anything ever produced in the seventies no matter how much old farts are hanging on to what they think they know. Every claim made by them about lighter cabs not being as good so far is all hearsay and/or assumption.
  21. Everything in the seventies was better! Glory days. Just sayin'. Nothing wrong with a bit of sentiment though.
  22. [quote name='Kex' timestamp='1463212601' post='3049512']So, whats with the weight thing, have we all become wimps [/quote] No we have all become smarter then we used to be in the seventies. My valve amp is 250w and weighs 13kg. 2x12 cab weighs 21kg. I bring it all from the car in one go. Bass on my back, amp in one hand and pulling he cab (it has casters) with the other. I can use my own rig any time, any place. No more playing through in-house or practice room "professional" backlines that turn out to have cheap old Peavy combos that make every bass sound exactly the same (HONK HONK) and receive Russian radio while at it.
  23. How did this not sell yet?
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