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Everything posted by v8bass

  1. A beautiful bass ( i know cos i played it ) Capn R and i so would ........someone will be very very lucky ...... Gary v8 pro11 srtummer
  2. That was a fantastic way to spend a Saturday ! Top day , Top People , Top Bassiness and Top organising ! Many thanks to everyone involved in organising and arranging I even saw a Warwick i liked ...oh and a Sweet P bass , and a wal and a pedulla and vigier and blimey ....the list is endless ..and some great demos and general bass chit chat and were those barefaced cabs loaded ?? lighter than a lightened feather wow ! Many Thanks Wheres the next one ?? oh yeah ! Gary v8 Recommending a Bass bash every week in every town
  3. Beautiful collection ! think im suffering envy over the Les Paul recording Bass ( and all the others ) Welcome Gary v8
  4. If it looks like a fish ... Feels like a fish ... Smells like a fish ... Then it probably is ........i ll wait for my second chance offer then go round ....and park a big car somewhere ... Advice .. steer clear ... I was the BIN buyer David ! ... Gary v8 I have one allready but at 399 id have another and not be going on holiday
  5. Blooming ridiculous state of affairs ... Live music should be grown and nurtured properly, after all its an art form ! .. and ive only heard good things about the venue I used to live a few doors away and have fond memories of the area I will send some thoughts asap Gary v8 Live Music Appreciator
  6. [quote name='RhysP' post='610534' date='Sep 28 2009, 06:30 AM']Did you buy that from "Livewire" in Cardiff by any chance?[/quote] OOF ! thats a blast from the past .. Came from one of the second hand places in a trade deal with ( i cant remember what now ! lol ) Although i remember it being played in the early 80s ( maybe 84 ) by a mate of mine ( ill have to find him and ask him though ) think it got passed around a bit before i stumbled upon it stuck in a corner looking all ZZ Top ( id previously had a 650 ) My favourite bass shop ever btw , a source of constant GAS thru my formative and inebriated bass upbringing and a chance to get up close and personal with so many high end and delicious toys ..Saturdays have never been the same !! Should start a " Where are they now thread " ?? Gary v8 Bass Kleptomaniac
  7. Lovely stuff ! The 650 allways did it and does it for me ! But The Kramer back catologue is loaded with goodies .. Thx for comments and lovely pics there BRX , Beautiful 450 and whoa thats red !! you have some great taste in basses ( thx for the wierd and wonderfuls btw ) The Hartke is the Vaccaro ?? Fretted ? Less ? ( ill do a search ) I know theres an 8 stringer somewhere ?? and a half fretted , semi fretted mmmm ! More pics ! Gary v8 Bigging up the Aluminiums
  8. Hope i didnt push the buy button ... My choice was a bb70p in white white swamp ash 4 string fully tooled piezo birdseye custom frets humbuckers abalone logo inlaid control knobbage , hard case and delivery a touch under $1400 !! plus import duty VAT grrr i guess that takes the sheen off it ..... but still bargainous price for a handbuilt instrument whats the exchange rate in about 3 minutes ?? Only ever had a fumble around on a couple of Carvins , but very well put together and very playable they were too , Could never understand why they didnt have a proper outlet distribution in europe / uk so about time ..remember having some fax and postal dealings way back before this interweb thingy. Thanks for the heads up Gary v8
  9. I knew there was a fretted BQuad4 in the country !!!! PMMMMMMM DDDDDDD Gary v8
  10. Anything i have left over after my clear out can head your way .. might be of use ..who knows but nice to think some things get used and provide practical and valuable resources for others .. Not sure what but something anyway ! Gary v8
  11. Ah found the Alembic thread So this is where people of a certain age go to ogle is it ?? Some Phenomenal bits in this thread so have a preloved one now being enjoyed thoroughly by me I tend to go for a preloved and used instrument in the main and allways nice to get background on an instrument Spent a long time talking to the previous owner and this is my newest and arguably the best thing i will ever play A 1978 series 1 " The One " fairly plain in some respect a nice piece of honied and aged flamey Shedua but a tone monster that i havent put down Strung with ridiculous 28 - 90 ( mmm bending harmonics behind the nut ) The neck has been epoxied so its bullet proof mac ebony and skinnier than a skinny thing and shiny too ! and a replacement brass nut installed by JD many moons ago The selector switch moved too to accomodate some thumby antics Wanted one since the day i saw Gil Scott Heron and amnesia express player and of course secretary of entertainment Robert Gordon A joy ! [attachment=33416:PICT0126.JPG] [attachment=33417:PICT0127.JPG] Gary v8 At last Alembic player !
  12. As im taking pics of all my bits bobs odds n ends Thought i should get a pic of my Voyager up Headless and aluminium allmost fit for Dusty Hill ! Enormous player capable of very low action Meaty tappable schaller double J pickup and phenolic fingerboard and oh chunky profile neck too Had this since the Romans came my way and its only ever been transported in a bin bag ( doh ) Currently strung as a tenor bass but normally with 30 -90 [attachment=33413:PICT0131.JPG] [attachment=33414:PICT0158.JPG] Gary v8 Kramer lover
  13. Just a couple of my Pro11 passive as im in Bailey mode ( maybe not eh ? ) Those Midi Wals are very very lovely chaps mmmm Mine is rather humble alongside however in a street fight grrr huge variety of tones available and looks to smile over currently strung with Picato 35 -95 and the best fretted F ive ever heard [attachment=33409:PICT0124.JPG] [attachment=33410:PICT0125.JPG] Gary v8 Wal thumper
  14. Thanks Mark very kind of you to say and sorry it didnt work out Gary v8 I owned a Jensen Interceptor for years cos your av drove one !
  15. Damn ! sorry that was a huge list !! more of a garage clearance really Im on the case with pics but gimme a day or so to get back to all On a fair basis its in a timeline order ( i hope thats ok ) and im sure we can all benefit greatly A few really nice bits here and some reasonable so ill mail everone with a response pretty shortly I will of course make a donation to basschat as its been a constant source of cool and interesting bassiness And hopefully you ll be assisting Mrsv8 in getting her house back in order due to my excessive hoarding Hope thats all good and i ll be i touch soon Regards , Gary v8 Hoarder
  16. On Holiday from 30 th until 7 th Sept ( ill reply as soon as possible on return )..... Hello Fellow and Fellowess Bc ers nice of you to drop by .. I hope ive got back to everybody whos asked a question if not remind me and i will ! One or 2 i might have missed but ill get back asap ..... Camera ate all my batteries too ! SOME PRICE UPDATES TO THINK ABOUT _________ Natural Johnson J bass body £45 delivered 3 piece alder dark honey natural gloss bathtub On Hold Hold Hold Black Johnson J bass body WEM Copicat ( analogue ) £130 in your hands ....tempted ?? DYNACORD SUPER 62 ( Valve Tape delay ) or the best preamp in the world ( probably ) WEM 4x10 Column Speakers ( 70s ) ( made me a momma of a stack ) £ 160 ( no idea how youll get em but hey lets work something out ) Cream Ceramic J style unbranded Pick ups £ 10 in an envelope first class Black Ceramic J style unbranded Pick Ups £ 10 same deal Piezo Bridge 4 string nice sounds and not difficult to hook up give your budget bass a whole new dimension or run a stereo rig !!!! £ 20 Rocktron Heart Attack Dynamic Filter mmmm Bootsie one off with added fuzz ....£ 27.99 ON HOLD HOLD HOLD Electro Harmonix Memory Man ( with ) HAZARAI Boss OC3 Octaver get down 2 whole octaves with drive and polyphonix £ 40 ( am i mad ??? ) Gretsch Electromatic 5126 ( korean silver sparkle ) Bigsby yum yum and double yum look as cool as fyerk and get a shaped gator case £ 275 !!!! ON HOLD HOLD HOLD Selmer TnB 50RV 79 Selmer CORVETTE 6 watts not 8 as previous of beauty with the creamiest tremolo ever 60 s and beautiful blu / black period just lush same as the first pic here and in top notch condition too [url="http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/selmer/amps/sel25.html"]http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/selmer/amps/sel25.html[/url] £180 delivered ON HOLD HOLD HOLD IMPACT 60 Handwired ALL Valve HEAD ( valvey goodness of the highest order ) Mid 60 s SOLD SOLD SOLD Malmsteen scallopedMaple Strat Neck reversed Logoed [attachment=33454:PICT0106.JPG] [attachment=33455:PICT0107.JPG] ON HOLD MEX Strat Body in metallic ish wine ( alder i believe ) 3T STRAT ( COPY ) body [attachment=33425:PICT0143.JPG] free rosewood neck for your SRV budget build ! SOLD SOLD SOLD MARSHALL JCM 800 2x12 100 watt combo ( needs love ) White Tele Body ( copy string thru ( artic ) [attachment=33461:PICT0163.JPG] the finish is ageing nicely and comes allmost totally loaded wilkinson comp brass saddle bridge humbucking rear and fat pole front err .. artec if im right .. or giovanni oh and trick 4 way switching cloth wires cts pots option of tapping the rear pickup too how about £ 90 delivered by your friendly local courier service ?? might even have a scratchplate for it too one slight nick on the neck pocket but tippex it ! Washburn Les Paul copy dont be put off cos its a WP model 50 ? allmost perfect in every way save for a cracked jack plate aged to perfection by one careful smoking drinking owner as rare as rocking horses doo apart from the headstock you would think it was real !! and in a shaped case too mm late 80s goodness youll love it when i get to it ! £ 225 in your sweaty rock n roll mitts ( i cant believe id let it go for this !! ) Put it this way if your guitar player or YOU want something to fool around with at home and legally then this is right up your les paul rip alleyway ..proper guitar 2 Full scale plush semi flightcases for bass 1 gone one to go Bartolini MK1 for 5 string ( made and wound by Aarong Armstrong ) pair £40 delivered Behringer Bass Vamp pro ( yes i know ) really rather excellent for some things and cheap as chips at £50 on your doorstep [attachment=33462:PICT0151.JPG] And a rather spiffing Behringer valve parametric with funky glowing UV meters mmmm like this £ 45 in a box in your town .... [url="http://www.dv247.com/assets/products/661_l.jpg"]http://www.dv247.com/assets/products/661_l.jpg[/url] Ok thats all for now and sorry if its been tough going , hopefully you can find something tho ! Anything catches your eye or u need or would like more info you know what to do .......YOU can help mrs v8 ! and me too Gary v8 ON HOLIDAY DRUNK WITH THE PROCEEDS
  17. A superb thread and what an end result .. Fantastic looking Bass . wow looks deliciously playable and the Maple board for my money is much sweeter looking than imho the wenge would have been . And with the ACG is going to sound stunning . Outstanding ! Now play the life out of it ! Gary v8 Jealous
  18. and it went sometime just after i pulled the trigger much to my annoyance ... Ars*bay !!! hmmm Gary v8
  19. Try and ACG 02 with your stock p/ups for my money the greatest gift a man can give his bass .. I hooked up mine to a very cheap pair of ceramics and the sound is just incredible , capable of everything from rumble to hifi and nearly all points in between .. Youll find Alan of ACG in here somewhere , and of course John East who is responsible for the preamp Gary v8
  20. never give up ! youre just lacking motivation and self love nothing wrong with that but youre not not seeing the wood for the treez , most of us go thru it but allways get through it .take a breather and put on a tune that inspires and uplifts you , even better if its loaded with HQ bass too Bass is the salvation ! ! I gave up twice and each time sold my stuff ( it will never happen again ) made me miserable as sin .. FWIW 30 odd years of playing and i havent nailed YYZ yet ! dont expect i ever will coz no band ive ever played in would even contemplate it Find some decent respecting and reasonably good players to play with , theyll give you the edge to succeed ! , theres no substitute for playing in front of people ! ! and it forces you to be better too ! oh and a round 70 notes for your shuke... ( should you ever really give up ) ( thats upped the ante ) Gary v8 and possibly shuker owner sometime soon ...
  21. If it would make me look that good id be in making Jay an offer he couldnt refuse ! Havent seen it yet but just to satisfy curiosity ill pop down and have a look , maybe even harangue him on a price too lol Nice place to hang out for a bit too and usually some nice oddities to fumble around on , although lacking in coffee Gary v8
  22. A skint ... Gary v8
  23. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='596547' date='Sep 12 2009, 01:58 PM']Thanks again. If I could change the bridge , that could solve alot of problems and really pimp up the steiney. There was an original Steiney on ebay that got away last week with a DB bridge.[/quote] Oh that steinberger !! shhh ...the one with the drop tuner in red .. lol seeing yours made me do it ! Gary v8
  24. I thought after the therapy id be clear ........ but the Pangborn is giving me very sweaty palms ..... Is this the way to the support group ? Gary v8 addict
  25. Nice work Simon and Paul ! Musicbox convenient and with plenty of parking plus i reckon i can stagger from my local Just checking mrsv8s social calendar and currently looks all good , til she says otherwise of course Gear PJB sixpak maybe possibly something headless or graphite or both ! Gary v8
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