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Everything posted by v8bass

  1. one word .... WANT ......... No ...... Need
  2. Nice Thread .... Charlie Tumahai ....Genius ! Although reckon were all underated : ))
  3. Maybe you could sell me the BB and then go shop for a 5 ?......... Damn ...did i just say that ?....
  4. Wanders in....... Checks the shims on the roller nut ...... Wonders if we may be objectifying women ........ Wanders out whistling .......
  5. This Bass is haunting me ..... ......Checks Piggybank........... Wanders off to pub to contemplate ........mumbling something about delicious basses credit crisis ....economic downturn ...... ...I might be back though Have a quiet bump , which hopefully wont attract too many potential buyers on me for an insanely lovely bass which i neeeeeed ... Gary V8
  6. [quote name='Spoombung' post='335805' date='Nov 24 2008, 08:38 PM']Interesting to read this thread... It was my ambition to own a Wal after I saw Percy Jones & Brand X play at the venue in london (along with Bruford's band) around '78. I couldn't believe the sound; a huge fat bass and midrange - and a high frequency that picked out all the tiny inflections and intricate fingering (and Jones was a unique player, of course). I remember how crude and distorted Jeff Berlin's sound was in comparison. Finally managed to afford one in '84 from the proceeds of a washing up job. I've still got and it's the only bass I've played regularly over the last 24 years: And you're right - the bass suits YOU and YOUR music [url="http://tinpanalley.biz/spoombung/Whispering%20Foils/05-Riker%202.mp3"]whatever sort of music you make[/url][/quote] [font="Impact"] It was my ambition to own a WAL after seeing [b]you[/b] play a couple of times in the 80 s Spoonbung Frankly astonishing ! Few bass players have ever left me gobsmacked [/font] Really cool to see you on the BC forum too Very generous to allow the free downloads as well , many thanks for the inspiration V8
  7. Damn ....... ! Too Late to influence the outcome ..Pah Anyway .... Sid ..... Rick Ford .... Jim Lea ....
  8. Holy Muthaaa ! [b]HOW MUCH ?? [/b] Im Packing all my old crap up and moving to LA to hang out with the meth heads NB ... Winning bidder will have to buy a step up transformer ....... is it April ? Just gonna put my mandatory £50 bid in ... Theres also an Watkins Valve Tape Delay in their shop too ..mmmm £1500 anyone ? Better go fish my old HH gear out of the river where i threw it recklessy as a fickle youth .... +1 on the Bass Machine Conpressor too and the phaser mmm Im still laughing
  9. Have to say these things sound monumental ... they totally rock ! Sold in many guises as Galveston , Carlo Robelli etc .. cheap as chips and not too shabby IMHO Ive played one for 4 or 5 years and it still blows me away ...if i didnt allready own far too many basses id have this too.. Bulid quality is better than average ..some of the tops are pretty good ...actives too A little neck heavy but watch your guitar players jaw drop when you open up with one of thes thru a bi amp rig and apply a little chorus .. Yummm There was a Hamer 12 Kicking round too ...might go take a look
  10. Just like to add in a many thx to Jon Great doing business with you and likewise ... Maybe a beer next time Regards Gary v8
  11. Hey Have to say that the US gig looks a bit tasty too Terry Bozzios taking a seat and Levin on bass ....... Looks like i wont be the only one with mouth open caching flies then ........... Im taking my Geetar player /Best mate along to the Abertilley just to see him weep ( oohhh im evil sometimes ) And a thx for the heads up guys v8
  12. Sweet .. A simply astonishing guitar player and thoroughly grounded geezer too So cool to see a Welsh venue in the tour as well Last time I saw Him There was a Bassist Called Skullie Svereson on bass ( if i remember his name right ) Who was equally Jawdropping .. Booking tickets as i type .... v8
  13. Damn those are swirly ! Trippy but kinda growing on me .......kinda mind expanding .... Thinks maybe a Trippy Swirly Fretboard might just finish me off with some multi colour chasing LEDS of course . V8
  14. I had a couple of pics sent through from the vendor Its his main gigging bass and I think he got it from his singer vocalist It Appears a Bolt On as it has an engraved 4 bolt neckplate....... Body is very early alembic / JD style but i would be sure it didnt come from either .. TRI PHASIC pickups ...errrr ? Stereo not sure maybe via the XLR ? Badass Bridge Gotoh Tuners Poss Schaller ? Unsure of the Woods again due to Pic Quality IMHO its a sort of home build but without seeing better pics or playing it its a real tough one .... Gary V8
  15. SURELY....... a pipe smoking Dunn or JPJ ? What about Bill Laswell ....... Love these threads ! V8
  16. Nice Collection Particularly like the offset PU arrangement in the MOON allmost a Hendrix Voodoo thing and something ive been wondering about .... Love the block inlays on goldie Have you tried adusting the Pickup height at all ? The obvious is Battery Change but presume thats been done Circuit may have internal trim pot or cross head adjustment for level / gain v8
  17. Nuts OOhh Can be very tricky .... A . To remove B . To fit Lots of choice available too .... Brass = Plenty of sustain and reasonably cheap Bone = Much the same but can suffer with dead areas Ivory = Poor Elephants Tusq = possibly the best solution Graphite = Possibly the best solution Plastic = Avoid Warwick Adjustanut = Allround good and available on the bay Solution is take to you local tech .......but if you decided to DIY be very careful ......you dont want to destroy your fretboard ..... The nut can release if you aim VERY carefully with a BallPein or similar instrument and a Hammer away from the body You ll need to secure the neck and ensure it wont move .. VERY tentatively position the point and tap gently to start ... If the nut is plastic it may release whole, if bone it will splinter or start to break into bits ....be very careful wear eye protection of course once its out you may need to fill and file and then prep for the new install. You will have bought maybe a precut nut which is pregrooved ....... if you buy a blank you will need to groove ......ouch more expense on buying fretfiles measure the width of your neck accurately so the fit is spot on . Dont learn the hardway but take your time if you decide to do it yourself .... Hope thats of some use and .be careful Best of luck V8
  18. Bumpinnn Im on it PM returned and ready to roll .... Or if anyone has a contact number for Eubassix ?
  19. A PM Sent
  20. Ive been watching this on the Bay of EEE Arghhhhh .....i must resist ...must resist ......... Want v need v have to have ....... Nope ......its rude not too .. [b]PM winging its way ........[/b] Graphite Piezos Fretless Stereo AND In a plush case ............Thinks Mrs V8 Will be Impressed ( not )
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