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Everything posted by v8bass

  1. Now gone to a loving home .... Thanks Pics ....[attachment=121078:DSC_0036.jpg] [attachment=121085:DSC_0049.jpg] [attachment=121079:DSC_0037.jpg] [attachment=121080:DSC_0038.jpg] [attachment=121081:DSC_0042.jpg] [attachment=121082:DSC_0047.jpg] [attachment=121083:DSC_0051.jpg] [attachment=121084:DSC_0040.jpg] Alembic site here ....... [url="http://www.alembic.com/"]http://www.alembic.com/[/url] Gary v8 ...
  2. Without doubt one of the best Fretless basses I have ever had the fortune to own and play .......... [b]TRADED ( But if you search you ll find it listed back at a super duper price [/b][b]Buy it before I do ! ) [/b] [attachment=121073:DSC_0028.jpg] [attachment=121074:DSC_0029.jpg] [attachment=121075:DSC_0030.jpg] [attachment=121076:DSC_0033.jpg] [attachment=121077:DSC_0032.jpg] Modulus Necked Handmade in the US Super Peavey ....Brombergs signature model before the Dean and then Carvin manual here ..... [url="http://www.peavey.com/assets/literature/manuals/80302039.pdf"]http://www.peavey.co...ls/80302039.pdf[/url] Gary v8 Hardcase supplied ( average condition )
  3. Gone to a loving new home to frolic in shukery pastures new with pleasant views Gary v8
  4. [b]Gone [/b] [b]Thanks to everyone who contacted me re this and apologies if I havent responded .. [/b] Gary v8 ( getting valvier all the time )
  5. And gone ! Ty Gary v8
  6. [attachment=121063:DSC_0005.jpg] Number 29 ... one of a pair of ACGs ( the other being 37 ) I own ....cheers Martin ! A link here i hope ....http://www.acguitars.co.uk/Gallery/162/ Total joy ...a neck that just fits ..unbelievable tones .. and superb build quality. feels as good if not better than anything Ive ever played, including some hugely expensive US custom guitars ........... looks imho to die for ....which allways polarise the " is it a Fender ?" people ....Odd wierd ohh coffee table .. beautiful ... what is it .... wow .... One of the basses i take to the grave .....doesnt stop me thinking that an 03 preamp might not make it just that lil bit more .........ha ..... Does it all ......earth shaking lows to sizzling hifi treble ... and with not a whisper of hiss .. Oh and the mids .... oh the mids .... Alans guitars should and need to be in everyones list of Basses to play before ya die ...... Thanks to Alan for having a vision .. and the skills ability facility determination & focus .....Scotlands finest ( and Im Welsh and i saw Kenny Dalgleish play football ) . Find one , commission one ..buy one or sell that kidney ..........You wont regret it ....dare to be different .... Gary v8 ( currently reevaluating all things Bassy and finding only good things )
  7. [attachment=121062:DSC_0003.jpg] A snapshot of what has effectively taken my breath away as THE FRETLESS .....well .. for me anyway ... i lack a superlative ... just wow .... Unbelievably beautiful to look at .. easy to play ( even with my hamfingers ) .. tone to die for for as soon as i managed to open the incredible packaging of my Bass buddy Solartron ... Ahhh Fretless ......its like a fine wine by a firseide or heated leather seats in the depths of winter .......( even if ya cant move cos youre wheel wheel drive and stuck going nowhere ) Oh btw its a Nexus ...... check out .....http://www.nexus-guitars.com/ for more info ... ( not affiliated in any way ) Gary v8
  8. SOLD THANK YOU [attachment=120969:DSC_0013.jpg] Gary v8
  9. [attachment=120968:DSC_0008.jpg] Gary v8 ( clearing out and making room )[attachment=120968:DSC_0008.jpg]
  10. Some very interesting , insightful and informative views and comments here ......however and FWIW ...(.and you know how i suffer with GAS )... The Guitar you most enjoy /play/love/ feel an affinity with.4 5 or string but fitted with .....a good midi system ...eg vbass .......( can be invisibly retro reversible and fitted to any old plank too ) .... Pros ... can give allmost unlimited acces to tones /sounds effects ....really really helped me with balancing string volumes and to jump from a kinda P thump to a snarly grindy driven MM in the blink of an eye ....a real tonic and what put a little inspiration into my playing .. cons .. hmm .. another lead and another box to carry ...... It wont and doesnt cure one of the need for more/other/different basses however .....it helps .. easier cheaper & way more effective than swapping out eqs pickups parts but not as much fun as the for sale section .... technology works .. technology delivers ! Gary v8
  11. Many thanks to all who took time in organising arranging and bringing another fantastic bash together ! Traffic aside ........... Good to meet everyone and if I didn't my apologies or your good luck GAS for Barefaced matamp sfx rob Allen and the talent booster pedal somebody had To trade ....pm sent If you haven't been to a bash .....one word ......go . Gary V8
  12. One more please ! Ill bring just enough money for coffee a donation and the raffle .. Oh and ill of course be late .. I am a bass player after all .. ! Gary V8
  13. A quick search here on Bc will show up a few things that went on Go on i know you want to .... Its all about coordination .. venues need enough power and parking .. maybe tea coffee and umm facilities ... it needs to be cheap , secure and easily accessible for a majority too .. so M4 link makes sense ..and maybe a car share or 2 .. Music Box Cardiff was the venue for the last Wales event Organised by the much missed SI and another whos name i am trying to remember ( my apologies sir ) and two " spaces " were paid for the day .. 10 til 5 or so .. or at least until pubs opened .. Fantastic event , even though i was invariably late .. were an eclectic bunch arent we ? and from beginner to Pro, very inclusive I remember some great basses and great people .. faces to names is fun ...A couple of Wals showed up .. A Marleaux .. a few rarities and oddities .clifton .. Si s shuker .. a load of blingy stuff and a few basic workhorse gigging things ..an eye opener seeing what kit is used in and around these parts .. A few demos .. a workshop or two ... a great drummer to jam with .. some great peeps and a thoroughly great bass time .. think i might have missed a talk and workshop by a luthier who did some basic set up work and was a font of all knowledge .. tho .. Eltham iirc ... A raffle .. a little charity donation ... and a general feeling of what a great day .. even got to wear my BC t shirt ! Probably needs around 20 people ( hopefully a few more ) min to make it work maybe one to trawl local music shops begging for a donation ( anyone have any good buddies who work in the Music shops around these parts .. all in a good cause of course and maybe a chat with Hamster .. and even Ped .. Dont think there a Mod In Wales at the moment .. The good news is that I ll have chance to do that on Saturday My hand is up for a November do .. allowing time to coordinate and shape it up ... Im Claudius ! Lets start with a list and a few dates .. if we get numbers and some dates that work then its a doddle ... Sooo .. Hands up ... and some ideas and thoughts ..... Gary v8 Ill feedback on the SE event ( although check pics as they will probably be up on the day and over the day or 2 afterwards ( in a week after my hols ... Diolch
  14. Definately ! Its been way too long since the last one .. On Board Gary v8
  15. Had the pleasure of conducting a little BC business over the last few weeks with Paul A man of great bass playing talent and communication skills as well as remarkable packing abilities ..( have no fear ) . Trustworthy .. informative .. and honest .. .. ( Thats why BC is the place to be ) Thank You Paul A credit to BC Gary v8
  16. Martin Hi Check ur pms Gary
  17. Great thread Gotta say that Bird would be insane with an aluminum Kramer Duke / Voyager neck or even a Moses / steiny ....expensive i know but mmmmmm Gary v8
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1134997' date='Feb 21 2011, 12:57 AM']Anyone actually interested in my basses, the two BC Richs and the Rickenfaker are the only interesting ones, but I'm always more curious to see what people make of my horrible franks. There is a definite big theme to my other gear.[/quote] Mr F ... Yes .. Would be properly good to see a BC Rich at the Bash ! Gary v8
  19. [quote name='eubassix' post='1115703' date='Feb 4 2011, 06:21 PM']here's the link without needing to cut/paste :- [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52246&hl=status+kingbass+artist"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...kingbass+artist[/url][/quote] Thanks David ... my brain went duhh on how to link ... And .....Flump .... for a one and only price drop .. and a few pics Gary v8
  20. Hi .. Thanks for all the interest and interest ! .. NOW SOLD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only my second time in here so Hello and hope you Real bassists are all good .. Just a quick shot to see if there s any interest in my EUB ...( magnetic and piezo pickup version , in what i believe is called Lite Oak ) [url="http://www.ariausa.com/basses/swblitebis"]http://www.ariausa.com/basses/swblitebis[/url]. The link below gives a very reasonable impression of the tonal capabilty size scale etc and of course , many thanks to the Youtube poster also ( far more gifted than me at demonstrating ) In my entirely incapable spam hands , even I , produced a very rich room filling sound though a peavey bandit guitar combo( .. thru my pjb combo even more so ..However , The project i was using it for is demanding all electric currently so rather than hang on to it..... its up for grabs ( coupled with my insatiable GAS of course and a need to release some funds ) Pics of course to follow ( camera currently in pieces due to battery rage,, ahem ... ) ... (expected to be gaffa d together by Thursday ) Now duly done ... and a new USB cable etc etc .. life is sometimes such a pain ..lol EUB is in very lovely condition and comes with its travel bag and rest ? .. ( provides support against the body ? ) Any Q s please let me know and ill do my best to answer Test drives are of course allways available > South Wales , but often west country just ask .. OOps .. price .. Around £ 500 ? I could take a small trade on something also ( supercharger for a rover V8 is on my need list ... .. but im fairly flexible ! ) Regards and thanks for taking a look . Gary v8[attachment=72959:KingBass_008.JPG] [attachment=72960:KingBass_009.JPG] [attachment=72961:KingBass_011.JPG] [attachment=72962:KingBass_012.JPG] [attachment=72963:KingBass_015.JPG]
  21. Strangely .... you do ... Gary v8
  22. Im a definate ! The last Bass was a great time thanks to Si in no small part . Im sure this one will be a fitting tribute , a good laugh and an opportunity to see some fantastic bits of kit too ! Ill pull a list of stuff together that I currently have nearer the date , depending on transport . Cheers and Thanks for pulling another Bash together ! Gary v8
  23. Hi , [b]NOW ON HOLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b] A quick Flump for a price drop ( the only one ) and a few pics as well as a few trade considerations ... Now at £ 1195 delivered Mainland UK in status hiscox case . In my uncontrollable and unceasing GAS quest ..This is being offered up for sale .. or maybe a partial trade .. [attachment=72964:KingBass_001.JPG][attachment=72965:KingBass_002.JPG][attachment=72966:KingBass_003 .JPG][attachment=72968:KingBass_004.JPG] [attachment=72969:KingBass_005.JPG] [attachment=72970:KingBass_006.JPG][attachment=72971:KingBass_007.JPG] [b][size=4]Status Kingbass Artist [/size][/b] as per following links ( if they work ) ..... [b]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52246&hl=status+kingbass+artist[/b] Hope these are ok with the previous seller .. if not let me know and Ill adjust accordingly .. Bought from BC s very own Molan last year as huge GAS took hold ...A beautiful bass fully optioned and a slappers delight of course does a great fingerstyle funk tapping ( i cant tap for toffee ) even coaxed a dubby tone from it , not too shabby either ... huge tonal capability , even with skinny strings , Thru neck , low action , front LED S , Bendwell 16,5 mm spacing .. It hurts to confess .. I dont get on with it not sure why , it sits unloved mainly in the case sometimes goading me in the corner of the room ..one outing in nearly a year is heinous and according to my guitar player buddy who was blinded by the Blue LEDs ... jeez geetarists ...it looked foolish ..and they didnt much like how it sounded either . from my point of view it was set aside as i reached for my Series 2 6 string ( they dont much like that either ) ....zingy bouncy lively ...full of harmonic richness ringing out like a bronze bell sustaining for days its a monster machine ... Anyhoo ..... Money wise and bottom line .. in BC tradition its £1195 delivered ....trials and test drives .. no problem Im in South Wales , occasionally bristol and the SW and even been known to travel further afield ... Ill be at at least one Bassbash probably more ... Trade wise Id like as close to £ 650 of your earth pounds plus trade ...hmmm .. well .. as long as its not Fender ( I Know ! ) currently im in the market for a Fretless 6 ..(unlined pref ) although i have one in my sights currently... Wouldnt mind something Ray like ( maple necked ) .. Headless i always llike ....4 , 5, 6 or even more strings no problem .....and i do have a ponchant for bonkers Bass wise ( wishbass hmmm maybe not ) ...Something big and valvey amp wise would also attract my attention too ... You know the sort of thing , Mesa , Ampeg , Trace , heavy unwieldy slighty too much power too much heat .... As per previous threads .. 2 marks on the bass itself one a lacquer crack /dent ding on the top bout , tried to highlight in the pics above , and sometimes the LEDS dont fire up immediately ..i did sort it previously(a spray of contact cleaner on the switch and readjusting the cables ) .. but seems to have come back as i polished it and tested it , maybe a dry joint or a sticky switch again .. ill add again when ive looked into it ..( forgot a pic of leds up but seem to be working on 90 % of the first flick of the switch ) Any Qs that need answering let me know via here and ill get back asap Cheers and thanks for looking Gary v8 Not ManRay !
  24. [quote name='challxyz' post='1112625' date='Feb 2 2011, 04:44 PM']it looks like the stagemaster special, cheers for the link[/quote] I Look forward very much to seeing it .... rummages down back of settee ... Gary v8
  25. rustles a crisp £ 20 pound note in anticipation .... Karmer .. ?? If it has more than one pickup on it then register me interested .. Do a search on here ( top right ) to see how previous sellers have got on .. Gary v8
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