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Everything posted by lownote

  1. Do you ever get up east anglia way?
  2. lownote


  3. Call me rash but I've decided to en-active my JB40FL. Serendipity - I watched Lobster's video on upgrading to EMG pickups and blow me within hours a set of the same pups appears on the for sale section at a very good price. No iodea what we'll sound like - well, like Lobster's I spose - but the idea is to give me a very flexible quality active bass for very little more than £200.
  4. Sadly even half way to Whisky Shire is a long ol' way from this neck of the woods
  5. I have a cloth grilled Barefaced Two10. Not the 'S' version, the set 4 ohm type. No cover. Some tolex peel (comes with repair kit I haven't got round to using). I'm interested in swapping for the metal grill version of the same cab in similar condition. Or a decent 4ohm 400+ watt cab of other make with equivalent value.
  6. I appreciate the original pups aren't bad given the price point, but anyone tried swapping in something more exotic?
  7. lownote

    Cab Riser

    That is very well done indeed. Unfortunately I've had to hike my laptop stand up into the air (with 3/4 inch rubber plant pot risers) to clear the Barefaced handle, which is like a sort of suitcase handle, and probably is. So I can't be neat n flush like you. And if I trim my large lip back to where you've got it I suspect over time the edge will cut into the cloth grille.
  8. Fretless is not hard to learn. Even unlined, which I prefer. Just approach it without thinking you should be scared and you'll be fine in just a few days. Try and buy one with simple side dots on the G, A, B etc, notes; lined fretless with conventional fretted markings off the note positions witll confuse you. I would strongly recommend the Revelation unlined P bass, available from Bass Gallery in London. £199 new, so you can see if you like fretless very cheaply. I wouldn't be too fussed about the mwah sound. It becomes irrtating very quickly. It can be removed by raising the relief and action slightly, after which the bass plays just a normal bass. Further up your budget you could look at the Ibanez Portamento (4 or 5 string), with unlined but with stub sidelines around £800, or lined there's loads of choce £350-750 in the Sire range
  9. Thanks T Bay. Nothing special. An older Jupiter tenor, with some laquer rot as they were prone to, recently comprehensively serviced and I'm told is worth £400. An almost as-new Jean Paul AS400, which sells for £619 new. Both with cases.
  10. I have two saxes I need to sell but I'm not clear on where to find the sax equivalent of our own excellent 'for sale forum'. Both Cafe Saxophone and Saxon the Web seem difficult to navigate and I'm not even sure they have a marketplace.
  11. You don't say why you are averse to playing fretless. There's a substantial fretless community on here, some going with lined fretless, others like myself with unlined. It's much easier than you might think, and more rewarding - after all frets are just playing by numbers, which encourages a very mechanical style of playing, with no nuance or thoughtful input from you. Not saying frets are rubbish - I'm contemplating getting a fretted fiver at this very moment simply because chordal work and playing 'up the dusty end' is very hard fretless - just that you wouldn't have the problem if you settled into playing fretless. And if the reason you don't like frewtless is the 'mwah' sound (which I hate), you can simply dial it out by increasing your relief and action height slightly.
  12. lownote

    Cab Riser

    Cool. But $109 + $75 !! US/GB shipping. And where's the head go? This, £62 for stand, laptop stand and a tie down. But not quite so 'ansome.
  13. Shape, number of knobs, split coil single pickup. PJ is a PJ, P with a J neck is just that.
  14. So nice. Want it. Had one. Sold it. Me plonker.
  15. lownote

    Cab Riser

    Would be good, but the other 'lip' is too low to safely hold onto the cab. Would be ideal if big lip was smaller and small lip was bigger. But that would mean major surgery. And it's only a tad bigger than the Barefaced sign it hides.
  16. lownote

    Cab Riser

    Almost done. Head now on top of cab thanks to £9 worth of laptop stand, and four pot risers from garden centre to clear the sticky out Barefaced handle. A simple tie down strap renders it all bomb proof.
  17. Very nice - and the important thing is it's all colour matched lol
  18. Tnx. Got my eye on one coming up on eBay in next two days although not sure I'm doing the right thing. From what you say I am.
  19. lownote

    Cab Riser

    I am looking at this issue at the moment. Got BS317 tiltback, works great. Curretnly parking head underneath, verticla on a Hercules guitar stand. But for head slidy off issue, I've got this coming after Easter, £5 from IKEA or £9 from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/IKEA-BRÄDA-Laptop-Support-Black/dp/B00BT394MC/ref=asc_df_B00BT394MC/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=205157006079&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9791211232497669135&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045084&hvtargid=pla-378617878046&psc=1 . Hook lip over front of cab. Once I've got it to work you can come and see as you're only round the corner.
  20. @stewblackWhat EQ settings do you / did you use on the 4500? I gather quality of tone is highly dependent on them with that head.
  21. Faced with tiny venues that put me on top of my cab, and so entertaining my ankles not my ears I coughed up for a stand, a Qiklok BS317 from Andertons. But.. how to stop my amp sliding off the now entilted cab top? After considerable umming and erring and fooling about with bungee cords I settled on slotting the amp vertically into a small Hercules guitar stand and shoving it under the cab. Downsides: my footprint is four times the cab on end on the floor and I'm not wholly convinced I haven't lost most of my bassy oomph. We shall find out next practice.
  22. As a long term bedroom player and new to gigging I am astonished at how hard it is to get the right tone in the field. ALL the gently and carefully honed bedroom settings go out the window in a pub gig with other instruments. And as noted elsewhere a rusty Behringer or cheap Ampeg head with trashed venue Peavey cab may give a tone miles better than my poncey high end brand head and cab purchase. Case in point, I'm currently running a MB LM3 into a BF 210 and would swap it for the crap rig in my rehearsal studio in a heartbeat, if only I could carry it!
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