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Everything posted by lownote

  1. Active circuitry, EQ, amps, strings, basses, cabs; they all make huge differences, for me anyway. Have I found the perfect tone - yes, and gone round again because that's the fun. Just as I have already owned the ideal gear and flogged it again, sometimes to buy the same thing again, because for me that's the fun.
  2. Don't suppose you ever get over east?
  3. One cab and head now sold. Just one lovely cab left, with cover. Silly price, must clear.
  4. Does Markbass have top end and common or garden categories of cab, like Ashdown? I wasn't aware but was reviewing comments on 151s when I saw a reference to two types. Be this so?
  5. Choc chip cookie, crossed with playing like butter, of course
  6. At my expense let me give you a personal example of where this sort of thing can be useful. We did a gig recently where someone (what a Sir Richard Head III, can't imagine who) played all night using a coiled extension lead (he blames the arctic blast of the external venue addling his wits). Despite warning smells of hot insulation the band ploughed on to the end and the abused cable drum never missed a beat, even though it was so hot it was still too hot to touch half an hour later even in the subzero temperatures we had that day. It brought home to me that if it had burst into flames and that had spread, PLI might have been quite handy.
  7. Know what you mean. Only the last time I went back to Sussex it seemed to be full of oiks with baseball caps driving L200s. Nostalgia's not what it used to be.
  8. I grew up in Horse Ham. Found it very difficult to escape but did in the end.
  9. luvly GLWTS
  10. I had one of they. Of all my 40+ basses down the years I think this one lept into my lap and asked to be played more than any other.
  11. Thanks all. The Sadowsky looks perfect for my needs.
  12. Thanks. Unfortunately my browser won't let me access BassDirect because it says their website is infected with a trojan.
  13. As title really. There aren't many unlined basses around, and the only fiver I know of and have owned is the Ibanez Portamento, which has stub lines. I'm looking for a clean board with just on-the-note dots at 'frets' 3, 5, 7, 9 etc. Any steers?
  14. Yeah, a good while back I was wingeing to Dave Green at Ashdown about wimpy oomph. He thought I was being far to wimpy with the settings, and counselled me to wizz the gain way up so the signal is only just still clean, and then if necessary pile on the volume and even the EQ settings. Effectively taking a comfortable practice setting and overegging every single setting by the same amount.
  15. Yes it is! Well spotted. Even thought of asking the studio bloke to swap it for my old Mag 300 head. But it’s just too heavy, and too dirty.
  16. Having owned cabs priced from £50-500 I’ve grown the opinion that you get what you pay for. So I was considerably excited to partner my MB LM3 with an as new Barefaced Two10. Only the BF didn’t turn up until after I’d left for band rehearsal. Which put me in the disagreeable position of using the studio-provided bass stack. Yuck. A dusty old Ashdown 210 and an ancient Peavey 410, adorned with what looked like the remains of a melted plastic coffee cup, topped off with an unsavoury looking tatty Behringer Ultrabass head. With no alternative until I got home to welcome the BF, I reluctantly plugged in. Quelle surprise. Wonderful punchy gut thumping rock-toned bass goodness, even at volume. Once I tried the Barefaced I was impressed. But I have to say that if the studio stack also weighed 13 kg and not more like 70 kilos and I owned a small van and not a small hatchback, I know which rig I’d be gigging. Not knocking Barefaced, just saying there may be unexpected answers to kit needs. And price or even condition may not always be the decider. As with basses, try before you buy.
  17. Very beautiful bass. Just... right somehow. I had one, sold it. Too much info from all the stub markers + the main side spots aren't on the notes.
  18. Just weighed my Harley Benton JB40FL. 10.6 lbs!! Now I may have set up the weigher thing wrong but if not...  Great bass, good sound, amazing value - and virtually unusable for a crumbly like me cos of weight. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lownote


      Yeah, thought that might be the case.  I guess slice n scoop the body would be easy with the right tools, but impossible without.

    3. Chownybass


      lol at heavy-donkey. 

    4. Woodinblack


      I had a harley benton jazz, sounded perfect, eventually sold it because it was just too heavy to be comfortable

  19. Jupiter tenor sax. Full overhaul about a year ago (receipt available). Used, with marks on the finish and signs of use. Degradation to the lacquer on some rods and links, doesn't affect the sound or playability. Hard case Otto Link Tone Edge 6 mouthpiece (worth £120) Ligature, some other accessories £475 posted, £450 collected from North Suffolk FT: Would consider trade for a 5 string bass of equivalent value
  20. Just bought a BF 210 cab off Chris. Not only did he answer my Wanted appeal, but the whole deal then was wonderfully efficient yet handled in a lighthearted and friendly manner. Awesome dude.
  21. NCD: BF210 yay

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. buff


      I'll give it a go 👍

    3. buff


      Thanks for the tip, Ive one on the way Chris

    4. lownote
  22. Our Wanted section is just extraordinary. This is the second time I have posted an unusual request* and had someone come straight back with just the thing which they weren't even advertising. Jolly good, well done. * BF Two10 4ohm cab, Ibanez Portamento 5 string.
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  23. Having found Axe Wax super great for my back door bolt I'd say a tiny tiny drop of that would likely sort your ears out
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