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Everything posted by lownote

  1. Ok, the bass gods are kind and you enter and win Scott's latest competition. So you are now the owner of a Fender worth either £7000 or $10000. What do you do? Do you gig with it? Or keep it under the bed. Or do you sell it PDQ to pay off bills, buy a Porsche and maybe slide a new Sire into the frame? If the latter, would you get anything like its 'worthness'?. And if you did sell it, would you until the end of time regret having to say "I had a 65 P bass, once, briefly". Not easy. Hope I don't win, too many problems.
  2. If I hadn't just bought an expensive sax mouthpiece I'd be all over this like chicken pox, esp at this price. GLWTS.
  3. Just bought this at your behest. Way, way over my head. What are those little things like tadpoles on multiple washing lines? If anyone wants it off me they're welcome.
  4. I'm not sure if this is off topic, but I do both sax and bass too. What I struggle with is having the courage to stop playing and twiddle because on bass you're so used to keeping on playing. I believe Scott Devine has a several short videos on improv on bass which you don't have to pay for .
  5. For anyone interested in a further report on the progress of FAP, I am now entering the last two days in which the cyle of fourths is applied across the whole fretboard as major triads in three fingerings. Scott bills this course as 'brain challenging' and hints strongly if not claims this is a revolutionary game changer with some amazing new ideas. It's not. Well, if you're a beginner it might be. And judging by other students' comments under the videos a lot of people are getting very excited and therefore a lot from the course.But if like me you have been with Scott a while you'll know all about the three different positions for each triad and have likely worked out how to apply those across the whole fingerboard. So for me it's currently boring and because I haven't a good memory frustrating. That's because very little seems to be going in and I'm still only good at what I've always done. Not his fault, just saying. I'm giving it another three weeks until the deadline for backing out to decide whether to stay with it. Anyone else willing to share their experiences?
  6. Well said. Quite restrained if I may say.
  7. Anyone else tried the SYOS mouthpieces? You tell 'em what you want, they 3D print your exact request in a thrilling bright colour. NMD in about two weeks time, can't wait.
  8. For anyone interested in a report on the progress of FAP, I am entering the third day of the first week, in which the cyle of fourths is applied across the whole fretboard as major triads in three fingerings. Very basic so far but none the worse for that as a back-to-basics reprise. Polished production, made a good deal more digestible by a rather good and slightly hypnotic backing track which is much nicer than working to a metro gnome. A faintly surreal note is imparted by a video lighting issue which makes Scott look as if he only has one eye.
  9. There's a copy of a Moolon quote in BC archives, $2090 for a copper gold P bass (2016). Inc shipping and case but plus $110 import tax.
  10. Not just the high end. I recently found out my Revelation is made from Okoume, a tropical hardwood from the Congo. Sustainable resource - not. Do I care? Yes, actually. If someone could guarantee my bass could go back to growing and supporting a parrot or two I'd happily seek out a more sustainable alternative wood. As it is I just have to live with an uncomfortable feeling and a nice bass.
  11. I like sending and receiving cardboard boxes
  12. His taster video seems to feature a lot of the flat triangles I recall from and never understood in GW's course. There can't be any magic unicorns in this course - there's only so many ways you can describe chord shapes on x number of note positions. But I'm up for recording my progress as we go along, assuming I don't drop out early as I usually do.
  13. +1 for the Dunlops. I used to be a D'Addario fanboy, but since buying a bass with Dunlops already on I am a convert.
  14. + 1, 2 and 4 finger positions. I am concerned it's going to be as old hat as that. But there is the grace period with money back guarantee. So if it's too yawn I'll just back out (again).
  15. Yep. I exist to support SD's lifestyle and family.
  16. I tried BEAD because it seemed such a good idea. Loathed it. Muddy and rubbish. Just get a five string, check out online advice on how to play it, then play it.
  17. go fretless
  18. +1. Bought them by accident. V good.
  19. Hmm, seems that makes the difference. My D200 is feeding 175w into 4 ohms of cab and the volume knob is on 9.30 just playing next to my ear at home. TBH I have no gig scene, even pre-virus (too remote, too grumpy) so quality of sound in my bedroom outweighs any need for venue volume at the mo.
  20. How much difference does the power in the powered cab make?
  21. It so is, Frank. Not being a five year old I don't have the technical knowledge to demonstrate this remotely. But let me just just say this is probably the best rig I have ever had. I speak as a former lover of yellow drivers. I have a particular, non-intuitive and highly classifed tweak to the MB EQ which paints in sound a traditional smoky jazz club at 1 in the morning. But I may have to abandon this love affair as 'old journey'. Phil Jones is different, but pleasingly so - just as your new lover doesn't replace the old but holds a whole new promise of discovery. The little DS200 head (175w RMS), although old looks new and beautifully engineered like a (cliche alert) Swiss watch. The sound from the six 7" drivers is exquisite. Clear, balanced, neither warm nor clinical and with superb depth. Full, yet not trouser flapping - more Y front fondling. OK with 175w I'm not going to fill Wembley. I've yet to try it outside the man cave, but for a small folk, jazz, or even blues band in a pub, I'm fairly sure we can hold our own on volume. The quality speaks for itself. £600 all up secondhand. Not an easy buy to justify at the moment. Until I plug in.
  22. I used to use linseed oil on my gun stocks. Nasty sticky stuff but does the job. Be careful you don't leave linseed soaked cloths stored - they can spontaneously combust. " Rags soaked with linseed oil (especially when stored in a restricted space where any heat produced cannot dissipate) are a known fire hazard." - East Sussex Fire & Rescue
  23. FYI Scott Paddock tells me he will have his rival online school open in August.
  24. So my latest project comes together, albeit a week late thanks to Royal Snail. Phil Jones D200 head, Cab 27, Cab 47; Revelation P bass fretless with flats Nearest I'm likely to get to a DB.
  25. Having fitted three of your superb looms now and having had this issue on two of those I managed in the end but I spent the first few gigs wondering if one of the wires will suddenly pop out. So my vote is for making it a non problem if it's not making a bigger problem to fix it. In other words, if I'm the only person with this issue, ignore me .
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