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Everything posted by lownote

  1. Not much to add. SBL is top value, but much of the content is really advanced, while Scott's own delivery can be the opposite and inane and rambling for some. Personally I don't mind it. It's like being in a mate's chat, and I'm used to him after almost 10 years. Mark Smith at Talking Bass is ridiculous value. His walking bass course especially kept me busy for months for nothing money. However, he's very bright and his stuff can be very intense leaving you huffing and puffing a bit in his wake.
  2. Check the intonation of the 12 fret marker. That one was a cm out on mine and Bas Gallery had to 'erase' the old one and make new one
  3. Revelation P bass clone, unlined fretless. Under £200 new, with quality and sound not far off Squier, even Sire, 2-3 times the price.
  4. Never mind the pedal, the average guitar itself could serve similar re-purposing
  5. No. Which isn't any help. But what i would say is unless there's something seriously wrong, why not do it yourself? If you can tie your shoelaces you can do most everything you need to. IMHO truss rod, string and pickup height and intonation are all easy-ish. Only nut slot filing and fret fettling are out of the beginner's orbit. Neither of those should be necessary.
  6. "I find no need for a tilt-back. Even if I'm standing over the cab, it disperses so well that I can hear myself easily." Found that from a BCer about the BF One10 4 years ago. That makes life easy... but thanks for the tips jrixn1
  7. What are people using to tilt back cabs that haven't got that capacity built in? Being the chihuahua of cabs, my much awaited One10 is likely to have my socks, not trousers, flapping unless I can tilt it back. And, a related question, what do people use to stop heads slipping off tolex covered tiltbacks? Tnx.
  8. It's not just eBay. I have had worse selling a bass on this site, with a return based on damage that wasn't there when it left me. I'm not going into detail because I can't prove anything, but... So , just saying it's folk, not specific sites.
  9. Sold very quickly on Facebook, no interest here.
  10. This week I was asked to photograph legendary tenor saxist Art Themen. Awesome musician. 81.
  11. "Woke up in the morning.... thank god for that"
  12. What's left of them. I rely on sign language from the audience.
  13. so if it work for you, maybe he work for me too... thanks Paul
  14. I'm mostly a blues and jazz sort of guy, with fretless flatwound tendencies. What's your preferred sound?
  15. I have a Trace Elf. It sounds quite good but doesn't sound totally awesome with either my current big heavy cabs, which I want to replace also because theyre big and a little heavy. So I wondered if there was a consensus on a little light cab for the Elf, a marriage made in heaven. I've seen some recommendations for the Bareface One10, and also the native Trace 2x8. But there are also respected voices against both of those options. I appreciate taste is a very personal thing but wondered if there was anything else I should be considering?
  16. I have always been the cheapskate yet wise and smug adopter of basses never costing more than £250. Then a couple of years back I unexpectedly GASSED over a single cut Ibanez costing nearer £700. I have never had an attack of green like it, lasting weeks. In the end I cut out one of my kidneys myself with a table knife and flogged it, so funding my dream bass. I bought it. I played it. I sold it. My three basses currently are worth £195, £120 and £120. Listen to your old Dad when he says...
  17. I learn people stuff. Specifically I teach corporates how to make phone video. Job that didn't exist six years ago. Afore that I learned people how to tell lies to the public through the media. Afore that I told lies to the public, while in the BBC. I am also now a semi pro music photographer. Well, if being given free tickets to gigs in return for pictures counts as semi pro.
  18. Ashdown MAG 115 15" cab (£75). Don't be put off by the price, works fine and in good nick. It's just I need to shift this guy quickly and just asking what I paid for it. The cab is obviosuly used but not tired. It's in good condition. Corners are ok and the carpet is in VGC order but for a penny sized hole on one edge. Speaker is clean and 100% works. Collection only and no couriers. Open to sensible offers.
  19. Markbass 121H Traveler cab, made in Italy. 400w, 8ohm. It is used but in very good condition: no obvious marks, stains or tears in the carpet, corners fine, works as it should. Smoke free home These are normally £250-280 secondhand but I'm happy to take a fair bit less because I need to move this on to finance another project. Collection only and no arranging of couriers, but might deliver/ meet within 25 miles.
  20. I'm interested you're ventually looking to go fretless or DB. That's where I am and have rcently taken advice from @Clarky on here. Just bought his minute and cheap Trace Elf head (200w) to partner with a small cab, and he says beyond that look at a Puma for upright. Purely MHO but beware buying low watts for the bedroom. Means you'll have to gear up again when you do gig.
  21. bet yours is a passive 4 string 🙄
  22. +1. Exactly the same experience at the Ipswich club. I also had a 5 string (Peavey). You could see his teeth the top lip curled so much. Mind you I’ve had gyp for a six string and fretless at the local blues club. You only get a reluctant nod if you can absolutely make that sucker dance.
  23. The reason I mentioned age was both what I observed then and observe now. I see very few young people at traditional jazz clubs. At my local club 70 counts as young, and the music is preserved in aspic, ossified in a time warp. The new wave both attracts young people and is being forged by them. Is what they play jazz? That’s a question of semantics as much as anything. At 65 I appreciate the old music but I’m a lot more excited by the new frontiers the new players are exploring.
  24. I've lost count how many I've had - 3? 4? I keep regretting selling them and buying another.
  25. Eight years ago I went to a jazz club to try out on bass. What I found was mostly middle-to-old -age stiffos playing very well but very seriously to rules set in stone. Where’s the joy gone, I asked myself? Answer: jazz died in 1959, according to trumpetist Nic Payton. Anyway, fast forward to last year and I stumble across a YouTube vid with crowds of yoof enthralled by a black girl saxist called Nubya Garcia. Turns out the cats are back, only this time multicultural, grass roots, experimental, young and real. Fast forward again to this Thursday and I’m taking pictures at a funk jam in Norwich and red hair invites me to take pix at the Cactus Jam this coming Thursday. Wot? Apparently, The Scene has even got to Norwich and I didn’t know. So cool, so looking forward. Might even take my bass as well as my camera – and swop my hearing aid for an earring.
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